Chapter 1: Prologue

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"You wretched woman, go to hell!"

Rong Shi only had time to hear these vicious words before a piercing and unpleasant screeching of brakes filled her ears. Subsequently, a sharp pain spread throughout her body, as if her bones had collapsed, making even the effort to open her eyes challenging.

When consciousness returned, she found herself floating eerily light, and as she turned to see who had pushed her out, all she saw was the retreating figure of the person who had just cursed at her.

Entangled and maligned for almost a month, the person who had ruined her peace of mind was unmistakable, even in her translucent state. Floating in mid-air, Rong Shi couldn't help but feel a deep hatred, wondering why fate had led her to encounter such a lunatic in this vast world.

In the bustling city, under her mother's protection, Rong Shi belonged to the class of people with houses and cars. With a good job added to the mix, her life was quite comfortable. At just over thirty, unmarried but fond of dating, her relationships tended to last only a month or two due to her fickle nature.

Since the age of sixteen, when she first fell in love, her romantic relationships had followed this pattern. After the initial freshness wore off, her partners often became repugnant, like sugarcane residue to be discarded. Unwilling to compromise, she would feign indifference or abruptly end the relationship. As she grew older, she became more direct, informing prospective partners of her one to two months limit for dating. Yet, no one had managed to break free from the constraints she imposed.

"You will face retribution, Rong Shi..."

These were the harsh words uttered by many of her departing ex-lovers.

Retribution? Sorry, but she had smoothly sailed through life without any consequences. She thought she could continue this carefree lifestyle for decades until the last days of her solitary existence. However, fate had a surprise for her.

She encountered a lunatic—or rather, a pair of lunatics. The man she met during her vacation abroad, on her days off, seemed refined and sophisticated. In a foreign land, the two immediately clicked. Little did she know, after just a week together, he turned out to be married with children.

Refusing to be involved with married men, especially those with children, she promptly ended the relationship. To her surprise, he refused to let go and even proposed marriage, promising to take responsibility for her and manage his family affairs. Rong Shi was skeptical; she didn't trust his promises.

To evade him, she left for a foreign country, where she encountered another man who appeared cultured and had a taste for life. However, within a week, she discovered he was married with a family too. Unwilling to be the cause of a child's suffering, she ended the relationship.

Returning home, the woman persisted, kneeling in front of Rong Shi's neighbors, at her favorite restaurants, coffee shops, and even during business meetings. Exhausted by the constant harassment, Rong Shi reported her to the police multiple times, but she ended up being taken to the police station herself.

Her reputation was ruined, and Rong Shi felt the scrutinizing gazes and whispers of people around her. Former boyfriends resurfaced, and her life became a nightmare. Just as she was about to escape by taking a taxi to the airport for a vacation, a strong force pushed her from behind, sending her under the wheels of the taxi.

Witnessing the woman lying in a pool of blood beside her, Rong Shi was shocked. The yellow Lamborghini, seemingly oblivious, maneuvered back and forth, crushing the woman's body several times. The onlookers screamed, some even fainted at the gruesome scene.

When the woman was almost beyond saving, a man stepped out of the Lamborghini. Calm and serious, he walked towards Rong Shi, who was still suspended in mid-air.

She recognized him—wasn't he the playboy who claimed he would marry her? He had pursued her relentlessly, promising to solve her problems if she married him.

An uneasy feeling washed over Rong Shi. Was he going to...?

Approaching her, the man suddenly stopped, crouched down, and shakily embraced her as if she were a precious possession. His grip tightened, making Rong Shi, even in her suspended state, feel uncomfortable.

Then, he spoke.

"Look, if you had married me, none of this would have happened. You wouldn't be in this situation. Why won't you listen? Why won't you be with me? But it's alright. From now on, you'll only belong to me. No one can take you away."

His dreamy voice sent shivers down Rong Shi's spine. His eyes, red and icy, revealed a mix of emotions. A dropped phone began playing recordings of his machinations.

"Yes, Rong Shi, find someone to make her suffer. Let her understand who is truly the best for her! Get Mrs. Lin to change her medicine and have her friends continue to manipulate her..."

"What? Rong Shi is leaving? No, no, no! Get Mrs. Lin to attract her attention, no matter what, keep her with us, even if it means resorting to extreme measures..."


Laughter escaped Rong Shi's lips. She hadn't encountered just one lunatic but three.

Her life was truly unfortunate.

She raised a defiant middle finger to the sky, a rebellious gesture against fate.

"You will face retribution, Rong Shi..."

Scoffing, she thought, "To hell with retribution." In her next life, she vowed to treat men heartlessly.

A gust of wind blew, and Rong Shi's translucent figure quivered.

Am I disappearing? No...

Just as she worried about her fate, a ding sound echoed in her mind. Suddenly, a mechanical voice, indistinctly male or female, resonated in her head.

"Found a suitable host for the spiritual body. Binding with the Trash System... Binding complete. System activated. Initiating dimensional task."

After another round of dings, Rong Shi experienced dizziness before opening her eyes once more. A searing pain shot through her jaw.

"Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can compare to her? You're just a substitute, a stand-in to pass the time. Do you really think we were in love? Hmph, look at whether you're even worthy."

This time, Rong Shi was in for a surprise. The lunatic had become her.

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