Chapter 36 The end of the road for the movie queen (13)

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Ye Xuange smiled and left the stage amidst the stunned eyes of everyone. He looked in the direction ahead, and every step he took was so determined. But as expected, as soon as he came on stage, he was greeted with a slap in the face from his manager. scold.

"Fortunately, I thought you were a smart person before, but in the end, you dare to drown in the muddy water of Rong Si? Ah? Which artist in the industry dares to stand up and say a word for that woman, that is, you, alas, you Do you still want to mess with you in the entertainment industry? Ye Xuange, what do you want me to say about you? Ah? Now, once your words are broadcast, your usual enemies will definitely catch you. I won't let you go and will use all my strength to drag you down. I'll see how you fight for the new movie directed by Tomorrow International. He just wants to open up the domestic market and what he wants is domestic male artists with appeal. You'd better take this I kicked out the opportunity that came to my door! Hey, let me tell you, what the hell did Rong Si pour into you... Don't leave, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Ye Xuange walked forward expressionlessly. After two steps, he immediately turned to look at his agent, "I just told the truth about everything I saw. I will rely on my ability to win over tomorrow's movie. If they really If they choose not to cooperate with me because of this kind of thing, it is also their loss... That's enough, don't follow me, I want to be alone!"

After saying that, Ye Xuange picked up the sunglasses beside him and put them on, and went out. He got into his car, stepped on the accelerator, and ran out.

Yes, even he himself didn't quite understand why he would become irritable and bored when listening to the reporters' aggressive remarks, and even didn't want to listen at all, although he still couldn't confirm whether Rong Si was When Ji Minlin was a child, even if there was a slight possibility, he didn't want her to be harmed in the slightest. After all, he had never met a woman who made him feel so obvious, starting from the meal they had before. , he has always been deeply suspicious.

He didn't want to regret it for the rest of his life because of his retreat, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, no matter how high the price was, when he learned the truth in the future.

After driving the car to a beach, he suddenly stepped on the brakes, then turned off the engine and got out of the car. He leaned back on the car and lit a cigarette for himself. He was not addicted, but he was still feeling depressed.

On the one hand, he hoped that his suspicion was correct. If Rong Si was Ji Minlin, it would prove that she had grown up peacefully and was living a good life. But on the other hand, he didn't want Rong Si to be Ji Minlin, because as soon as it was confirmed, he just thought that the other party had suffered such great harm when he couldn't see it, and was still being hurt now, and he felt that It's so uncomfortable that I'm about to explode.

His little sister should always be happy and carefree, and should be held in the palm of others' hands, instead of hurting herself because of a scumbag, and being blamed by thousands of people because of another bastard. Isn't this right? This is the life his little sister should live.

Ye Xuange finished smoking a cigarette and looked up at the sparkling sea in front of him. The sun was setting and the sea surface seemed to be plated with gold. Looking at it made him feel much better.

He was about to turn around and return to the car when he suddenly noticed that the back of a person on the beach below looked so familiar. He didn't care about anything else. He took two steps forward and grabbed the woman's arm.

"Hey, Ye Xuange, why are you here?"

The woman whose arm was tightly held by Ye Xuange and who was smiling at the children shoveling sand next to her could not be Rong Si.

Should we say that the system finally worked this time or that it finally gained some sense of crisis?

When Ye Xuange's car approached the beach of her villa, she began to broadcast continuously about the distance between him and her. Listening to this broadcast, Rong Si recalled the live interview of Ye Xuange she had just seen in her mind, and walked out. When I arrived at the beach, I happened to see a group of nearby children happily playing with fools, and kept saying "treasure hunt, treasure hunt".

After a while, Ye Xuange appeared in front of her.

She had to admit that she still had a high impression of this man. He was at least more mature than Qiao Mo and more principled than Zhuo Feibai.

Rong Si thought it was normal for Qiao Mo to do that, and she didn't mean to blame him. It's just that he was not a child. She just hoped that he could be responsible for his own choices!

"I just finished a job and came out to get some fresh air. Why are you here?"

"Work?" Rong Si smiled, "I saw it. Thank you for speaking for me. I didn't expect you are still here at this time." I'm willing to stand up, thank you! My home is nearby, and I can't go anywhere else now. I tend to have random thoughts when I'm stuck at home, so I just happened to go out for a walk..." "

Well, it's okay, let's talk?"

Ye Xuange pointed. A big stone on a plate, Rong Si nodded.

The seaside, the evening breeze, the setting sun, the boulders, and the children playing beside them.

It can be said that all of this is so beautiful. Ever since Rong Si grew up, coupled with the non-stop strategy tasks, she has rarely had such pleasant moments. But it's just her temperament. It's okay to try it occasionally. After a long time, it's okay. It would feel boring. She didn't know if her time travels had an end, and whether she wanted an end. She didn't know where she would go after exchanging her body. Well, that's it, just take one step. Count one step and you will know what to do when you encounter it!

Looking at Rong Si's side face looking towards the sea, inexplicably, Ye Xuange's heart started to beat uncontrollably. He didn't know why, but he just felt that Rong Si looked so real now, and he had never seen it before. It's so real, and the profile almost coincides with that of Ji Minlin when she was a child.

Turning her head, it was as if Ji Minlin was looking at him with a smile.

Looking at Ye Xuange's stunned expression, Rong Si stopped smiling and said, "Ye Xuange?"

"Huh?" Ye Xuange came back to his senses and saw the confusion on Rong Si's face, and his face felt inexplicably hot. Then he coughed softly, "Hmm, so what are you going to do in the future? Now that your news is getting more and more dirty, it's easy to brainwash people into a fixed image, which will be detrimental to your career in the future. It's an extremely serious blow. What do you think Zhuo Feibai said? He is your boss, so he won't show no signs at all, right?"

As soon as he said the words, Ye Xuange suddenly felt that his words seemed to exude a strange feeling. The sour smell immediately made me frown inwardly, I'm still not sure yet, what's going on with you? Even if it is confirmed, he still needs to seek an explanation from the other party for the letters that have disappeared into the sea over the years. The most important thing is that he has always respected Ji Minlin as a sister. This jealous tone is really bloody!

Rong Si naturally heard it. Not only that, Ye Xuange's favorability level for her soared to 55. There was no way she could turn a blind eye.

Rong Si laughed, and then her smile slowly faded away, and she looked at the already dim scenery in front of her, "You don't have to worry about it, I will solve it. But I'm already covered in black, and it doesn't matter if I get darker." , but you, who were originally innocent, have just won the Best Actor Award, and the company is preparing to take you a step further. I heard that you are also preparing to cooperate with Duke, who is a great director, and now I am also involved in something, okay? Is there a problem?"

Hearing what Rong Si said, Ye Xuange couldn't help but recall the angry and twisted face of his manager. He raised his head and glanced at the smiling Rong Si again, "I never regret anything I've done. , People should always look forward. If they always think about their regrets and pains, they will never have time to move forward."

Hearing this, Rong Si nodded.

"No matter what, I still have to thank you!"

At this time, where the sea and the sky meet, the sunset withdrew its last ray of afterglow.

"Okay, it's getting late. It's time for me to go back. You should go back quickly. You are different from me. I don't have much work now, but you still have a full schedule, my best actor Ye!"

After saying that, Rong Si He stood up, waved to Ye Xuange, and started walking out.

It was also at this time that Ye Xuange's cell phone finally rang. Just as Rong Si said, he was so full that he even had to squeeze in time to eat and sleep. It is extremely rare to take a break from such a busy life now. .

Several children playing in the sand beside them had already been taken home by their parents, but a small plastic apple was left standing on the small castle made of sand. It was bright red and had residue on it. A child's tooth marks may be taken as real!

Looking at the apple, Ye Xuange's heart suddenly agitated, and the ringtone of the cell phone in his ear seemed to be urging him to do something.

Seeing that Rong Si was about to leave the beach and walk onto the road, Ye Xuange suddenly stood up, and the hem of his clothes rustled in the evening breeze on the beach.

"Rong Si, do you know Ji Minlin? I...I miss her very much..."

He roared hard, and his voice went directly into Rong Si's ears through the direction of the wind.

She happened to walk to Ye Xuange's car at this time. When she heard him shouting, she stopped, the corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably, and then turned around. At this time, Ye Xuange was standing where the two of them were sitting. On a big rock, Rong Si couldn't see his expression clearly because he was far away, but the ringtone of the cell phone in his pocket was still ringing like a reminder.

Seeing Rong Si turn around, Ye Xuange's hands clenched tightly unconsciously.

He felt that he had never been so nervous even when he acted in a play and won the Best Actor.

"She also misses her little fat boy, so he should go back and work hard, you know? She will solve her problems by herself, don't worry!"

After saying that, she waved to Ye Xuange and turned around with a smile. Just go forward.

"Rong Si!" Ye Xuange hurriedly chased down the boulder, but as soon as he ran to his car, another car swerved and stopped next to his car, and then his manager walked out of the car with a dark face and said, "Ye Xuange, have you forgotten who you asked for dinner tonight? Ah? I really... I thought you were smart before. There is no need for anyone to worry about, and the ambition is enough. Now it seems that I was wrong. I was really wrong. This is the foot of the mountain at Rong Si's villa. Don't tell me that you don't care at all. It turns out that all men have bad virtues. , I lose all my sense when I meet a woman! Okay, don't look at it, they have gone far away, it's a shame that it's me who came here, if it had been anyone else... Hey, forget it, let's not talk about it, let's agree on a time It was half past seven in the evening, and now it is half past six. One hour is just enough for you to change clothes, plus the return trip. Stop watching, what else are you watching? If a man really likes it, he will chase it. What a waste of time to watch! Let's go! "

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