Chapter 15: Substitute (Fourteen)

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Rong Shi thought that Jiang Chengyi would most likely bring them to see Lin Yirou, and she also thought that Jiang Chengming would most likely abandon her. What she didn't anticipate was the awkward situation she might face. The only thing she didn't expect was that Qin Yi turned out to be one of the potential targets for pursuit. Although the system score was not very high, it was quite surprising that he developed a negative impression of her at first sight.

For ordinary pursuit targets, whether Rong Shi pursued them or not didn't matter much.

But if you develop a negative impression of me at first sight, I won't be happy.

If I'm not happy, I'll make sure you're not happy either, huh!

Thinking this way, Rong Shi's smile suddenly became more sincere. She retracted her gaze and looked at Jiang Chengming, waiting for him to introduce her. Her hands involuntarily tightened nervously at the thought of the awkward scene she might face.

Sensing the warmth in her palm, Jiang Chengming was taken aback. He looked down at Rong Shi's nervous expression and subconsciously took a step back.

Standing next to Rong Shi, looking at Lin Yirou in front of them, it was evident in the woman's eyes that she was startled. She followed Rong Shi's gaze to the intertwined hands of Rong Shi and Jiang Chengming.

"Chengming... who is this?"

Chengming, does her fiancé already have another girlfriend? And she looks so similar to me... but the woman doesn't seem hostile; instead, she looks uneasy. Standing there, she seems even a bit anxious. When she notices Rong Shi looking at her, her gaze shrinks, and she moves closer to Jiang Chengming.

Rong Shi couldn't harbor much resentment towards such a woman. When she saw Chengming just now, she remembered the past—the happy and unhappy times when they were together. She recalled their initial bet, her impulsive decision to go abroad, and the accident that led to her memory loss. It had been three years, and Chengming finding another girlfriend was a normal thing.

She could understand, but she still felt a bitter pang in her heart. As her eyes blinked, tears welled up and started to fall.


Seeing this, Jiang Chengming's heart softened. He was about to step forward when a hand covered Lin Yirou's shoulder, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Mr. Jiang, you don't need to worry about Yirou. Take care of your own girlfriend!"

The person speaking was Qin Yi. Although he addressed Jiang Chengming, his eyes remained unfriendly towards Rong Shi.

Unable to help herself, Rong Shi instinctively moved back.

This man definitely knows something, otherwise, why would he be targeting me like this?

But she didn't intend to lift her head and engage in a stare-down with him. Instead, the two of them walked past Rong Shi and Jiang Chengming. Lin Yirou, still looking heartbroken, followed their gaze toward the intertwined hands of Rong Shi and Jiang Chengming.

"Chengming... who is this?"

"Chengming! Chengming!"


The three voices almost simultaneously resounded. Jiang Chengming immediately let go of Rong Shi's hand, took a quick step forward, and snatched Lin Yirou away from Qin Yi's embrace. In just a few steps, he rushed to the car, and Qin Yi quickly followed.

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