chapter 9

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Continuation from yesterday pls read last part before reading it

Droupadi pov:

Noo I should not think like that what am thinking why did I behaving like this noo I should not think like that subdhra is my sister I know I can't be with aarya Arjun after this year I have to bee with my other aarya i shouldn't think like that subdhra is my sister she is govind sister I shouldn't hurt her too she should get love of aarya and why will aarya forget me he is just worried that subdhra doesn't love him other than that nothing aarya loves me more than her I know that

You are wrong maharani droupadi shocked and found her personal maid who came along with her from hastinapur when they divided

What are  you talking soudamini

Yes maharani u are thinking wrong u are soo kind to everyone do u think everyone will be like this.
What are u Talking soudamini tell me straight
Maharani are u ready to Rajkumar Arjun to give to that subdhra what if he forget u   dwell in her love and forget u  can u take that  no why will aarya do that  why won't he do that dwarka princes is quite charm  she can mould any one and change according to her   u should be carefull maharani am saying for ur sake only maharani  what should I do now  simple maharani  subdhra is angry on Raj Kumar arjun we just need to add fuel  to the fire it will only consume their relationship after that she will return to dwarka   her self then Raj Kumar arjun will be only urs 
Droupadi nodded her head and the maid smiled as she successfully  completed her mission in manipulating droupadi
After sometime   every one left to sleep early morning everyone got up and went to have morning breakfast fast Arjun woke up lately he didn't remember yesterday's night   he went to his camber to get ready he found the empty bed he searched for her but a sight broke his heart even more subdhra laying on the floor as she slept yesterday there itself by crying
He picked her up in his arms and moved towards the bed and made her lay on the bed he brought a wet cloth and wiped her face and witnessed the most beautiful face of subdhra even she cried she still looks dazzling he just kept staring at her but she strired
In her sleep and started saying noo don't come near Mee ,I hate u ,leave from here I don't wanna see you .leave me I hate u
Hearing this he started to cry and immediately left from their he went to the garden and sat there Bheem along with nakul came there
Anuj bharta .Arjun looked back and found his brother and again turned his  face  pandava brothers knows about Arjun love for subdhara since their childhood they often tease him about that .

Arjun what are u doing  here why didn't you came to break fast
Nothing bharta am not feeling hungry
Ohh really look into my eyes and tell that 
Really nakul am not hungry I want to be alone sometime

Being alone cannot fix any thing Arjun yess bharta u have to talk to bhabi and  she won't she hates me nakul she is not ready to  listen to me I have broken her heart she can't even with stand my presence Arjun said with a broken voice
Definitely not Arjun u she is little girl to understand ur situation she doesn't know about ur love If she knows it she can't hate u  but bharta she hates me now  noo bharta do u remember yesterday she broked out and told her love towards u even she loved u since her childhood ur match is maden in heaven sudden  slight hapiness cought his heart  yess Anuj subi is soo stubborn to accept any thing she only did all those in her stubbornness u should also go in her way  and win her heart again but barata she hates me now she doesn't want to see mee .again his face sadned   noo Anuj  u should try until she change her anger is just like cloud that covered the moon it can't be like that forever if the wind flows it will move away again moon will shine bright and bring joy to the nature u should be the wind for it Arjun u
Go in her way only to gain ur love we are with u the three brothers hugged

Am going barata I will definitely change my bhadra  and  win her heart saying this Arjun. Left

Interesting chapter going to come !

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