chapter 16

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Every had their lunch and started to talk
During the discussion Krishna told
Krishna: I wanna take badhra back to dwaraka.

Every one was shocked In hearing it .

Arjun ; what!why ? Madav what is the need of it
Krishna: come on parth every one in dwarka are waiting for her. They are missing her soo much.
Arjun:but madav...
Subdhara: I am ready bharta even i am missing them a lot jesht bharta can I goo please even jiji also like me to go
Droupadi jerked but stayed silent. Please barta I never asked for anything please let me go subdhara said sadly
Yudhishthir signed his head and looked towards Arjun .Arjun made a blank face as he could not understand what's going on .

Right then dua along with revathi joined Krishna .
Yess yudhisther we wanna take her back to dwarka that is what the reson we are and we wanna invite you all for gada's marriage which is going to happen in last of this month. u all must come a week before. I will take subdhara with me now . Please don't say noo to it
Yudhisther once again looked at Arjun he wasn't saying anything
Deffinatly u can take badhra along with u dua said droupadi. Yudhisther nodded his head in yess
Every one became sad at it
Nakul and Bheem said : I am going to miss u bhadra please come back soon please .
Subdhara nodded his head and hugged .them
She left to her chamber to pack her things .
Arjun came back of her

Arjun entered in chamber . subdhara started packing her things without giving any attention to him

He kept silent for few minutes and started to speek .
Arjun: soo u have decided to go to dwarka right.
Subdhara just been silent.
Arjun:when can I expect ur return.
She was all silent again .

He got little anger at this time and said .
Subdhara am I asking u only can't u Hear me .

Subdhara he shouted.

Subdhara: yess I have decided to goo but I can't give any assurance for my return . .

Arjun: okay u can goo but can u tell me what u wanna talk to about .
Subdhara: she stayed silent for few minutes I ...I.. I
Arjun: yess u tell Arjun said coming close to her
Subdhara: I .I am thinking to tell u the same thing that I want to go to dwarka as I am missing them a lot
Arjun became more sad by hearing that
Arjun: really u wanna say that subdhara noo and u are lying
Subdhara: am not u to lie for others and show fake concern on them
Arjun: what are u talking subdhara what did I do now
Subdhara: u really don't know what u do right .
Arjun: subdhara what are u talking about tell me clearly
Subdhara: about ur fake love that u have shown on me, the way how u acted  to make me believe that u have loved me truly  u are a great husband
Rajkumar Arjun u will go for any extent for it  and u are ready to break anyone's heart . I hate u . I thought of giving u a second chance but u don't deserve it u don't deserve my love . I am fed of with u I can't continue with u I am breaking up with u. U can be happy here after and don't worry at all  I love every one in this palace expect u   I won't let them feel bad about it this will be only between us and ur friendship and alliance both will be safe I assure u that and don't ever dare to come it my life  again

Arjun held subhadra hand tightly and pulled her towards him 
What did u say now  am showing fake concern and I am acting love on u really this is what  u understood about me great princes subdhara yess I have acted am an actor and fooled really can u tell me did I ever took any advantage of u ever  if I really wanna act and keep u  here for the sake of my friendship I would have crossed my line and I might made u mine on the first day itself  every time u talk about ur self and droupadi talks about her self have u both ever thought of me did u atleast  ? Come with me he dragged her towards his old chamber where he used to live before his exile .
He took a box which he stored all his memories  since his childhood in that box . She was shocked too see the letters that she wrote to gada and her pictures which was drawn by him and found her shall which she thought she lost and her bangles which she wore while leaving from hastinapur he collected them when she fell into the waterfall during fight with Kalyan .

All those were showing how he loved her how he waited for her just like she used. 

Tears were rolling down from her eyes .

See this the proof for my love towards u I loved u from the movement I have listened about u I don't know why but it happened then and after seeing u I determine to marry u  but destiny have another plan I have married to droupadi I have loved her to infact I have fallen for her just like for u but destiny has different plan she is divided from then the guilt started eating me I thought loosing my love only can make me guilt free I thought to give up  but we have got married with the help of madav I was happy but  I have told the fact that day if u were married duroyadan he would definitely come for a war on indraprastha . So I told the same . But tell me one thing if I really didn't loved u I would have say the same right  did I told that I don't like u so I don't wanna marry u  did I speak subdhara .
She was numb to react she was just sobbing  .   I don't know what made u think I betrayed u but I never did that I loved u whole  heartedly   and I will love u  if u can't with stand my presence u can leave to dwarka ...

Arjun left from their to main entrance where droupadi and Krishna waiting along with Rukmini, revathi and dua

Subdhara was shocked by seeing she didn't believe him and she was In a confusion of droupadi words .

She got up and went towards the main entrance . Every one was waiting for her she hugged droupadi and said take care jiji  I love u soo much she said
Bheem stood their with a sad face .
Bharta Bheem  u should send me happily u should not be like this she went near him and make child face making him sigh .

We are gona miss u badhra please come back soon as possible please said nakul and sahadev she smiled at them and nodded 

Badra it's time come dear said dua
She started to walk towards the chariot

Arjun in mind .

Subdhara please don't leave me alone
Please I love you  please try to comeback I can't with stand distance
Atleast give me an assurance glance that u will return .
Right then she turned back and came towards him running and hugged him he was shocked evryone looked at them
She left him and ran towards the chariot and sat in it without speaking anything .

The chariot started to move and subdhra took a last glance of  indraprastha  ....

To be continued pls doo vote and comment 🙏🙏🙏🙂

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