chapter 6

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Subdhara looked at him with wide I mean we are newly married what will others think! what will dua think ? It will create a lot misconception between our two families and why do u even wanna go to dwarka now ?  Nothing aarya I was just missing bharta Krishna,dua whole dwarka I haven't been away from them these many days subdhara said with teary eyes  Arjun just wiped her tears and subdhra i will write letter to madav to visit here u can meet him I am so sorry I shouldn't shout at u please don't cry  she just noded her head and laid her head on his shoulder he crased her head she slept he made her. Ley on the bed and covered her with blanket and went out

I like this a 3months passed droupadi carrying Arjun's child Arjun was spending most of the time with droupadi as she wished it
Subdhara and droupadi became very close and comfortable around subdhra as she found one person finally to whom she can speak whole heartedly as five pandava brother stay away from her because of they don't want to create any insecurity between them but subdhra fulfilled that place she became every one's favourite mostly nakul  he had been her moral support than every one

One find day Arjun and droupadi were walking in the garden their they found subhdra and kids were playing 

Droupadi: aarya subdhra had
                  Became very one favourite mostly the kid they doesn't want any thing except their subi ma and aarya Bheem also whatever he made he first searches for to feed her first aarya yudhishthir too had become the same he aslo pampers her a lot and tells every thing she asks and Arya nakul and sahadev need not to mention they became her prank patners

Arjun : yes panchali I know she is free to talk with everyone she accepts Evey one (in mind expect me)
Droupadi: yess aarya I have been very angry on her i couldn't help at that time  I thought she will compete me for the position like all the girls but she is different from other insted of compatatier she had been my support  thanks for the wonderful gift
Aarya she said

Arjun just nodded his head

Subdhara and kids were playing in the garden they asked her for the mangoes they are at far from the tree subdhra couldn't reach it and it has been their lunch time she said to them let's leave we can see about it later but kids are too naughty right they just nodded their head and went with her  after completing their lunch suta shoma came back to the garden took a stone and thrown it towards the mango but it didn't hit it he climbed the tree and feel down from it his and injured his head after that droupadi notices that suta is mising

Droupadi: subdhra where is suta
Subdhara :  jiji help should be here he just had his lunch
Hearing this every one gets tensed and goes in search of him they found him near the mango tree with wound every one gets shocked and took him to the medical room nakul gives him the treetment and droupadi takes him to the room

What is this subdhra shouted Arjun after seeing suta subdhara frightened too it aarya I am soo sorry he asked for the mango as it is soo far I said him that we will get it after lunch  but  I didnt expect he will do that 
Droupadi: but u should have been some careful subdhra why didn't u find him missing before
Subdhara: jiji am sorry I thought they went sleep I really don't know

Enough subdhra don't say that anymore u are soo careless and clumsy every time see what happened today god's grace it didn't because what if some thing big happened will ur sorry correct it look at droupadi how she is crying u made every one tensed today
Bheem and nakul enough Arjun u have talked more than u should If u speek one word more I don't know what I will doo yess bharta subi had been very careful towards every one and hit happened with out her notice if she knows I will she do that
Droupadi: but aarya...
Yudhishthir: enough droupadi leave it their is noo mistake of hers let suta wake up tell the truth
Putra suta wake up pls    after couple of minutes suta Soma waked up  every one what happened droupadi hugs subdhra and says sorry bhadra I know u won't be careless but am a mother pls forgive me she hugs her subdhra smiles at her and says I can understand jiji and went near suta
Suta :subi maa he said and hugged her said sooo sorry mata pls forgive me I am ur favourite Naa he said with puppy face but she thought to be angry with him but smiled see subdhra he had become like u he knows how to. Melt onces heart soo easily said nakul every one laughed

I think their is some thing in  complete that will be completed tomorrow pls vote and comment guys 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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