chapter 41

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Arrangements were done for the wedding all coloured in white silver as it matches to the bride and groom the atmosphere looked beautiful with the plenty of people talking and some making foods together with endless laughter and kids obviously the special attraction of any event they are happily chilling together as all the guests were joined including the crew of mb every one are enjoying but expect shaheer who is impatient for veeba as she didn't arrive till ...

What man are u waiting for vee asked Rohit who  noticed it..

What !!! Don't u think I have some other works .. am just checking the guests and arrangements said shaheer ..

Just them a car stops infront the wedding venue as veeba came along with her sister...

Heyy man see vee had came shaheer exclaimed with excitement...

Soo what don't u have works brother goo goo and check the agreements and gusts Rohit teased and went towards veeba ...

Heyy hii vee whyyy soo late...

Actually vee started to explain but...

Yaa yess just keep it there it's fine.. heyy hiii vee welcome shaheer interpreted the trio  who is pretending as doing arrangements...

Just now veeba replied yaa let's go...

The wedding took of happily every one enjoyed the wedding happily...

As the wedding was taking on veeba was searching for . Something which is essential for groom in the wedding .. she found it and started to move out of the room but her leg got slipped and fell on the ground unfortunately aa sharp object made a small cut on her took shaheer who came just behind her immediately tied a yellow cloth which Is near to him .....

She thanked him and left from there ...

Wedding finished every one reached their homes ....

Veeba was lost in her thoughts by seeing the thread which is tied by shaheer she felt they have tied the knot infront of holy firee veeba was lost in thought of shaheer ..

Diya noticed it and came towards her said ...

This cloth dosnt seem like a normal cloth which is tied for wound...

What do uu mean it's just tied for wound only .. ntg more veeba said ..

Ohh is it then let me remove .. diya acted like removing it..

Whyy just keep it the wound is not healed ...naa veeba said

Ohh now it's confirm it is a wedding knot ohhh myyy  godd what is this vee did u marry someone one with out usss ... Diyaa shouted gaining everyones attention...

Uu just shut upp .. okay u wanna remove this knot thats it naa remove .. she said unwillingly..

It's okay keep it vee the wound is not healed Naa diya said teasingly and went out...

Vee automatically corrected the cloth hiding inside her dress

To be continued 💗💗

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Coment if u want anthor one



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