chapter 35

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As the shoot was started the entry of subhadra made every one stood and Clapp as it had been the perfect shot ..

Soon the entry of Arjun was about to start . Shaheer stood on the top ..
As per the director demand veeba should stand awestruck at him ..
But veeba heart started to beat fast she tried to look at shaheer just the way her sister told all the words of Diya came into her mind making her shiver and nervous right then shaheer entered .. the camara was rolling it's pindrop silence everywhere .. just shaheer looked like Arjun Himself came for shot  his beauty had noo bounds he just looked mesmerizing .. veeba too looked at him but unknown  to  her blush smile adorned her as  she just fell for him. (as who can't even I felt the same if anyone felt same just coment if u had same feeling when u saw the same Sean of Arjun as shaheer..) . Veeba was too lost in him the director told cut but she didn't remove her sight as shaheer too lost in her the loud claps brought them to reality...

Well don  shaheer veeba it's the best shot in all the director appreciated both smiled nervously veebha left from there hurriedly ...

Ohh no what happened to me why just I started at him like this .. am I falling for him .. noo noo it can't happen someone's charm should not. Melt my heart... Shit this Diyaaa had spoiled by brain ... As she was going on her scolding her sister... Priya broked her self talking by calling to shot ..

As she entered she found shaheer standing with Yash, sourav, bardavaj and vin ..

Heyy hii vee u have done amazing today . It's ur first shot u stoled whole show today he . vin praised her .. she smiled at him thank you vin . she said shaking hands..

By the way u look to beutiful . Veebha just blushed at him which was didn't liked by shaheer .. he just went from there ..

As soon as director told short ready every one gathered and completed the shots and director said that's it for today . It's a pack up ....

Every one gathered to bus .. shaheer requested sourabh too make veeba sit near him .. as veeba had been close to sourabh ... To which he accepted and thinking for the plan .. as an idea came to his mind ..

Dude do one thing let's sit together then I will ask veeba to change place  .and shaheer nodded his head as agree with it ..

As soon as they claimed the bus veeba sat with poja  veeba facing the window seat.. ..

Vee can u come back it is sufacting for him . To which veeba said yess..

But their plan hadn't worked as Pooja went back seat first immediately as soon as sourabh got up .

Pooja what is this I asked vee for exchange not uu .. sourabh said ..

It's okay bahi it's same here and there u can sit near the window .. veeba said and got up .. giving a seat ..

Godddd shaheer hit his head to the seat to which sourabh chuckled 😂😂

What happened heer are u okay asked Pooja ... With concern

Yess I am fine but exhausted shaheer said ..

Yess it was a hectic day for u by the way u look soo handsome today .said Pooja with a charming smile
Everyone is prasing me but expetone.
I wish someone would say this one shaheer muttered under his breath..

What did u say  said pooja

Hmm ntg I said thanku said heer to cover up itt...

After a few minutes shaheer saw vee on the shoulder of sourabh who is stoking her hair gently ..

I should be the one who should do that but Pooja spoiled everything ..

As soon as bus reached every one got leaving. as Veeba slept .. sourabh woked her up..

Thank you bhaiya she said with a sweet smile..
U will say thank you or bhaiya decided one.  There won't be thanks between brother and sister .. so don't u wanna be my sister sourabh asked with innocent eyes.

Noo I wanna be only ur sister she said . thats my girl sourabh said patting her head . Got up to leave bus as shaheer veeba and sourabh were last ..

As they were on the lift sourabh excused himself and got put of the lift...

And shaheer and veeba were in the lift....

To be continued 💗💗

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