chapter 34

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As veeba took the place every one introduced them selves and shaked  hands ... As the set being little long .. they became little close as veeba mixed with everyone quickly ... But expect shaheer he didn't speek anything rather than an a handshake.. he just kept quiet..whole journey..

As they have reached set .. every one got down and went to their respective camps for getting ready .. as other shoots  was going on .. shaheer kept staring at Veebha who is having her morning breakfast .. along Priya.

Shaheer kept on staring at Veebha which was noticed by sourabh...

Sourabh : what man seems like ur  interest is not here ..

Shaheer  :  what do u mean ... Man .

Sourabh :  really don't u know what I mean come on heer .. did u just fell for . By just looking at her .. don't u think It might be attraction ...

Shaheer: I don't know about anything man but I can surely say that it's not an attraction.. I strongly have a connection..

Sourabh: ohh okay. What if she is committed..

Shaheer : man can't u just be positive.. I know she is not . And she is mine.. shaheer said giving a death glare towards sourabh..

Sourabh: easy man I was just asking for the confirmation .. but ur deep into her ..  all the best man ask me any help if u need anything any time...😂😂 .

That's my friend man ur the best😍..

Sir shot is ready ..

A man called shaheer for a court sequence...

Assual  the shoot started going on nicely.....

It had been night ... Here comes the most awaited shoot ... The first meet of subhdra Arjun ...

As there is still time for the shot veebha got a call from her little sister..

Vee: Hloo diyaa how is ur day ..

Diya: It's fine vee  assual the boring lecture. But tell me how is ur day .. did u meet shaheer..

Vee : yess .. I meet everyone .. and I do meet him .. he is not talking to anyone he is introvert  I guess..

Diyaa : ohh I think he is shy .. I have heard that shy guy would be more handsome and sexy ..

Vee: hloo hold on Diya aren't u talking much . Why are u soo obsessed with him .. he is just good looking and okay there is nothing u expected

Diyaa: I know u  u won't accept anything that easily . Just look at him once with a blank mind and say the same thing.. I will accept.

Vee : okay will talk to u later....

To be continued 💗💗 please do vote and comment 🙏🙏

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