Chapter 33 The end of the road for the movie queen (10)

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  Rong Si was a little surprised by the familiar voice and familiar figure. She really didn't expect that he would come here to pick her up.

Qiao Mo.

how? Wasn't the favorable impression negative at first? Don't you hate her? Isn't he an infatuated supporting actor?

Why would he come here to pick her up at this time? It's really strange...

Qiao Mo gradually approached her, but his steps slowed down involuntarily. Seeing Rong Si staring at him without blinking, with a faint smile on her lips, as if she saw through everything, he There was an inexplicable feeling of annoyance in his heart.

He didn't understand where his emotions came from?

He wanted to explain that he was not doing it for her at all, but he felt that such an explanation was too obvious, and he became even more irritated. He was just about to ask her what she was looking at and whether she wanted to leave.

Rong Si suddenly stretched out her arms towards him, and the smile at the corner of her mouth instantly bloomed. The previous feeling of superiority disappeared instantly, and her whole person became charming and approachable. Even the red skirt suddenly It's not that dazzling anymore.

He heard her say:


Qiao Mo was stunned for a moment and couldn't come to his senses for a while, with his mouth half open.


Before she could finish her words, Rong Si fell into his arms. The strong smell of alcohol on her body, the blush on her cheeks, and her slightly blurred eyes all showed that she had been drinking. And he drank a lot.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be like this now. Seeing him staring at her, she giggled. Not to mention Qiao Mo, even the two staff members standing aside were a little stunned.

Because no one would have thought that the always enchanting actress Rong Si would look like this when drunk. How should I put it? The previous sense of distance disappeared in an instant. On the contrary, it gave people a particularly cute contrast, and the smile was particularly bright and moving.

This made Qiao Mo feel a little at a loss. He didn't even know where to put his hands and feet. Moreover, Rong Si even pulled his ears with a smile.

Fortunately, no one is around now, otherwise the news about Rong Si being drunk would definitely be on the hot searches and headlines tomorrow.

Didn't you see that the two staff members couldn't even keep their mouths shut?

But how could Rong Si drink like this on such an occasion? She has never been such a senseless person... Is it because of Zhuo Feibai?

Qiao Mo felt dark in his heart, but he still smiled politely at the two staff members who kept looking at Rong Si. After explaining clearly, he took Rong Si out of the venue.

They could drive from the charity banquet venue to the foot of the mountain where the production crew was. As soon as they got in the car, Qiao Mo told Rong Si to sit down. She immediately smiled at him and sat down obediently, as if she was a good baby. Qiao Mo was stunned when he saw this, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Along the way, Rong Si sat obediently in the passenger seat. Although her body was slumped, she kept her eyes open, occasionally looking at the dark road ahead, and occasionally turning her head to look at him.

It's so cute!

This kind of Rong Si was something Qiao Mo had never been exposed to before. It was novel, really novel. Not only that, he even felt a little like it in his heart. He liked Rong Si like this...

This thought just flashed through his mind. Qiao Mo suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the two of them rushed forward together at that moment.

Qiao Mo was a little shocked by his own thoughts. He immediately turned to look at Rong Si beside him, only to see that the other party had already been looking at him with tears in his eyes because his head had been accidentally hit.

"It hurts..."

She raised her hand and rubbed her red forehead. Seeing that Qiao Mo had just looked at her silently and said nothing, his expression was extremely serious. He didn't complain that it hurt anymore, and a confused expression appeared on his face. Come.


Before he finished speaking, Qiao Mo turned his head and stopped listening. He started the car again and continued to drive forward.

It is possible to drive from the charity dinner venue to the foot of the mountain where the crew is staying, but there is no way to do it on the mountain road. The crew of "Beautiful Rivers and Lakes" rented a mountain that has not been much developed at the beginning. Just to restore the scenery in the movie, there is only one path up and down.

After Qiao Mo parked the car, he looked at Rong Si who was already asleep in the passenger seat. He sighed, turned off the engine, got out of the car, walked to Rong Si, turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, and held it in his mouth. , and then he carefully took Rong Si out of the car, squatted down with his back to her, carried her on his back, and then walked up the mountain step by step.

The mountain road was rugged, and it was even more difficult at night. Almost every few steps, he would stumble. Fortunately, he still had some strength in his hands, otherwise both of them might have fallen.

what else can we do? He came out in a hurry. He didn't bring the key to Rong Si's villa or even his ID card. Besides, he took drunk Rong Si to the hotel to check out a room. If he was photographed by the paparazzi, it would be really unreasonable. Thinking about it, It's safer for the crew to go.

After a bumpy ride, Rong Si slowly opened her eyes, and what she happened to see was a drop of sweat slowly dripping down next to Qiao Mo's temple. The other person had been breathing heavily, but because he had a mobile phone in his mouth, he couldn't breathe. The sound was very strange, and even the light from the phone swayed from side to side.

After taking one look, Rong Si closed her eyes again.

Listening to the rhythmic breathing sound, I felt the other person carrying me halfway up the mountain, and then entered the lounge where the two of them had been resting. His arms were slightly trembling as he gently put her down and pulled up the quilt on the side to cover her. Okay, sit down and take a deep breath.

After a long time, his breathing gradually calmed down, and Rong Si could feel that the other person had been staring at her.

"If only...if only you were always like this..."

A word that was almost like a sigh made Rong Si raise her eyebrows in her heart unconsciously. Then the bed on one side became shallow and Qiao Mo had left.

At this time, his favorability level is 55.

A 19-year-old man, oh no, he should be a boy at this age. He has not experienced much hardship. He has been the only boy in the family since he was a child. After his father passed away, his mother has always been strong enough to protect him from wind and rain. Originally, mother His illness should be regarded as a test in his life, but Rong Si's appearance directly caused him to avoid this test.

After that, I didn't have to worry about my mother's illness. The entertainment industry was going smoothly, I didn't see any darkness, and I didn't experience any setbacks.

Immaturity and childishness are synonymous with him. If you really want to say that Qiao Mo is a bad person, it doesn't matter. He just met Rong Si at the wrong time and at the wrong age.

When Qiao Mo came back from washing up and saw Rong Si like this, he also used makeup remover and hot water to help her remove the makeup on her face without changing her clothes. Then he went to bed and gently hugged her in. In his arms, he fell asleep peacefully.

Rong Si then curled her lips and squeezed into the other person's arms.

When she woke up the next day, Qiao Mo was gone.

The brand-name high-definition clothes on her body are already wrinkled to the point of being ugly. No matter what, Zhuo Feibai paid for them anyway, so if they are wrinkled, they are wrinkled. Could it be that she still thinks that she will not be able to wear them next time.

As soon as Rong Si walked out of the room after changing her clothes and washing herself, she saw Qiao Mo, Ye Xuange, the director and others sitting around a small table, sipping something they had bought from the restaurant down the mountain. porridge.

Seeing Rong Si appear, the director immediately happily invited her over to drink porridge and have breakfast. The others didn't react at all, but when she came closer, Qiao Mo's whole body stiffened, and even his movements of drinking porridge slowed down. But he never dared to look at her.

Rong Si didn't pay too much attention to the little kid's awkward thoughts, and turned around to discuss today's drama with Ye Xuange.

Ye Xuange is a true actor, and his passion for acting is unquestionable.

After just a few words, Rong Si and the director were immediately attracted by his understanding.

A group of people were talking happily, and Qiao Mo got the chance and followed the others and looked up at Rong Si.

It's different, completely different.

The smile on the corner of her mouth, her eyes, even her expressions and movements, none of them were the same as Rong Si's last night. It was as if the woman last night was simply his dream, so easy to approach, well-behaved and obedient Rong Si seemed like she had always been there. Nothing has ever existed.

Qiao Mo's expression dimmed instantly, and even his breakfast seemed to have no taste.

After finishing the remaining porridge in the bowl, Qiao Mo immediately said hello to everyone and left.

Rong Si glanced at his back, then turned her head and continued her conversation with others.

In the morning scene, Qin Kefei, who suffered a fracture, did not come as expected. The director was already thinking about changing the role. After all, the role of the junior sister is still very important. She is considered a supporting female role. Her role is second only to Rong Si and Ye Xuange. She simply can't wait. Qin Kefei.

The girl named Xiaoyue is of course the director's first choice. After all, she was the winner of the role of junior sister before. Of course, he also considered candidates recommended by other entertainment companies, but if nothing unexpected happens, it should be her. That Xiaoyue, didn't you see that all the young actors were already surrounding the girl, and started to congratulate her with joyful faces?

Although the girl named Xiaoyue looked calm on her face, the uncontrollable joy in her eyes betrayed her directly.

Indeed, everyone will be happy when something is lost and found again!

Even if you do something wrong, it doesn't matter.

Rong Si glanced at her gently and skillfully, without saying much. Qin Kefei, with the help of Zhuo Feibai, snatched her things, and now she also used dishonorable means to snatch them back without losing her life. It just so happened that, Everyone is tied.

But all this has nothing to do with Rong Si, and she has no interest in taking care of it.

But who would have thought that in the afternoon, Qin Kefei would force herself to come to the set. Zhuo Feibai followed her helplessly. When he saw Rong Si, a trace of surprise and apology suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly he couldn't even care about the "disabled" Qin Kefei, and immediately rushed in front of Rong Si.

"Sorry, Rong Si, I'm really sorry. You probably didn't wait for me very late yesterday, but Fei's mood has been unstable. I have been comforting her, and for a moment I forgot that you were still waiting for me at the venue. "Oh, I'm so sorry that I made you wait for me yesterday! But you are so smart, you must have left long ago to avoid embarrassment, am I right?"

Zhuo Feibai looked very understanding.

Rong Si is a smart person and a very opportunistic person.

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