Chapter 41 The end of the road for the movie queen (End)

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Looking at Rong Si's back, which was about to move forward regardless, Ye Xuange didn't care that he was slapped in public, and took two steps forward to hug Rong Si into his arms. Tow him to his car.

"Let go, let me go...let" Rong Si struggled for several times but couldn't get out of Ye Xuange's arms, and she cried like a child. Speak up.

Then the struggle suddenly became less intense, and Ye Xuange was allowed to lift her up head-down, then carefully put her into his car, turned to the other side, got in the car, closed the window, and sighed. Then he took Rong Si, who was still crying, into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her hair.

"It's okay, it's okay, you still have me, you still have me, I will always be by your side from now on, okay? What I said before will always take effect, no matter what you become, no matter what you encounter Whatever happened, look back, I will always be by your side!"

Ye Xuange's embrace became tighter and tighter, and Rong Si's mood calmed down more quickly than he expected. After only ten minutes, her whole body She immediately calmed down and reached out to pat Ye Xuange's arm. "Okay, it's okay. Take me home!"

Rong Si's voice was slightly hoarse, but she didn't look strange.

Ye Xuange frowned, looking at Rong Si like this, seeming a little unsure.

"Okay..." Rong Si smiled, "I have been prepared for it. Zhuo Feibai will get married sooner or later, and the bride will never be me. Just consider it a momentary emotional vent. After venting, it will be fine. In fact, it's better now, isn't it? I don't have to spend the next twenty years making all kinds of bad movies and let the name Rong Si get moldy and smelly in all the bad movies. I can continue to play the roles I like. , Isn't this good? Zhuo Feibai...just let him go. I'm not surprised that he made such a choice. It's really normal. I just didn't expect that the bride would be Qin. But Fei..."

"Is it really okay?"

"It's really okay. Go back..."

But looking at Rong Si like this, Ye Xuange really wanted to tell her that she learned from Zhuo Feibai that day. When she came back, the other party had been chasing behind her car. He was also a man, how could he not understand Zhuo Feibai's thoughts. The other party was most likely attracted to Rong Si, and that was why he ran so fast.

Yes, he did do such ambiguous behavior towards Rong Si in front of him because he saw the place. Zhuo Feibai is unreliable. This is not because of his malicious slander, but what he actually saw and heard. Moreover, the other party seems to have never been reliable in the relationship between men and women. Women are like clothes. He has hurt Rong Si before. No matter how infatuated he is with such a man, he will never give Rong Si to him. It will never be possible.

And for a man who hesitated to move forward because of a small misunderstanding, he also felt that he was not worthy of Rong Si.

After all, if he were in Zhuo Feibai's position, he might have had sex with Rong Si countless times, and now he was the only one who was going to marry Qin Kefei. Ye Xuange really wanted to pry into this magical development. Open Zhuo Feibai's head and see what's inside?

"Don't you want to know?"

After Ye Xuange warned him, he stepped on the accelerator and the car drove forward.

As soon as they got out of the car, they saw Qiao Mo squatting at the door of Rong Si's villa, huddled into a small ball. When they heard the sound of brakes, they immediately raised their heads in surprise.

When she saw Rong Si, she was about to step forward, but then she saw Ye Xuange getting out of the car with her.

"Why are you here?"

Qiao Mo took two steps forward and asked in surprise.

Seeing Qiao Mo like this, Rong Si paused. His cheeks still looked so young, with undisguised anger and disgust on his face. He was too young, really too young. They were ten years apart. Not ten months.

Ye Xuange didn't speak when Qiao Mo asked this question. Instead, he turned to look at Rong Si beside him. He heard her laugh, then reached out and took his hand.

The palm of Rong Si's hand was very hot, but the fingers were so cold that he almost fell in love with this feeling. Then he heard Rong Si smile and say to Qiao Mo, "My boyfriend shouldn't be here. Where should it be?"

As soon as these words came out, the two men present were stunned almost at the same time.

Ye Xuange looked at Rong Si's smiling profile, understood her meaning almost instantly, and clenched his hands.

Qiao Mo looked at the two people's clasped hands and opened his eyes in disbelief, "You are talking nonsense, how can you have a boyfriend? You obviously like Zhuo Feibai, and he is getting married now. Rong Si You only have me. I know you have always regarded me as Zhuo Feibai's substitute. It's okay. It doesn't matter. I don't mind. I don't mind anymore. From now on, just the two of us will live like the previous year. Okay? Just the two of us, okay..."

As he asked, Qiao Mo's eyes turned red, and he took two steps forward to grab Rong Si's hand.

But he didn't expect to be brushed away by Rong Si.

"No. I already have a boyfriend. Didn't you read the previous news? I went to Kunfang, gave up Zhuo Yue and went to Kunfang, and now Ye Xuange and I are standing in front of you, you won't Don't you understand what this means? I went to Kunfang for Ye Xuange and gave up Zhuo Feibai for Ye Xuange. I love him and he is my boyfriend now, so I don't need a substitute at all... "

In other words, as a substitute, you are of no value to Rong Si now.

Because she no longer loves Zhuo Feibai, let alone a substitute.

"Impossible! How could you fall in love with someone else in such a short period of time? How is it possible? You fell in love with Ye Xuange, what about me? Why would you rather fall in love with someone else than look at me? , Rong Si, why?"

"Why are there so many emotional things?"

Rong Si asked strangely.

With just these words, Qiao Mo immediately fell silent.

"Is it because I did something wrong before? Is it because of that?"

Please, Rong Si, please tell me it's because of this? Please, please...

"No, it has nothing to do with that."

Rong Si didn't hear Qiao Mo's thoughts at all, and said almost ruthlessly, "Even if you haven't done anything like that before, I still..."

"That's enough..."

"Qiao Mo."

"I said enough..." Qiao Mo took two steps back, lowered his head, then raised it again, laughing, "Rong Si, I hate you. "

Hearing this, Rong Si said nothing.

"I hate you!"

As he said this, he pushed Rong Si hard and rushed out. Ye Xuange hugged Rong Si, and then heard her sigh softly.

"I'll go in first. You can go back. Thank you for sending me home."

Rong Si said to Ye Xuange with a smile and walked towards the room.

But she didn't expect Ye Xuange to grab her arm at this moment, "So, what you just said is true? Huh?"

"Are you coming to join in?" Rong Si looked at Ye helplessly. Xuan Ge glanced at him.

"Okay, okay, you go back and have a good rest, okay?"

Although I knew you were just trying to distract Qiao Mo and stop him from thinking about it, what you just said made his heart move so much, he was addicted!

He even hoped to hear Rong Si say this to him every day, what should he do? He likes her so much.

Ye Xuange's favorability is 99.

Hearing the system broadcasting this report in her ears, Rong Si felt a flash of surprise in her heart. Looking at Ye Xuange, who was clearly smiling in front of her, but with a bitter smile, her heart sank for a moment, and then rushed The other party nodded, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he leaned against the door, sighed again, and then showed a bright smile.

The feeling of falling in love, Ye Xuange?

At the same time, on the other side, looking at the gorgeous wedding dress in front of her, Qin Kefei even had an unreal feeling as if she was in a dream.

Suddenly Zhuo Feibai's crisis was resolved, and suddenly the two of them were about to get married.

Does she like Zhuo Feibai? There is no doubt that she likes him. Otherwise, he would not have broken up with Rong Si as soon as he heard him confessing to him, nor would he have come to him as soon as he heard that the other party was in crisis, or even Thinking of spending time with him in adversity.

And now the two of them are getting married? She's about to get married! It was Zhuo Feibai who proposed to her personally. The moment the other party spoke, the thorn in Qin Kefei's heart named Rong Si became less important.

Marriage is such an important and sacred thing!

Moreover, Zhuo Feibai had already brought her parents and relatives over from the rural town and asked them to witness their wedding together.

Everything is so beautiful.

Qin Kefei even felt that she was so happy that she could fly. She felt that she had never been so happy. Holding her wedding dress, Qin Kefei fell directly onto the big bed behind her, and her whole body bounced. She smiled and closed her eyes.

There is still one month left, very soon...

This month, Zhuo Feibai and Qin Kefei were leisurely preparing for their wedding.

As for Rong Si, she had never seen Qiao Mo again. She heard that he was still hanging around in the entertainment industry, so she asked a producer she knew to take care of him. It seemed that he had already acted in a movie. He's a supporting actor in an idol drama, that's good.

Ye Xuange rarely met her because of his busy work schedule, while Rong Si spent most of her savings to pay the liquidated damages for the bad movie contract she still had in Kunfang, and saved the rest, which is about the same. She could live happily for several years.

Yes, Rong Si is ready to leave. According to the system, his current energy is not enough. If he could support her until the end of her life in the previous world, but now due to the unknown error, I am afraid that he can only support Rong Si in this world. If you stay a few more years, you will have to leave.

This is why Rong Si doesn't want to start a relationship with Ye Xuange. Having and never having one are two different things. She thinks the other person is pretty good, and just because he is pretty good, she doesn't want to destroy the beautiful thoughts in her heart. She felt that the most beautiful thing about a love was just now, when it was ambiguous and had not yet begun. She even hoped that she could maintain this feeling when she left, not because of her strange The problem is that after a month of dating Ye Xuange, he completely put him in the camp of his ex-boyfriend.

She didn't want to.

It's also a strange feeling.

A month later, after packing all her belongings, Rong Si bought a plane ticket that happened to be the day of her wedding to Zhuo Feibai.

Early that morning, she went to find Qin Kefei.

Seeing her arrival, Qin Kefei was obviously very surprised, and a strange feeling of happiness arose in her heart that Zhuo Feibai was not here.

Then she saw Rong Si handing an exquisite jewelry box to her, "Congratulations..."

Qin Kefei took Rong Si's gift in surprise, opened it, and immediately let out an exclamation.

Just because it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful. A sparkling diamond necklace just looks like it is a woman's ultimate dream.

"You give it to me? No, I can't ask for this gift!"

"Don't you want a wedding gift too?" Rong Si said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Kefei couldn't refuse.

"Here, let me bring it for you, okay?"

"Hey, um, thank you..." Qin Kefei said.

Rong Si immediately stepped forward and put the diamond necklace on Qin Kefei's neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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