chapter 4

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It's a early morning in indraprastha the bird chirping sounds waked up the might warrior Arjun rubbed her eyes and found his side empty as droupadi went to finish her morning duties and Arjun left to his camber but the site infront of him made him astonished and he couldn't able to move his eyes from that site the youngest wife of the great might warrior who is an amazing sword fighter and known for enchanting beauty with pure gold features is sleeping like baby by hugging a pillow tightly and Huffing due to her hair which stick to her face and disturbing her sleep Arjun moved towards the bed and removed her hair from her face and witnessed the most beautiful smile that smile took his breath away he just stared at her

Arjun pov :'

She looks too beautiful how did I became this much lucky to have u as mine subhadra u don't know many things that I wanna share with u when gada told me about u I felt their is some connection between us I used to read all the letter that u wrote to gada by reading those I fell into love with u I know if I say this u won't believe but this is true  when I saw u in welcoming function them I have fixed to get u at any way I wanna talk to you I don't but ur stubbornness have shown me a way  to talk to you I teased u to get some more time to talk to you and I have succeeded in that(subhdra moved some close to Arjun thinking he is a pillow and hugged him in the sleep as she had habbit of sleeping with her dad if she is sad or sacred she is assuming her dad in Arjun  got shoked some what but hugged her to closet to him) wowww why are u looking this much cute  I don't about ur feeling towards but let this last for long time u in my arms is dreem for me how can u be this much beutiful while sleeping how can I control my self if are like this pls don't tempt me dear.subdhra wake up its already late (she being a late night person sometime found difficult to wake up early)

Some more time please maaa she said cuddled more into him as Arjun couldn't say no to it he removed her hands and went to finish his daily chores he came to find subdhra still sleeping he crased her her hair went out
          After a few minutes subhadra waked up and went to finish her morning chores 
  In the hall every one got ready and talking where is bhabi why she didn't came down asked nakul I think she is sleeping let her sleep for some more time she might be very tired said Bheem everyone noded their comes my sweetest bharata Arjun bharata where is bhabi ?she is sleeping nakul I have just checked her nakul noded his head

Oh noo it's been so late subdhara hurriedly left to the the temple and finished her veneration  and came back  while walking she slipped and about fall she closed her eyes in fear but two strong hands saved her from the fall she opened her eyes to see Arjun she looked into his coper eyes and got lost every one Cleared their throught and gave a fake cough to bring back from their world they came back to the senses

Where did you lost bharta seems like u aren't in this world Arjun gave a death glare to nakul  every one laughs Arjun shaked his head and turned to see droupadi looking little sad subdhra was about give the offerings but Arjun left her and went towards droupadi and took the offerings from her droupadi smiled at him and went subdhra felt bad but she holded it upto her and smiled subdhra am feeling hungry can't wait to taste ur food said Bheem definitely bartha am going to the kitchen please forgive me for this late she said with a puppy face Bheem laughed seeing her face and pinced her cheeks and said it's okay badra we can understand come I will help u said Bheem and draged her towards the kitchen it's okay bharta I can manage it said subdhra noo I won't allow u to work alone even it is constume  I won't okay few happy tears left from her eyes Bheem noticed it asked subhadra are u okay why are you crying hearing these the remaining 3pandvas went near them nothing bharta I just remembered dua and khana I missed them u are not going to miss them at all subhadra we here to u if u cry like this we will feel bad and bharta Bheem will eat all the ladoos in the palace in sake of bad mood we will not have any laddu to eat please smile bhabi Every one smiled at that including bhadra Arjun came their at that subhdra smile vanished by seeing Arjun Arjun noticed it as but kept silent Every one left from their subdhra Cooked and served every one they all very much impressed with her cooking and complimented her but one thing Arjun noticed that subhadra is avoid him went to talk her

Arjun pov

Subdhra I called her she looked at me

To be continued 💗💗
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