Chapter 40 The end of the road for the movie queen (17)

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As soon as the words left his mouth, Zhuo Feibai immediately hung up the phone, without giving Rong Si a chance to speak again.

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Rong Si laughed uncontrollably, then stood up, got dressed, and then picked up the note on the bedside.

Then he turned around and walked to the kitchen. As soon as he opened the lid of the pot, the aroma of white porridge rushed towards her. Ye Xuange really didn't lie to her and actually cooked a pot of porridge for her before leaving.

After washing up and finishing her porridge, Rong Si slowly walked out the door. While driving the car and waiting for the traffic light on the road, she turned her head and saw Qin Ke directly on the bus, which was so packed with people that it was almost bursting with people. Fei's figure was frowning and trying hard to avoid the tall man next to her. She seemed to be carrying an iron lunch box in her hand. When Rong Si looked over, she raised her head and happened to meet him. They looked at each other, and suddenly, she didn't know what was happening to her. Looking at the other person's unmoved eyes, she felt a sense of embarrassment from deep in her heart.

After just one glance, she immediately tilted her head pretending not to care.

Then the bus started, and Rong Si stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

Looking at the road ahead, her smile gradually rose. To be honest, she had never quite understood what Qin Kefei meant. She had been with Zhuo Feibai unwillingly before, but the other party introduced her to her. Roles, job introductions, but he would not refuse, and even implicated other people without knowing it. After that, he would rather offend the director, offend Zhuo Feibai, offend everyone, but insist on getting hurt. I continued to act. To be honest, my acting skills were young and not attractive at all, but my attitude was still correct.

It's a pity that some things are not okay if you don't have a correct attitude.

Especially acting, a job that requires a lot of aura and understanding.

After that, she continued to have a sweet relationship with Zhuo Feibai, but she always refused to be introduced to any people in the industry, and refused any gatherings and banquets. As a result, people in the industry always labeled her as Zhuo Feibai's little lover.

Then, Rong Si was hospitalized, and Zhuo Feibai suddenly confessed that she might have been affected by her sudden self-esteem, or that she really wanted to be independent and self-reliant, so she turned around and broke up with Zhuo Feibai, leaving her silent in the entertainment industry. After working around for three months, she was still penniless and was working almost everywhere. Unfortunately, she couldn't even do the small job well. Rong Si heard that someone had complained about her being a good person but a low-skilled person. She didn't have the same conscientiousness as Ye Xuange. Even if Ye Xuange gets a supporting role without a single line, he may have to read the entire script and then practice back and forth for a long time to achieve the most natural and normal performance.

It was also because of his attitude that a young director noticed him among the many extras at a glance, and then embarked on his road to becoming an actor.

Maybe Qin Kefei could do this before, but because of Zhuo Feibai's golden thighs, she had a very high starting point from the beginning and was already impetuous. In fact, she had to continue to be so impetuous, and then let Zhuo Feibai Take her to find a few good directors to train/teach her, and she might be able to teach her good material, but she broke up with Zhuo Feibai again, leaving her in such a difficult situation.

But the moment Zhuo Feibai was in trouble, he immediately rushed over and wanted to accompany him through the difficulties. Even though he was rejected again and again, he didn't mean to give up.

In her heart, Zhuo Feibai helped her when she was in the most difficult time. Now that the other party is in trouble, she cannot be ungrateful. But in fact, what can Qin Kefei do?

There seems to be nothing she can do except cheer her up.

The heart is good and the starting point is also good.

That's why Rong Si felt indescribable, and didn't even know how to evaluate this girl.

At this moment, Rong Si finally arrived downstairs at Zhuo Yue's house.

As soon as she got to the top floor where Zhuo Feibai was staying, she immediately felt an unusually serious atmosphere. She even noticed several secretaries looking at her secretly.

There was a pile of newspapers placed chaotically on the desk nearby, and the top one was a candid photo of Rong Si and Ye Xuange.

Rong Si happened to be drunk at that time, and Ye Xuange half-hugged her with a look of helplessness, while his other hand happened to be opening the car door.

The headlines of the news are huge.

Zhuo Feibai may become a pauper, while the movie queen Rong Si is in love with the fallen leaves.

Change owners! Rong Si had a banquet with Kunfang's top management.

The Bonjour tree falls and the hozens scatter, and the leading lady chooses another place.


Rong Si only glanced at these so-called reports, then withdrew her eyes, and at the same time turned her head and glanced at the Zhuo Yue employees who were still sneaking around.

Then she straightened her back and walked to the door of Zhuo Feibai's office. As soon as she opened the door, a document was thrown straight at her. Rong Si tilted her head, and the document just flew from the side of her face. passed.

Seeing this, Rong Si was silent for a moment, then took two steps forward and immediately closed the door behind her.

"You're here... I thought you drank too much last night and would sleep very late today!" Zhuo Feibai took back his hand and saw that the person who came in was Rong Si. He was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered in a weird way. made a sound.

After saying that, he immediately stood up, walked around his desk, walked directly in front of Rong Si, and then clicked his tongue twice, "Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie to others, you see. Look at you, how beautiful you are, how lovable you are, how sweet you are when you talk about love, even me, a veteran in love, can't help but fall into your hands. I think you must be very proud, right? There's more A subordinate? Huh? Qiao Mo, Ye Xuange, plus me, Zhuo Feibai, Rong Si, you have a very high standard in choosing men. If you are not the best among men, why don't you choose them? How about it, now you can prove that you are Rong Si. Can you show off Si's invincible charm? Is that okay? You've been making every effort since we met, and it's really hard for you..."

It's not that I choose men with high standards, it's that the system chooses men with high standards.

According to my own eyes, I would not choose any of the three of you to be my boyfriend.

Rong Si also sneered in her heart.

Then he raised his head and looked directly at Zhuo Feibai, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"What price did Kunfang offer you? Huh? It will make you impatient the day after Zhuo Yue goes bankrupt. I threw myself into their arms. You didn't call me specifically to care about me yesterday, right? You wanted to really confirm that I was very upset at the time, to make sure that Zhuo Yue had really gone that far, and to make sure that the choice you made was not wrong. , Am I right? Rong Si!"

"If that's the case, I can explain it to you..."

"Oh, by the way, could it be that Kunfang directly sold their Ye Da movie king to you? , I see that you two are very close in that photo, but you have just made a movie with Ye Xuange, and you can make him not even care about his ex-girlfriend, but he is devoted to you wholeheartedly. Wow, Rong Si, why did I never know that your methods are so good? How awesome!"

"Zhuo Feibai! You don't have to be so arrogant! Can you talk properly? Ah?"

"Yes, why not? I don't know Rong Daying. What advice do you have in the end? Tell me, I'm all ears!"

"Your current mood is very wrong. You can't listen to anything I say. You will understand later..."

Rong Si took a deep breath, "If you came to me today just to go crazy, I think I You must have come in the wrong place. What you need to pay most attention to now is not what I am doing. So what if I leave Bonjour? Is it possible that Bonjour will not leave? Isn't the most important thing you should do now to solve the current situation as soon as possible? Is there a problem?"

"What should I do? It's not your turn to tell Rong Si what to do?" At this point, Zhuo Feibai's voice paused, and then his eyes turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Won't Zhuo Yue be without you? Whether it will change or not, it is not impossible for Zhuo Feibai to be without you Rong Si. This is something I have known for a long time..." "It's

you! It's you who insists on reminding you of your existence over and over again. It's you who insist on reminding you of your existence. Always come to me!" As he spoke, Zhuo Feibai pointed to his chest.

"Okay, now you come in and I'm defeated, but you have to pat your butt and leave, and you even dig out a bloody piece from here and go with us. Rong Si, Rong Si, how come I never knew you were such a person? Cruel and heartless woman, she said she loved me before, as if she couldn't do it without me. How long has it been? You said, it's just Zhuoyue who has a problem. Why did you, a woman, fall out so quickly? Huh?

" , Zhuo Feibai's tears indeed fell.

This is the first time he has cried in his life, and it is also the first time he has cried for a woman.

Thinking that Zhuo Feibai had been in love for so many years, what kind of woman had he not seen before, but he didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of this woman, the kind of woman he should avoid most. As the saying goes, a bitch is ruthless. , the actor has no righteousness, the ancients did not lie to him.

What might be done? He still liked her so much, loved her so much, and when he saw her, he wanted to hold her whole body in his arms, kiss her, and cherish her, but why did she treat him like this?

Money? Is it for money? Is money so important?

He had never thought that one day he, Zhuo Feibai, would still have a headache for money.

Seeing him cry, Rong Si's eyes also turned red, but her expression was still calm.

But what can be done? The money in the check is far from enough. Even if she adds all her savings, it will just make a noise if thrown into the stock market, so wait for her and wait for her to sign a few movie and TV series endorsements in Kungata Besides, it won't take a few days. She will work harder in the future. Zhuo Feibai doesn't have a few days, please wait for me, okay? Wait for me...

"Rong Si, talk! You talk... tell me how much you sold for, one million, ten million or one hundred million..."

Before he could finish his words, Rong Si slapped him. His face was slapped.

There was a crisp sound, and Zhuo Feibai's words stopped abruptly. Then he raised his hand and it was already beside Rong Si's cheek. However, he stopped immediately when he saw the other person's tearful eyes. , and then landed on Rong Si's shoulder, pushing her back hard. With a loud bang, Rong Si hit the glass door behind her, and tears fell down immediately.

"Go away, I don't want to see you again!"

"Fei Bai..."

"Go away!"

Zhuo Feibai turned his back to Rong Si, and even his voice was slightly choked.

"I'm leaving first. Just wait for me for two days and I'll give you an answer."

After saying that, Rong Si immediately opened the door, but she didn't expect to directly face Qin Kefei who was standing at the door. Face to face.

The other person was still holding her lunch box in his hand. When he saw Rong Si, his eyes immediately showed a little panic and guilt.


Rong Si saw that she had not finished her sentence, and she had no intention of giving way.

"Why are you here?"

"I am...Fei Bai..."

"I asked her to come!"

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