chapter 12

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Droupadi seeing all these she felt very uncomfortable and strated to show her love and authority on Arjun he noticed it but stayed silent  because after all she is his wife and pregent
One fine night Arjun was in his chamber after completing his day he went to meet subhadra before leaving to droupadi chamber but she  wasn't there he sighed
Arjun : where she might have gone she should be in the chamber
Seems like their is no good night fight
He sat on the bed remembering their fights
Someone opened the door suddenly Arjun turned to see the person and shocked a bit panchali u here
Droupadi :  yess aarya u haven't came to room till now I thought u would be here so I came here
Arjun : it's okay panchali let's goo
Droupadi: noo aarya let's spend  night here together  u know aarya this is my dreem to spend in ur room with u we sitting here like this saying this droupadi leaned on Arjun's chest
Arjun: sorry panchali for not accepting ur wish this room doesn't belong only to me subdhara to shares this room let's goo to ur chamber..
In the kids chamber
Sooo like this the story ends says subdhara and looks at children who slept holding her tightly she laughed at them and craseed their hairs and started towards her room.
In Arjun chamber
Droupadi: what is this aarya am also ur wife  I to have rights on u Saying this she pulled him into a passionate liplock .  But Arjun broke the kiss by seeing the person standing infront of them . And droupadi looked at her and smiled in blush , embarrassment, and sarcastic

Droupadi : subdhara don't  u know u should knock the door before coming into someone's chamber
Subdhara : sorry jiji I thought it is my room but it's okay I will go to the kids room u both can continue
Arjun: sub...
Subdhara closed the door before Arjun could respond
Arjun : what is this Panchal why are u behaving like this
Droupadi: what have I done aarya I haven't done anything wrong come why should we fight now  .
Arjun : enough panchali I told you to move to ur chamber but u haven't listened see what happened . We have hurted her.
Droupadi : what are u Talking aarya it was my year with u I have waited soo long to here the kind of words she started crying .
Arjun: what have I done  now why are crying see droupadi my love for u is pure u need not to doubt about it and subdhara is also a human we need look for  her comfort too .enough am sorry for shouting at u now let's go to ur chamber..

Early morning  in the breakfast time
Every one got ready and came to have their breakfast.
Subhadra: Pranipat maharaj  Pranipat Maharani
Yudhishthir: Pranipat subdhara (yudhishthir somewhat shocked to hear as she always calls him bharta) do u need to talk anything.
Subdhara: yess bharta I have been here form six-months and I hope u all are okay with and am sorry if anyone is hurt with my behaviour.
Nakul : are subhadra come to the point from when did u learn to lag these dear
Bheem : yess subdhara come to the point .
Subdhara: bharta I need a separate chamber as I need some personal space for me could u grant me .
Yudhishthir: what is need of it now badhra .
Droupadi: she is correct aarya she need a separate room u know subdhara u are my real sister I have thought about it yesterday  soo u won't feel bad about it and even I won't I will tell the made to arrange it for u

Arjun: noo it is not possible . She will stay in my chamber with me
(Every one looked towards him)

roupadi:  but aarya Arjun looked at with a angry glare making her pause.
Subdhara: but why aarya .
Arjun: because u are my wife
Subdhara : I know that aarya even though being ur wife I too need my personal space right I need a separate chamber that's it.
Arjun: enough subhadra. Let's go and discuss this in our room .sorry bharta please don't mind this issue I don't like my personals to be discussed in saba saying this Arjun dragged subdhara towards their room
In Arjun subhadra s chamber.

He pulled her into the room and locked the door

To be continued......

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From now it will be updated regularly ❤️❤️


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