Chapter 25 The end of the road for the movie queen (2)

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Rong Si raised her eyebrows and took off her sunglasses. She took a sip of the hot drink and picked up the entertainment newspaper. The deep nail mark on it made her raise her mouth.

The suspicion of Mr. Huaxin Zhuo's real girlfriend was exposed, and he drove away late at night to protect his girlfriend Zhuo Feibai!

This was the headline on the headlines, reporting the news of Zhuo Feibai and Qin Kefei running wildly in a car.

The original Rong Si did not know how many times she had read it over and over again, leaving a deep nail mark on the edge of the newspaper.

It's funny to say the same. According to the original owner's character of a coquettish bitch, and her endless rumored boyfriends, who would have thought that there would always be only that one person living in her heart.

Zhuo Feibai, this person seems to have become Rong Si's inner demon.

No matter how good a man is, he can never get it out of her heart.

If you really want to say how good the other party is to her, there is really no way. But when Rong Si first debuted, she encountered unspoken rules, and this man stopped her.

"It's better to follow him than follow me!"

Just six words seemed to be deeply engraved in Rong Si's heart, making her never dare to forget them.

Every time the other party changed girlfriends, it was a bloody stab in Rong Si's heart. However, as she got older, she didn't shed tears so easily, and she became as indifferent as she is now.

The original owner really thought that Zhuo Feibai would be like this for the rest of his life, and that she could stay with him like this for the rest of her life. Who knew that the appearance of Qin Kefei would completely crush her last desire, which made her irrational and even... She became crazy, but it was a pity that every time she framed her, the relationship between Qin Kefei and Zhuo Feibai would go further, and even their career would go further. So the more desperate she became, the crazier she became, and the crazier she became, the more desperate she became. In the end, she could only end up with dirty information flying everywhere. To the point of traveling far away from home.

Thinking like this, Rong Si slowly folded the newspaper and put it under her recliner. Alas, the ground in mountainous areas is always a little uneven.

In front of him, Ye Xuange, fluttering in white clothes and looking upright, was filming a fight scene with several extras.

Yes, the male protagonist of this movie is Ye Xuange.

The movie is called "Beauty Jianghu". Ye Xuange plays the role of Ye Chong, the eldest disciple of the righteous Yunwei sect and the eldest son of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

One day, one hundred and sixty-three members of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau were suddenly massacred. Rumors spread that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau was responsible for possessing the Wushuang Sword Manual, a peerless martial arts manual, which led to the massacre. However, the murderer found nothing. . Now the entire Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is dead, with only Ye Zhong left, so the sword score is most likely to belong to the other party.

From then on, Ye Zhong searched for the murderer while on the run. During this period, he met Ji Yexue, a demon saint played by You Rong Si. The two had not known each other before, and they were attracted to each other. In the end, they found the Wushuang Sword Manual together. , mastered the training, and found out that the murderer behind the scenes turned out to be Ye Zhong's master, the head of the Yunwei Sect. The last battle ended, and the story of Ye Zhong and Ji Yexue retreating from the world.

The story is old-fashioned, but it is written by a famous screenwriter and directed by a famous director. It can be regarded as an award-winning big production.

The most ingenious thing is that this movie brings together all the characters in this story. Rong Si is the heroine Ji Yexue, Ye Xuange is the hero Ye Chong, and Qiao Mo plays the loyal dog beside the heroine, Qin Kefei. She hasn't joined the group yet, but her character is Ye Xuange's childhood sweetheart who grew up with her, and is also the apple of the eye of Master Yunwei.

The scene played out now can be regarded as the very beginning of the movie. The extermination of the family has not yet begun. The male protagonist Ye Chong is still the upright and upright young hero.

It's funny to say, Ye Xuange doesn't know what's going on? At first, he just dumped Qin Kefei, but then he got into an affair with Rong Si and committed suicide to the end. He had no nostalgia for his ex-girlfriend and wanted to kill her from the beginning to the end.

And Qiao Mo was even funnier. Rong Si fed him, clothed him, brought him to a higher position, gave him resources, and even spent money to help his mother with a kidney transplant and treatment. In the end, he actually became resentful because of this, and even got involved. He kicked Rong Si down.

Sure enough, it's not a little wolfdog, but a naked white-eyed wolf?

Isn't it that when Rong Si first met him, she mistook him for Zhuo Feibai's shadow because of his side profile and forcibly confined him to her side? She teased him a little when she was happy, and said a few angry words when she had nothing to do. , this is a good impression of -50?

Is it because you feel your dignity has been insulted or because you don't have freedom?

This little kid with barely even hair is really speechless! You must know that although Rong Si keeps each other like a pet, he also pays affection and money. This man doesn't care about anything and just focuses on Rong Si insulting him. He thinks that with his own talent, he can also If it weren't for Rong Si, he wouldn't have to do these things to please others.

So innocent and cute!

Rong Si glanced at Qiao Mo, who was standing on the other side, and did not ignore the disgust in his eyes. He couldn't even hide this emotion. What on earth can this person do?

The original Rong Si just didn't like to care about things, but it was different for her. What she loved to do most was care about things.

Rong Si looked away and stood up. According to the script, the next scene was hers.

Ji Yexue, the devil's saint who was bathing in a mountain hot spring, suddenly encountered an enemy.

Rong Si quickly put on makeup for the next scene, put on a tube top, wrapped her coat and stood aside to wait. As soon as the director called out the sentence, she immediately walked up and finished communicating with the director, After the equipment was in place, he immediately took off his coat, revealing his exquisite body.

Rong Si had to sigh, the original owner's figure was real, oh no, extremely good, even more deadly than her figure in reality.

As soon as she took off her clothes, Rong Si immediately felt that the temperature around her was much higher.

Ye Xuange stood aside with his arms folded and watched leisurely, while Qiao Mo, after seeing the looks in the eyes of the men around him, became even more disgusted with this kind of woman!

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