Chapter 30 The end of the road for the movie queen (7)

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The bracelet matter has come to an end now.

When the adults were standing at the door of the office talking, Rong Si just stood aside holding Ye Yuan's hand, looking at them with a smile until the polite smiles on their faces gradually became stiff.

Standing next to her, Ye Yuan, who was holding her hand, would look up at her from time to time. His round little head seemed a little confused as to why Qin Kefei, that annoying little girl, suddenly admitted her mistake. , what happened to the red scarf? Not that he did anyway. What happened to the bad boy? Everyone keeps saying he is a bad boy anyway, so he is not afraid!

Girls are cowards! What a nuisance!

Well, except for Sister Apple.

He thought to himself.

The conversation between the three adults was finally defeated by Rong Si's polite smile. Then several people heard Qin Kefei's father sigh and turned to look at Rong Si, "I'm really sorry, this matter belongs to my family. Xiaofei did something wrong. No matter what, I will ask her to apologize to Ye Yuan in front of the whole class."

"Old Qin!" Qin's mother exclaimed.

Qin Kefei also looked up at her father, pursed her lips, and reached out to touch her red scarf without any intention of retorting.

Seeing this, Rong Si smiled directly and said, "Thank you, uncle. It would be great if you could help Xiao Yuan explain it clearly. I have, um, one hundred yuan here. Please accept it and give it to my little sister. Can you buy something delicious? My cousin is also ignorant, so this can be regarded as an apology."

"Hey, we can't have this..."

Qin's father and Qin's mother kept rejecting it for a long time, and Rong Si was impatient. No need to force it.

Then he followed them to the first grade class and watched Qin Kefei crying and apologizing to Ye Yuan. The expression on the little fat man's face was definitely not friendly, and he kept squinting at everyone.

After he finished apologizing and it was almost time for lunch, Ye Yuan rushed towards her.

Rong Si looked at all the students in the class and led him out.

Along the way, Ye Yuan kept looking up at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you...are you really my cousin?"

"Don't you think so?"

"I'm so fat, ugly, and very slow. People usually don't like me, dislike me, and call me stupid. , saying that I was too fat, couldn't run fast, and didn't take me with me to play games. You are thin, good-looking, and smart. You immediately made that annoying Qin Kefei apologize to me, and you didn't do anything with me... It's different..."

As he said that, the little fat man became frustrated.

Hearing this, Rong Si smiled.

Even now, this little fat man would praise her for being thin, and praising her for being good-looking and smart. If it were Ye Xuange in the future, he would probably only be hypocritical and polite to her.

Thinking like this, Rong Si stopped and reached out to touch Ye Yuan's round head. She felt it felt good, so she touched it again, and then said, "Why is it different? Huh? Look at us. One nose and two eyes, right? You are just a little fat now. In a few days, I will accompany you to run every morning to lose weight and exercise. After losing weight, won't you be a beautiful and smart Xiao Yuan? Right? When we play games, no one can outrun you, okay?"

Hearing this, the little fat man's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily.


This time, because of Rong Si's presence, the little fat man naturally let go of his stomach to eat. He had a big appetite, but because the cabbage and tofu he ate was not very oily, he stuffed his rice vigorously.

But this time Rong Si brought him a lot of meat and vegetables, so he didn't eat that much. He had a special liking for braised pork. The bottom of the plate of meat was gone in a while, which made Rong Si feel depressed. Who knows that actor Ye Da, who laughs so hard and always insists that he is a vegetarian and refuses any meat, was a big fan of braised pork when he was a child? Looking at the posture, I am afraid that even the dead pig will smile after knowing about it.

Although Rong Si likes to fool scumbags, she does what she says when it comes to children. She said she would run with Ye Yuan, so she came to school early in the morning and ran around the playground with him. The fat man didn't know where the motivation came from, but he gritted his teeth and persevered without complaining about hardship or tiredness.

When eating, Rong Si was also supervising him. Under the condition of ensuring nutrition, he would never be allowed to eat more. Looking at the miserable little face of the other party, he still had no intention of nodding.

I just don't know why, but Ye Yuan's interpersonal relationship in the class seems to have gotten worse since that apology. Originally, he still cared about other people's opinions and wanted to actively integrate into it. After having Rong Si's company, He actually became a loner and ignored the group of classmates in the class. Qin Kefei tried to get close to him countless times, but he shook his head and coldly ignored her.

Seeing this situation, Rong Si said it several times, but the little fat man didn't listen, so she let him go.

But it is conceivable that if she had not come back for such a trip, Ye Yuan would have been misunderstood and misunderstood throughout elementary school, and even the title of a thief would have been stuck on his forehead. Qin Kefei would have changed classes and continued to be successful. rises, and he will face the situation of being rejected by his teachers and ostracized by his classmates. His parents are no longer with him, his grandparents are old, and no one can listen to his grievances.

Loneliness, anger, and grievance will run through his entire elementary school life.

It is understandable that he would do that to Qin Kefei in the future. He just hung her up and abandoned her. He was taking revenge on her. Later, in order to prevent Qin Kefei from living a good life, he entered the entertainment industry At the peak of his powers, he made countless stilts and continued to seek death to the end.

Thinking like this, Rong Si looked at the little fat man running forward with his head sullenly, but what he recalled in his mind were the words of the mother of her world last night.

Her current parents are finally getting divorced. Her mother said she would take her to the city where she works because her work there is very urgent and she needs Rong Si to make a decision quickly. She just needs to be busy, unlike her. There was a slutty vixen on her dad's side, who coaxed her dad around and took out a lot of money. She wouldn't be able to leave much for her in the future, so she needed to think carefully about it.

Although Rong Si is now taller than her peers due to good nutrition since she was a child, in the final analysis she is just a little girl of about ten years old. Her parents do not hide everything from her, and they find each other for any emotional discord. I had a boyfriend and girlfriend, they broke up again, I didn't divorce for the sake of business and her, etc.

Rong Si, who is now Ji Minlin, knew everything, so when she met Zhuo Feibai, she fell completely in love with him just because of the little kindness, love and care he showed.

After Ye Yuan finally ran ten laps around the 200-meter small playground, Rong Si led him back and handed him a bag of milk.

Then he took out a digital watch from his pocket and handed it to his eyes, "Here, happy birthday, Fatty Ye."

"Hey, hey!"

Ye Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. They had become red from running before. Her cheeks instantly lifted up and she looked at Rong Si, "Thank you! Thank you Sister Apple! But my birthday is in three days..."

He kept shouting, and Rong Si had no intention of correcting him.

When she came home from school with him last time, she saw him staring at this electronic watch, and Rong Si knew that he must like it.

"It's okay. I'll give it to you in advance to make you happy in advance!"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

Ye Yuan nodded happily.

Then he immediately put this electronic watch on his chubby wrist.

"Then why don't you come to my birthday in three days..."

"Well... maybe you can't come..."

"What's wrong?"

"My parents are divorced. I want to go to another city with my mother. Maybe in the future... I won't come back."

After thinking about it, Rong Si decided that it would be better to just confess like this. Children's hearts are always fragile. If she disappears inexplicably, I'm afraid the other party will hate her for the rest of her life. Then it will not be a strategy, but for Enemies were made.

But she didn't expect Ye Yuan to stop as soon as she finished speaking. Rong Si turned her head strangely, only to see Ye Yuan standing not far behind her with red eyes, staring at her.

Seeing her turning her head, Ye Yuan didn't look like he was afraid of being found crying like before. He didn't even lie, he just kept staring at her.

Then he rushed towards her like a little cannonball, but he just pushed her gently, "I know you girls are the most annoying, and I hate girls the most!" After yelling, he

nodded. He ran away without returning, and even Rong Si didn't know where he went.

The cell phone her mother bought for her rang, telling her to go back and pack her things quickly.

After searching for a long time with no results, Rong Si had to leave first, but as soon as she left, Ye Yuan's little face appeared in the corner. Seeing Rong Si left, tears fell down.

Then he wiped his tears vigorously and went to the small park alone to howl wildly.

On the day she left, Rong Si made a special trip to school. Who knew that Teacher Zhou told her that Ye Yuan didn't come to class at all today.

As soon as she heard what he said, Rong Si frowned. After searching for a long time at the train station, she found Ye Yuan who was hiding his head. For such an old man, he was not afraid of being abducted when he came here alone.

But this fat little boy kept looking at her hatefully, his eyes full of accusations.

Seeing this, Rong Si smiled helplessly and placed a gentle kiss on Ye Yuan's forehead.

"From now on, study hard, get into a good university, and come to Yanjing to see me again, okay? I will always be there..."

After saying that, Rong Si felt like she was back to the way she was before, as if she was in a time machine. In this state, time flows forward like water.

When she reacted again, she was instantly shocked because Ye Xuange was so close to her now.

Seeing her open her eyes, he immediately raised the corner of his mouth, "Are you awake? Was our Best Actress Rong Da tired before? Huh? She slept so soundly, but luckily she didn't snore and grind her teeth. Alas, this is such a big news. No more..."

There was always a smile on the corner of the man's mouth, but the smile never reached his eyes, being polite and distant.

But Rong Si had just come back from more than ten years ago, and she always couldn't help but connect the magnificent actor in front of her with the fat man before who was eating braised pork.

Not to mention how sour and refreshing it feels!

It's almost unbearable to look at!

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