Chapter 22 - Substitute (End)

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  Jiang Chengyi also just glanced at Qin Yi before withdrawing his own eyes and turning to Rong Si.

  "The past, let's forget about it, okay? Rong Si ...... brother's heart has always been bad, so many years of procrastination without treatment, now just rely on drugs and surgery or barely, must be replaced with another healthy heart, I'm not just doing nothing in the past few days abroad, but also contacted the relevant people, now there is a healthy heart waiting for Rong Zheng, as long as you nod your head, we will be This side of things are all left behind, never care about it again, there is no need to come back even after ...... the future, the doctor I found is globally renowned, and the success rate of the operation has always been very high. After my brother's illness is cured, the three of us will stay in that city and live well together, OK? And Rong Zheng still keeps calling me brother Seung Ye now, and has always liked me, so let's just be like we were before ......"

  Jiang Chengyi said seductively, his eyes have been seriously and nervously looking at Rong Si, as long as she nods, as long as she is willing, he can pretend that all the previous things have not happened, and for the rest of his life, he will be single-mindedly treating Rong Si as if she were a jewel, and he will do as he says.

While Rong Si's hand was so tightly held by Jiang Chengyi's sweaty hand, she drew it down and didn't pull it out, instead, the other party gripped it even tighter.

  Seeing this, Rong Si gently sighed, and didn't draw out her hand again, looking down at Jiang Chengyi, "Do you think we can still go back to the past?"

  "Of course!"

  Jiang Chengyi busily interrupted, "You liked me so much before, and I like you so much now, only if we work hard on both ends, we can definitely go back to the past, Rong Si, do you believe me?"

  "Believe, believe, how many times have I believed you? Jiang Chengyi, I'm tired now, you know? I can't work hard anymore, and I don't want to work hard on you anymore, just let it be ......"

  "Don't, Rong Si, I don't want it to be like this, don't be so desperate, okay? I beg you, I was wrong before, I'm not good, but I've changed, I've really changed, you just need to nod your head, we still have a long, long way to go ......"

  "Cheng also I do not ......"

  Rong Si frowned.

  "Good, I know, I know, you must be tired today, must be tired, I have disturbed you for too long, you shouldn't be able to think normally and make the most correct decision now, I know!"

  Before Rong Si's words were finished, Jiang Chengyi suddenly interrupted loudly, and then quickly stood up, his eyes also followed for me with some redness, "You, you first take a good rest, I won't disturb you, you take care of your injuries, I'll come back to see you tomorrow, tomorrow!"

  After saying that, he ran outside without looking back.

  "Cheng Yi!"

  The more Rong Si called him, the faster he ran.

  Seeing this, Rong Si slowly lowered her head, looking towards a crack by the corner of the wall in a daze, only after a long time did she bend down to pick up the drink that had rolled to her feet and picked it up, turning her head to look at Qin Yi, who was still standing there, crying and laughing, "What are you still standing there for? Push me back, it's almost noon, the sun is making my head a little dizzy."

  "Eh? Oh!"

  Qin Yi immediately walked over and pushed Rong Si's wheelchair and led her to start walking inside the ward.

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