chapter 33

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As per schedule veebha joined the team in Indonesia . But couldn't able to meet the people as it have been late fight she just reached the hotel. and met director and Priya (the one who did character of dushala I forgot her name adjust with it ) her roommate . She welcomed her into the room .

Hey hii veebha right?Priya asked forwarding her hand for a shake. Yess replied the veeba .

Umm actually I have only one week schedule till then we need to share it . The rooms are already fill .. Priya said.

Yaa it's okay I don't have any problem with it . This room is big enough for both of us .. she said smiling at her ..

U can fresh veebha I will order ur food ..

Noo I don't need anything now . U can call me vee ..

Fine vee that's pretty cool.. u can fresh now ..yaa ..

As soon as vee finished her bath she came and laid on the bed..

And the girls chitchats ufff it has noo end ... ..

As it had been a late morning since the girl duo wake up late and all the actors were ready having their break fast ..

Priya jerked and woke up .. and went to ready .. but vee as usual .. just them her phone rang she woke up for the vibration ... And sleeply said helloo

Hloo vee how are u did landed safely shouted Diya ..

Yaa Diya I am alright ... She said still clossing her eyes..

Ohh did u meet shaheer she acted night ..

Ohh god diyaa don't start in the morning itself she just opened her eyes to see screen .. as soon as she saw time she jerked and woke up ..

Oh noo it's 9 I need to get ready ..

Diyaa just listen to me I will call I soo late ..

Vee vee listen ... Why she always 😏😼

Ohh god u woke up come get ready I will stop the buss we can have our breakfast at location .. said Priya...

Yaa please . I forgot about it just 10 min I will be out ..

Vee give me ur things I will take them to the buss aa it's that pink bag ..

My sister knows about so that she packed it ..

Seems like ur sister is perfect ...

Yaa every lazy girl needs a perfect sibling right .. she said from bathroom...

Priya laughed at it and went out...not before saying to hurry up ..

When she reach the down every one just finished their breakfast and started to get into the buss ..

Shaheer come on man sit front . Said aham but he ingonered him and went back window seat .. Pooja occupied the seat next to him .

Following the. Sourav , vin, yas sourabh Raj, bardavaj seated .. as soon as buss filled ..

But Priya requested director to halt bus for few minutes..

What is the matter man .. whom are we waiting for .. asked Pooja

Don't know said vin ..

As soon bus started veeba came there by running.. she was wearing a pink frock which ended upto her knees it showing different shade in her white skin and her hair flying to the airr . As soon as climbed the bus her rose smile captured every one..

She just smiled at Priya saying thanku..

As it had been a full bus veeba stood there searching for the space ...

Man she is veeba vin shouted gaining vin. She is more beautiful than u said man .. said bardavaj who is next to him ....
Shaheer looked up to see her but couldn't see her clearly due to the crowd.
As vin noticed her he waved his hand  .. calling her...

As soon as veeba moved her face was clearly visible to shaheer at that movement his heart started beat loud .. and he feel for her love at first sight .. shaheer wished him self that..

She is soo beautiful but more why do I feel this we know eachother. This feelings are new to mee . Hmm what ever it is I wish she would be only mine please..  please god I never asked for anything can u please give her to me .. shaheer wished heartfully..

Shaheer ... Shouted poja who is next to him.

Yaa yess tell Mee.. can u  come this side she will sit there  Pooja to him..

He just nodded  his head and exchanged their place .. but shaheer hand got touched to pooja 's waist in that motion ..

That send a tingling sensation to her which made her blush . Veebha noticed it and smiled at them ...












To be continued pls doo vote and comment 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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