chapter 40

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It had been few days and Mahabharata shoot was almost completed and last parts were going on in these few days veeba keep on avoiding shaheer which had been a mistry for him it was one fine morning .. on the sets of Mahabharata..

Shaheer was waiting for veeba..

Veeba came out of the cab and went avoiding shaheer ..

He started to follow her but stoped as someone hit on his back..

Oyyy half ticket..

Oyyy full ticket ...

Okay okay let's compromise saying shaheer shaheer started going behind veeba ..

What hero are u Going for ur heroine.

Why dont you speak like ur age ???

Because am small by age but bigger in thinking..

U know my sister is just thinking about u in her sleep .. she used roll hug and balbaring ur name only I think u got what u mean and comon take a hard step with dare or else u will losse her permanently because my parents are searching for a good groom for her. Saying diya left leaving worried Shaheer back .

After thinking about diya's words shaheer determined and went towards veeba and pulled her forcely into a kiss to which every one in the sets were shocked.

What is this shaheer I didn't expect this from uu the director shouted at him..

U know this is epic which many people in future u will know clearly about the people and characters ( definitely not u know Mahabharata is ntg more than droupadi and Arjun this is what people learnt from ur work even sri krishna dosnt matter u know may be it's ur point of ur too why didn't u prefer the orginal book and try like same 🤐 u are such a disisater ). sorry my burning sensation took whenever I think about director..

And u are.... Before director could complete..

Sorry sir I have done what came to mind ... And u know that I love her .. but keeping ur words in mind I have been close to pooja just as u planed and will be doing no doubt about that we will definitely drag the crowd but I have my own life please do respect that..

Saying shaheer went out ..

Vee am not sorry for what i have done because u Know I love u and I took the right on uu..

Shut up just shut up what right do u even have sense on what you have done what of any sensitive girl is present apart from me what If she comit anything .. whatever situation it is u should not cross the emotions we need to hold our emotions within ourselves or else we need to face worst remember .....

Saying this veeba left from there....

Attention every one.... Said vin who were busy in packing their things as their schedule finished ..

My wedding has been fixed soo every one must be attended please ... It is destination wedding with all u guys and my family.. at Mumbai OnePlus resorts rooms were booked and every one must attend ...

Hurrrhhhh congratulations vinnn screamed every one congratulations...

To be continued...

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