Chapter 37 The end of a movie queen (14)

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Yes, these data were all extracted for her by entrusting the system to invade the world's network. Everything in this world is inseparable from the Internet, and the system can take her through the world. Not to mention those small firewalls, it is not easy to take screenshots or even call records.

Since he doesn't want her to be well off, she naturally doesn't want him to be well off either, and if she throws dirty water on me, then let's just wallow in the quagmire together. No one can escape from the private affairs of men stealing women from prostitutes and cheating on others.

It's my last courtesy not to add insult to injury.

As for the Zhuo family, the pigtails were easier to catch. They sorted them out and gave them to the Zhuo family's opponents. Even if they couldn't hurt their muscles or move their bones, they could still be disgusting. Just like they disgusted her, of course they gave them away. It's not for nothing. She asked the other party to defeat Zhuo Yue. She will help him to the end for what old Zhuo Yue didn't finish before. If Zhuo Feibai wants to find someone in the future, he can just ask his father. , anyway, this is what the other party meant.

Rong Si was lying on the hospital bed. Although her body did not react much, her consciousness was very comfortable. The current state of being seriously ill was also arranged for her by the system. It can be said that the current system may have gone through that unknown error. , was very talkative, and did not ask her about gold coins or not. This attitude made Rong Si very satisfied, and she did not continue to pursue her previous mistakes.

She had to enter this hospital. People will always sympathize with the weak. This kind of mentality is inevitable. She did something that offended almost everyone. Although others can't be sure, as long as they count the people who benefit the most. It is not difficult for others to guess who she is behind the scenes. Although those people may not know how they did it, they will definitely put this account on her head.

No matter what, just remember it, she will be happy.

Ye Xuange ran to the hospital in one breath, but he was still breathing. What he saw through the transparent glass window outside the ward was Rong Si's slightly raised corners of his mouth, and the manager who was following him didn't even notice it. Not bothering Ye Xuange, he turned around and went to find the doctor.

After coming back, she stood next to Ye Xuange and whispered, "The doctor said that Rong Si's condition is much more stable now. If you want to go in and see her, you can." I heard

my manager say this . , Ye Xuange turned his head, "Thank you..."

"It's okay, this time you are a blessing in disguise. Who would have thought that Rong Si could not only turn around, but also fight a beautiful turnaround. Now her reputation is the same as a few days ago. There have been earth-shaking changes, and almost all those who stood in line before were almost swollen from being slapped in the face, let alone Qiao Mo. Now Tianjiao Entertainment, let alone praise him as its first brother, has just negotiated a youth movie. I'm afraid the protagonist is about to become a prostitute. I don't know if he will have a chance to succeed in the future. I heard that he also has a mother lying in the hospital. I don't know what to do in the future!"

"Oh, you are just a fool like you. , is the one who has taken advantage of the most in this turmoil. Duke has already designated you as the leading actor in his movie, and I also negotiated the previous endorsement for you..." As he spoke, the

agent stood Looking at Ye Xuange from the side, he looked at Ye Xuange as if he was taking advantage of everything. The nurse on the other side had already brought the antibacterial uniforms to them. As soon as they were handed to the agent, the other party immediately took them. , stuffed into Ye Xuange's hand.

"Go in, I've already asked for a leave of absence from the company, using the excuse that you have to study Director Duke's script, take advantage of it." "

Thank you, Leo."

"We two don't need to thank you. , I'm not relying on you to make a living, I'll take care of you as long as you're good. Your mood is also within my scope of work, so go ahead."

After hearing what he said, Ye Xuange immediately patted Leo's shoulder and said, I walked in with good clothes.

Looking at Rong Si lying on the bed with her eyes closed, she suddenly felt something in her heart. She pulled out the chair and sat down. Then she took Rong Si's hand, brought it to her lips and kissed her gently, cautiously and seriously.

"The doctor said that you are in good health and don't have any problems. Please wake up soon, okay? Our filming of Beauty Jianghu hasn't been finished yet? I haven't asked you properly yet. All those letters I sent back then are gone. Where, why did you suddenly change your name? Why did you also change your last name? Have you already recognized me? I have many, many questions. Please wake up quickly, Rong Si..." Rong Si...

" Si's soul was half floating in the air. Looking at Ye Xuange like this, he didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he curled his mouth.


At the same time, Qiao Mo heard the door of his house being slammed, and the house became quiet again.

The manager's roar just now was still echoing in his ears.

"Qiao Mo, it's over, it's over, it's all over. How did I advise you in the first place? They said that Tianjiao Entertainment is not reliable. They can't arrange their own one, two, and three brothers. They don't have enough resources. How can they specifically praise you? ? How could I have extra resources to support you? Most likely, it was to bring down Rong Si, and to bring down Zhuo Yue, so as to create a divorce. You won't get much benefit if you go, but now it's fine. The loopholes in the broken agreement you signed A lot of them are untenable in court. Can Tianjiao's team of lawyers be defended by an 18th-tier actor like you?" "

Now your Zhuo Yue people have been offended, Tianjiao's people are offended. People won't use you anymore. I'll see what else you can do in the future. I'll see how you can continue to hang out in this entertainment industry? How did Rong Si treat you badly? Ah? Just do it. There will be more in the future When you regret it! Rong Si has entered the hospital. Go and have a look when you have time. I don't ask you to please the other person again and make the other person like you again and praise you. Just touch your conscience. You It's time to go and see her... Okay, that's all I have to say, you can weigh it yourself!"

Qiao Mo found that at this time, he could no longer think about anything in his mind, and his whole mind was completely absorbed. Si is hospitalized. These four words are occupied. Hospitalized? How come you are hospitalized? Is she in bad health? When she was with him, apart from being picky about food, she was always fine...

Qiao Mo, who was a little numb, slowly stood up and then turned on his computer. The news of Rong Si's critical illness notice jumped directly into his eyes. He immediately rushed forward and kept flipping over. After reading it, Qiao Mo felt that the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen by something, and his neck felt more like it was being frozen by a non-existent big hand. He strangled him so hard that it became difficult for him to breathe.

Then, without thinking, he turned around, flicked the mouse, and rushed out without even changing his shoes.

When he got into his car, he found that no matter how hard he turned the key, it wouldn't work!

Only then did he remember that his car had run out of gas as early as yesterday. He slammed his hands on the steering wheel, opened the door and rushed out.

It should be about 2:30 in the middle of the night. Qiao Mo, who had been waiting on the street for nearly 20 minutes without getting a car, kicked off his slippers and started running to the hospital.

The nineteen-year-old boy was crying while running, wiping tears on the back of his hands...

Can he not want it? He doesn't want to stand out, become famous, or become popular. A substitute is also very good. As long as Rong Si can wake up and nothing happens, even if he is scolded for his life and is a softie, he will recognize the pretty boy and become Zhuo Feibai. He has no problem with being a substitute. As long as Rong Si can wake up and as long as she is happy, anything is possible...

Thinking of this, Qiao Mo wiped away his tears again. The iron buckle on the cuffs was so sharp that it cut the corner of his eye. A blood stain appeared instantly. As if he didn't notice any pain at all, he continued Keep running forward.

Rong Si, Rong Si...

these two words were the only ones left in his mind.

Just as Qiao Mo was running, Rong Si, who was staying in the hospital, just received the system prompt.

System: The key target of the strategy is Qiao Mo. The favorability is 100. The strategy is completed and 90 gold coins are obtained.

Qiao Mo?

Rong Si sighed softly, little brat.

Qiao Mo didn't know how long he had been running. The soles of his feet even began to ooze blood, but he never meant to stop. The morning sun gradually rose in the sky, and little bits of light sprinkled on his hair, glowing with a faint glow. The tears and blood in the corners of his eyes had already dried up, and the scars ached faintly, but Qiao Mo still had no intention of stopping.

At this moment, a taxi suddenly stopped beside him.

Sitting in the car, Qiao Mo's legs kept shaking.

The taxi driver took one look at Qiao Mo's current appearance, and felt unbearable in his heart.

"Where are you going, young man? Why are you running outside instead of taking a taxi?"

"City No. 1 Hospital."

Qiao Mo's voice was extremely hoarse, as if he hadn't drank water for several days,

"Oh, okay, I'll be sure for a while. As for you, you really should go to the hospital. I see that the injury on your foot is not serious. You must take a good look at it, okay? Where did you come from? I saw the footprints on the road before. There were bloody footprints every step of the way. I thought something had happened! Who would have known that I would see you running here as soon as I came here... Sigh..." The

driver had only been driving for about half an hour when Qiao Mo took out his wrinkled Baba paid and got out of the car.

Behind him, the driver was still shouting, "Child, take a good look at your feet!"

Qiao Mo showed no reaction and walked to the hospital's service desk with trembling legs. He asked for Rong Si's room number and ignored her. The other party asked with concern and went upstairs directly.

Until he stood at the corner, all the courage he had mustered up was drained out in one moment. The tense nerves in his whole body relaxed instantly. Pain hit him and he squatted down immediately. At the corner, I hugged my legs and shivered.

He wanted to see Rong Si, but he was afraid of seeing her...

He had done something bad. What if the other party didn't want him anymore? This is something he absolutely cannot accept. He cannot live without Rong Si, absolutely not!

He hopes that Rong Si will always be well and in good health, and then continue to live a good life with him as before, just the two of them. Even if, even if they can't act or become famous, it's no problem. He will do more. More delicious food, better for her, eleven thousand times better than before...

But the more he thought about it, the colder his heart became...

Suddenly, a question came from above his head.

"You, Qiao Mo?"

Hearing this, Qiao Mo trembled and looked up to see a completely unknown man standing in front of him carrying a lot of things.

He said he didn't recognize him, but he looks familiar.

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