chapter 39

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It was early morning shaheer was came to know that veeba had went to temple along with saurabh and his sister... So he went there to meet them ...

As usual he stayed out of the temple as he found veeba coming out alone as diya and sourabh started their fight ...

Hii vii shaheer wished her...

U here veeba said with questioning gaze....

I just came here to talk with uuu he said buliding a convo to confess his feelings towards her ...

Ohh noo look this diya she didn't even came about she is having seminar today.. but fighting with sourabh .. I need to call him veeba avoided the convo intentionly..

Hey hii heer u heer said sourabh .. yaa just came for uu .shaheer said ..

Okay man will please drop this half ticket near Xavier University . Me and vee will go to the sets.. said sourabh..

Whyyy can't u drop shaheer said with a frown..

If I am a half ticket then are u full ticket Diya chided ..

See this is why I told I won't drop uu ..yayaa this is why I also told I won't come with uuu .

She will never change u come sister..

Idiot u flopped my plan😡😡😡murmured under his

Hey do u know how to ride bike ???

Yess ofcourse but why!!!.

If u know how to ride a bike then focus on driving and don't focus one mee ...

Uu half ticket get inn..

They started bike and drove off.

Soo u love my sister right Diya said somewhat shocking shaheer ..

What what are u talking no nothing like that ..

See we need dare for anything if suppose take me . If anyone like me and proposed me If I like him I will say I love u but if I didn't like I will say I don't like please don't disturb me and don't became a majunu and don't sing songs on me like devadas u are not my rangee soo u also do the se thing ...

For what ? Shaheer questioned

That only?? About ur love for my sister???

Ur thinking much okay now go and attend ur seminar see u in the evening shaheer easped from her (uff Diyaaa how can u irritate ur juju like this).

It's was evening time ...

Oh my god she isn't a girl man she a little bomb who ever marry her he is dead deffinatly.. shaheer said sourabh about remembering the her non stop convo ...

What do u think about my little sister then😂😂.

Thats fine what about ur love then do u clarity now..

No doubt on that man I love her and I know her she also love me I can understand her hear...

No matter what if u think but u need to propose her ...

Yess I will do it today ...

In Veeba's room ..

What is this Diyaaa ? Why did u irritate him that muchhh .

To know his intentions..

Why do u wanna know about his intentions..

Ntg vee I have small doubt that he love u .. so  to get clarity about that ..

Why do u think like that ..

Because that is true u also love any way I don't think that smoke don't come with out fire naaa ..

Arnt u talking much .. come get ready we need to go out ...

Yess we are come lets goo...

After two hours in a exhibition ground...

See vee am gona get everything which I wish I have lot to shop If u have any appointment with boyfriend u can goo diyaa giggled ..

Uuu just shut up come vee dragged her to a stall ..and started to select something's happyliy but her attention got diverted when he saw a person staring at her ..

She feels dejected and moved other side but he followed Herr..

Unable to take it anymore. Veeba went towards him ..

Mr viraj can I know why are u

Vee I came from London only for uu

Please try to understand..

Noo more understand ..

Once I said u right ..I don't like all these ..

Please go away from here ..I don't want anything.. anyone ..

And she stromed out after burst out ...

While walking in anger she bumped with shaheer and Rohit who came after knowing veeba went there...

Hii vee I came here that...shaheer began but.

Can't u guys understand why you always irritate me please stay away from me and don't dare to cross limits.. veeba went away...

Shaheer stood there feeling sad tears were about too Strom ..

But diya interpreted by  hloo guys sorry sorry..that anger is not on u .. before a random guys teased her soo she bursted out on uu .. saying this diya ..

Shaheer somewhat relived .

To be continued pls doo vote and comment....❤️❤️❤️

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