chapter 36

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As shaheer and veeba were in the lift they just kept quiet until veeba's phone pinged with msg she checked it and found that from her dear sister

Hey vee I missed u soo much 😔😔

Veebha instantly chuckled by seeing it as it had Been a whole day they didn't talk no no it's not they didn't fight ..
Before she could reply she got a idea to surprise her Lil sissy .. as she looked at shaheer who instantly turned his face from her when she looked up .. she wished to make video call surprise but she doesn't know how to start as she and shaheer didn't have a conversation expect when they  introduced themselves.. she was nervous and started to thinking the ways to start conversation. .

But lift had stopped as they reached the floor they have to leave .. shaheer started to take small steps to walk out unwillingly( poor heer and nervous veee what a combination 😂😂)

Shaheer  sir  a voice stopped him making him turn immediately..

Veeba stepped out of lift and stood infront of him ..

Can u lend me ur time if u are free right now.. veeba asked after gaining some confidence..

Yess definately shaheer said somewhat resisting his exictment ..

My sister is huge of fan of u she loves u too no end she kept on asking me about uu since when I signed this project .. soo will u just talk to her on video call please .. veeba said exictingly .. but shaheer  was lost in her face which Is glowing like a bright moon .. ...

Hloo shaheer sir veeba clapped her hands infront of him making him come out of his dream land ..

What did u say?.. he asked!

I said will u talk to my sister on video call ..

Yaa sure veeba smiled at him happily which drawn his heart completely now making him madd for her ...

In between of these veeba made a video call to his sister.. and handed it shaheer ....

As soon as diya lifted the call she was surprised to hell and started too jump .. she never expected that her crush would call her that too video call .. they both engaged in small conversation .. which took almost ten minutes (oh god diya what's going on how can u talk ten minutes don't forget he is ur jiju 😏) veeba looked at him admiringly how the way he is talking to her little sister was the first time she was looking at him . His smile his charming face and smile she thought how can someone be perfect .. she was lost in him .. ..

Here take it shaheer called her bringing her out of him by handing her phone to Her..

Thank you soo much sir she said polity which shaheer hated ..

U can call me shaheer no need of being formal as we need to work together may be ur most of the schedule  is with me only right...

Yaa ... Yess okay shaheer veeba said with a small smile .. that good ..

They stayed silent for few minutes...

Then when are u gona give back my time shaheer broke the silence

Veebha looked at him in confusion ..

I mean I don't lend anything freely that too time u know it is precious.. so u should give my time back he said with mischievous eyes which veeba failed to notice

But how can I give the time back veeba said him confusion..

Simple give ur morning breakfast time to mee . I mean join me for the breakfast . So that can give ur time to me as my time shaheer said..

To which veebha laughed loudly .. sure definitely ..  byee she said and turned ...

Byee but don't forget I will be waiting for uuu shaheer said ... To which veeba nodded her head ...

Shaheer laid on his bed thinking about today..

Ur time my time but this time why don't u run faster for this night. He smiled and closed his eyes.

To be continued pls doo vote and comment guys 🤞🤞🤞

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