chapter 7

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Subdhara smiled at every one and give suta to droupadi and stated moving to her room but suta caught her dupatta end and stopped her mata
Where are you going didn't u forgive me am soo sorry mata I was just craved for that mango I won't doo this next time he said with a sad face subdhra took him into her arms and said noo putra why will I be angry on my son their nothing to forgive dear doing mischief is our right but need to be little careful promise me u will be carefull next time I promise mata u will play with me like before right yes I will play with u and  love u even moreeee said subhadra while pecking his cheeks every one admired their bond with glittering eyes Arjun just realised his tone and the way he shouted on her felt guilty  thought to apologise her now sleep Putra please he nodded by returning her kiss she ruffled  his hair and went to her chamber

In subhadra and Arjun's chamber

Subdhara sat in the balcony with watery eyes remembering every thing
Right then Arjun came to her chamber to apologise for his angry mistake  he kept his hand on her shoulder her anger reched to the peeks she threw his hand from her shoulder and said oh! Rajkumar Arjun why did u came here now! what happened now did jiji got headache am I the reson for her do u wanna shout at me okay wait I will call everyone u can shout  at me and insult me .she moved he caught her hand .she removed his hand subhadra I am .stop it !aarya stop it what I have done to get this cruel treatment Rajkumar I know u don't want to marry me u married  for my brother and alliance . what ever it may be  u don't treet me as ur wife .even I understand the reason. u love jiji .u can't imagine any other but u should atleast treet me as a human I loved u aarya I loved u since my childhood I didn't fall for ur beauty and warrior skills I   loved u even before jiji came into ur life  in our marriage I thought that I might gain ur love some day but u  had made my hope collapse  I have choosen the wrong person !a person who is blind to recognise some one love. I hate u   I hate u from the bottom of my heart . a  heart which u broked by insulting it every time a heart which u even doesn't have care and consider it's feelings ! I hate u as my aarya I hate u as rajkumar Arjun tooo .u just move away from me I can't with stand ur presence. u don't need to tell me sorry again because their is nothing left to understand no bond left to  make cool and satisfy please leave 🙏🙏🙏. subhadra am sorry .please listen to me once. with teary eyes .I don't want here anything u don't need to worry about any thing no problem will come as  and I won't leave indraprastha ! I failed as a wife I don't wanna fail as a daughter inlaw and make my parents bow their heads
Leave now or I will kill my self now

Arjun left from their with teary eyes
And sobbing  .

Subdhara to crying with angry and insulted mode.

A small mistake created a wall between the two external lovers
Will subhadra forgive Arjun
Can Arjun reconnect subhadra s broken heart ...

To be continued pls doo vote and comment 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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