Chapter 13: Substitute (Part Twelve)

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"Uh, where is this..."

Rongyi looked at the unfamiliar villa in front of her, feeling a bit stunned. Unconsciously, she tightened the handle of her suitcase and turned to look at Jiang Chengming.

But he just smiled and went forward to take Rongyi's luggage. "This is my home. It used to be where my parents, younger brother, and I lived together. But now, my parents are traveling abroad, and my brother rarely comes home. Currently, only a few elderly family members and I live here. I went to your place last time and saw that the house you rented is about to be demolished. Many people live in that building, and I'm not very comfortable with it. Fortunately, my home has some vacant rooms. Since you've become my girlfriend, you can stay here for a while. If you're not satisfied, you can find another place later. I've already had someone clean the room you'll be staying in, and everything is new. Do you like it?"

Upon hearing that Jiang Chengming had already taken care of everything for her, Rongyi's eyes widened with pleasant surprise. After a moment of being stunned, she suddenly rushed into Jiang Chengming's arms. "Chengming, you're so good to me!"

"Go inside and take a look. See if you like the decoration inside. If not, we still have time to change it!"


Rongyi nodded eagerly, tightly holding Jiang Chengming's arm as they entered...

"What? My brother came back from his business trip? Where is he now? At home? Okay, I got it. Thank you."

Jiang Chengye immediately hung up the phone, put on his coat, and was about to rush out when, unexpectedly, his phone rang again. Standing at the entrance, he checked his phone and saw the two words "Yi Rou" blinking. After staring at it for a few seconds, he lifted his thumb and pressed the power button. The screen immediately went black. He tossed the phone into a nearby drawer, and with a slam of the door, the room fell silent again.

Hurrying home, he was first greeted by the surprised face of the old butler.

"Hey, what's going on today? I didn't expect the Second Young Master to be back too. Come in, come in. The Eldest Young Master just came back not long ago and is upstairs with his girlfriend, checking out the newly decorated room... Hey, Second Young Master, where are you going?"

The old butler watched as Jiang Chengye dashed upstairs and asked inquisitively.

It's worth mentioning that the relationship between the Second Young Master and the Eldest Young Master has never been good since childhood. Although they share the same mother, the Second Young Master has always been unruly and arrogant. The Eldest Young Master couldn't play with him and had no intention of doing so. Why did their relationship suddenly become so good? Coming back and going straight to him upon returning... It's really strange!

The old butler shook his head.

Jiang Chengye rushed upstairs and started searching. He felt the sweat in his palms, and he couldn't even figure out what made him so nervous. His heartbeat remained steady. His footsteps matched the rhythm of his anxious heartbeat.

Until he heard two familiar voices ahead:

"Isn't this you? You look so small. Haha, weren't you still a baby back then?"

"Don't look! There's nothing good to see!"

"No, I think it looks great. Haha, look at this one. When your mom gave birth to you, did she really want a girl? Look at how she dressed you up. But to be honest, it looks good. Your mom has skills. Of course, it's mainly because you have a good foundation..."

"Enough, stop looking..."

"Hey, don't put it away. Let me see a couple more? I worked so hard to find them... Ah!"

At this moment, the door was kicked open from the outside due to their tussle.

Due to the struggle, the two figures who had accidentally rolled onto the bed almost simultaneously turned their heads to look at the doorway.

Jiang Chengye!

It seemed to be him. Now, Jiang Chengming probably wouldn't be in the mood to come and talk about love.

"You... what are you doing? My brother is right there. How dare you..."

At these words, a sudden pain flashed in Jiang Chengye's eyes. He raised his hand to cover Rongyi's mouth.

"Chengming, Chengming, your intimacy is quite impressive. You've only known each other for a short time, and you're already this affectionate? Haha, are you serious? Could it be that you fell in love with my brother in just twenty days? You can't be serious? You can't suddenly stop loving him, right? My brother can't possibly like you. He can't be with you. He has always liked Yirou. You will regret it, Rongyi. You will regret it! He doesn't love you at all. He likes your face, Rongyi, wake up, okay?"

"Then what about you? Back then..." Rongyi started to speak, but she suddenly stopped, closed her eyes, and bit her lip. "My affairs are none of your concern! Now, please leave!"


"I told you to get out!"

Having said that, she immediately opened the door and pushed Jiang Chengye out, then locked the door. She crouched down...

It's unclear how long she crouched there, or rather, how long she contemplated. Eventually, Rongyi slowly stood up. Perhaps due to symptoms of anemia, she suddenly felt the front of her eyes go dark. After a good while, she managed to regain her composure. She opened the door and walked out. She walked all the way to Jiang Chengming's door, hesitated for a long time, and finally knocked.

Almost simultaneously, the two doors opened.

Looking at Jiang Chengming in front of her, Rongyi suddenly threw herself into his arms. Jiang Chengming was taken aback for a moment, then slowly embraced Rongyi.

"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

Before Rongyi could speak, a loud slamming sound echoed, and both of them turned to look. It was Jiang Chengye's tightly closed door.

"Nothing... Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"You... sure, come in!"

Rongyi, you will regret this!

Sorry, but regret is exactly what I want!

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