chapter 44

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Day 1🤩🤩

As it was 6 shaheer pickup veeba and both started their journey they went Ooty veeba was overjoyed with the beuty of Kodaikanal shaheer was happy by seeing veeba happy..

I guss someone is very happy .. it tells me that they were very pleased with it...

Yess that someone is very happy thank u shaheer veeba exclaimed with happiness..

Vee here on ur not veeba and I am not shaheer .. veeba looked at him confused...

We are Arjun subdhara in real and here we are not gona be with our orginal identities..we are not gona use our credit cards and amount.. let's live this journey just accepting what we get..

Veeba agreed immediately as that was soo much exicting.. they both traveled...

Day 2 🤞😂

As planned veeba and shaheer went out to find a source which can feed their little stomach as they were hungry..

As they keep  on searching from hour they didn't find any way for food .

A little later they found a hill climbing challenge they went there took cards filling their names for challenge as the price amount can help them for whole week ... ( Most important right now as veeba would kill him if he can't find a way for food as she can't handle the hunger.)

The challenge is no water will be available till they climb the mountain ...

Veeba and shaheer started their journey.. in the middle they got a compitaion on a fatty couple .. who are irritating them by dragging them back always..

After traveling few.. metres veeba fell down as her ankle got injured she said she can't walk so asked her that he will carry her on his back ..

Are u okay Arjun said veeba yaa am perfectly alright subi replied shaheer ..

Both started their journey towards high...

Let me cross this fatty ... Whoooo yaaa

It's just like India won over Pakistan shaheer exclaimed by carrying veeba on his back who is overjoyed with atmosphere....

After a little time as expected shaheer and veeba won the compitaion ..but the management had took the check as a donation for the kids shaheer and veeba gave it as noo option left for them (ohh noo😂😂)...

After a while veeba and shaheer sat at bench in street by joining their heads together veeba held Shaheer's hand ..

Shaheer was lost in veeba as she is looking dam cute and that movement..

If ur done looking at me find a way for food .. shaheer started to think ways in between veeba's eyes got a women with a child of 10 years working hard in a small hotel ( a place with only food vehicle in open place .) As crowd was heavy she was trying hard to make parota and chapti .. veeba stood up and moved their shaheer looked veeba walking and followed behind her .. she took the parota maker from the boy and started making .. women protested but veeba said she is okay with it and have noo problem . Shaheer started to serve along with the boy....

After a  while  shaheer noticed veeba's hands were paining  soo he took the responsibility of making chapati's veeba served ..

The women was very pleased with them and gave shelter for them  ..

Hence they passed their second dayy with few stunts and hungry 

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