Chapter 34 The end of the road for the movie queen (11)

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Although it was drizzling, both of them got wet along the way.

As soon as she entered the door, Rong Si couldn't help but sneeze. Qiao Mo quickly took off the wet coat on Rong Si, "Go and take a hot bath..." "

What about you?"

"I'll go. Wash in the bathroom upstairs, you go quickly!"

As he said that, he pushed Rong Si into the bathroom without any explanation. At the same time, he prepared pajamas, towels and other things and placed them outside the bathroom. This was the two of them. As a habit, Rong Si never remembered to bring these things with her when she entered the bathroom. He prepared them for her every time.

Hearing the sound of water running in the bathroom gradually, Qiao Mo's face turned red strangely, and then he quickly rushed upstairs and took a quick hot shower.

After Rong Si took a comfortable bath and came out, she happened to see the kitchen light turned on and Qiao Mo standing in front of the gas stove. Maybe it was because her hair was just blown casually, causing the ends of her hair to still be dripping wet. It was wet, but the other party had a white towel wrapped around his neck to soak up the dripping water.

Her hands were busy, and soon the smell of cooking noodles rushed straight into Rong Si's nose. She stopped wiping her hair, leaned against the wall, and looked at it with a smile. Qiao Mo moves.

Perhaps because he noticed her, Qiao Mo didn't even look back and said, "The noodles are almost ready. Go to the table and cook them. I'll bring them to you later!"

This was a daily routine between the two of them. Bar.

Rong Si has always been picky and pretentious. She can't even eat a lot of takeaways. There are many things in the house of a part-time worker that she doesn't want others to touch. Since Qiao Mo followed her, she has learned to cook and learned many dishes, many of which are Rong Si's. She must try to be messy, otherwise there will be all kinds of harassment and threats. It is this constant threat that makes Qiao Mo feel worse and worse for her.

"You just rely on me? You don't have to rely on

me if you have the ability?" "I know I'm ugly. I've always been like this. Why did you just meet me today?"

"Qiao Mo, don't be so shameless. Face!"


Wait, these are what the other party said to him before. She clearly drew a clear line between the two of them. He is on this end and she is on the other end. There is no room for relaxation. She is like a Like a warrior, he strives to defend his territory, just like the room that is locked all year round. No one is allowed to enter. Anyone who disobeys the order will die.

It was only recently that the boundary between the two began to blur, and the threats and ridicules from the other party gradually decreased.

Qiao Mo thought as he scooped up the noodles, smiled softly, and then took out two bowls of noodles with poached eggs on top.

"I have called Brother Zheng before and told him that when we finish eating the noodles, he will come and drive me to the hospital. The bowl will be placed there. I will wash it when I come back tomorrow when I am free. I was asked to come over and wash it. It's okay, just be careful when you're home alone at night."

Qiao Mo said hurriedly as soon as he put down the noodles.

Brother Zheng, Zheng Leng, is a well-known gold medal agent in the industry and one of Zhuo Yue's most powerful agents. He almost single-handedly promoted Rong Si from an unknown person to the current position of No. 1 sister. Similarly, Rong Si's fame has also made He also became famous. He is also Qiao Mo's agent now, but if it weren't for Rong Si's relationship, he might not even notice a rookie who was drafted and wouldn't be popular for a few months.

Rong Si listened, nodded, took a bite of the poached egg, and turned on the TV.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the award ceremony that Rong Si and Qiao Mo attended was being broadcast live on TV, and the award for Best Actress happened to be awarded. The organizer had already said that she would only be able to go up to receive the award. The heroine award was given to her, but now she is gone. As expected, the award was given to another actress. She is a bit older, but her acting skills are very superb. Not only that, she is also good at fighting.

The actress burst into tears on the stage because someone had said hello to her before. As long as Rong Si came, she would not even think about this award. Who would have thought that Rong Si would disappear inexplicably, and even the organizers would Unable to find it, he angrily awarded the award to her.

In fact, Rong Si had no objections to awarding it to her. She did have the strength.

When Qiao Mo heard this result, he stopped eating noodles and turned to look in Rong Si's direction.

"Rong Si..."

Rong Si drank the noodle soup without hearing anything, wiped her mouth, and then looked at Qiao Mo. Seeing the deep guilt in his eyes, she smiled directly, "Why are you looking at me like that? Originally, their performance in the last movie was better than mine, so I am convinced that I lost. Besides, I was the one who won the award last year, so I have nothing to regret, but..." Before she could finish her

words, the doorbell rang. Someone rang the button, and Rong Si sighed slightly.

She dare not see Zheng Leng's icy face now. The most important thing is that he has a vicious mouth. When the two of them fought together in the past, Rong Sike suffered a lot of ridicule from the other party, but if it weren't for him, she wouldn't be where she is now. In such a situation, it can be said that the original Rong Si even took the initiative to stay away from Zhuo Feibai under the instigation of the other party, and relied on the other party's influence to act in one movie before reaching her current position.

The original owner was very grateful to this person, but was also very afraid of him. In the original plot, Zheng Leng left Zhuo Yue in the later period due to emotional problems. This made Rong Si have no one to talk to after she arrived, and she did many irrational things. decision.

Now that I think about it, this man has reached the most troubled stage. He will probably go abroad to recover soon and will not appear again until the plot is over.

Listening to the continuous and regular ringing of the doorbell, Rong Si stuck out her tongue at Qiao Mo, then leaned into Qiao Mo's ear, "Tell him that I got caught in the rain and am sleeping now, you know? Then call him immediately." Go to the hospital, don't let that ancestor stay..."

After saying that, Rong Si went upstairs quietly.

He didn't even notice Qiao Mo's suddenly red ears and neck.

He suddenly felt that his left ear was itching really badly, and he wanted to reach out to scratch it, but he didn't know what he thought of, so he put his raised hand down again, and then walked to the door and opened it.

"Zheng...Brother Zheng..."

Qiao Mo stuttered.

As soon as he saw him, Zheng Leng immediately frowned, "Where's Rong Si?"

"She, she's asleep..."



Zheng Leng turned his head and glanced at Qiao Mo's red ears and sneered. She said, "Oh, she can still sleep at this time, okay, let's go!"

Rong Si, who was hiding at the top of the stairs, heard that her agent didn't say anything too harsh, and she immediately relaxed. You know I lost a heroine inexplicably, but there was a lot of fuss outside. All the media had prepared news about Rong Si's reelection, but who knew that it turned out to be an upset.

But Rong Si was just halfway through breathing when she saw Zheng Leng looking towards her accurately, his eyes full of warnings, which made Rong Si unable to take a breath and started coughing violently. He got up, but the two men below acted as if they didn't hear anything, closed the door together, and walked out, not caring about Rong Si's life or death.

As soon as he got into the car, Zheng Leng sat in the passenger seat and immediately turned to look at Qiao Mo.

"Rong Si lost the heroine because of you, right?"

Hearing this, Qiao Mo glanced at him in surprise.

"Oh, I hope you can know what gratitude means. After all..."

It has never been easy for her!

Zheng Leng didn't even finish what he said before he started the car.

How could he, who had spent the most difficult years with Rong Si, not know how much pain she had hidden in her heart? It was a pity that Zhuo was so cruel, and Qiao Mo was still young, irrational, ignorant and easily shaken. To be precise, he should He is still a teenager at heart and still needs others to take care of him. How can he take good care of Rong Si at his age? What Rong Si needs is never such a man. They are not suitable at all!

But he wouldn't say anything more than necessary. He knew that Rong Si understood.

Moreover, he was all confused, and the resignation letter was still lying in his drawer, so he couldn't care much about it.

The next day, Rong Si returned to the crew. News about Rong Si missing out on the heroine had already spread. No one on the crew dared to talk about it too much in front of her.

After listening to Zheng Leng's words, Rong Si sent a congratulations on Weibo and @the actress. The other party also commented, so the matter was over.

But immediately after, Zheng Leng left Zhuo Yue and even left the country.

The supervisor of Bonjour Company, who is male, also chased him out. Now he doesn't know what the situation is.

Of course, these are all the information Rong Si got from Zhuo Feibai, who came to visit the class. She heard that the supervisor was Zhuo Feibai's cousin, and he had a good family background, so it was not difficult to understand why Zheng Leng left.

The relationship between Zhuo Feibai and Qin Kefei has recently entered a period of conflict. Just because of Qin Kefei's legs, the other party still had to do those difficult fighting moves, which made Zhuo Feibai so angry that he scolded her several times. , some unpleasant words were said out of her mouth without any control, and she even compared Qin Kefei with Rong Si.

"...Haha, can't this drama work without you? Huh? Who do you think you are? Rong Si? Do you think you have such good acting skills as her? And don't you think it's too simple? Can people in the entertainment industry just rely on their acting skills? You didn't go to the charity party last time, and you asked Qiao for this wedding banquet. Qin Kefei, do you take yourself too seriously? Didn't you overestimate your acting skills?"

It was Zhuo Feibai who felt sorry for her that she was flying up and down every day and was very nervous, so he found an excuse to take her out for some fresh air. Who knew that the other party actually thought that she had broken a bone? The reason for rejection was that she didn't have much time in the first place, and she couldn't waste the extra time on these insights.

This wedding banquet was considered to be the wedding of two popular artists in the industry, and more people came during the period. Rong Si even received an invitation from the other party to be a bridesmaid. She was not very familiar with the woman, so naturally she was not. Agree, but I still have to go to the wedding banquet.

Qiao Mo, Ye Xuange and others are all going, and the crew will probably have to stop for a day. The man is very good at being a good person and is very popular in the industry. I think it will be an entertainment feast, even better than a charity gala. Even more people are coming.

It can be said that Zhuo Feibai is really thinking about Qin Kefei, but the other party is now eager to prove his strength. No matter what Zhuo Feibai says, he will never nod.

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