Chapter 27 The end of the road for the movie queen (4)

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 Until now, Rong Si's memory of the original owner was very vague, but the scene of the other party's first meeting with Qiao Mo was profound and incomprehensible.

Under the sycamore tree, the young man was sitting on a bench in the early morning and reciting English words seriously. The profile of his face was so familiar that he could never forget it. It was really, really similar to Zhuo Feibai from before.

That was the first time the two of them met, although Qiao Mo didn't know it.

It can be said that the original Rong Si was strong but also fragile and pitiful. Zhuo Feibai had already left her far behind, but she always stubbornly held on to the tenderness between the two of them in the old days and refused to let go. , and ultimately left himself scarred.

After thinking about it, Rong Si saw a flash of humiliation in Qiao Mo's eyes under the light, but she slowly took off her clothes, got on her bed, and closed her eyes tightly, just like a little daughter-in-law who insisted on her chastity.

Seeing this, Rong Si chuckled, held her chin, looked at him for a long time, stretched out her index finger and gently slid it down the straight bridge of the other person's nose, all the way to his lips. Qiao Mo suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes facing each other. .

Then he didn't know what he was thinking, but he hugged Rong Si tightly in his arms, "Didn't you say you want to sleep? Go to sleep, just sleep like this, don't move around..."

After hearing this, Rong Si was lying on the other person's chest. After Rong Si was stunned for a moment, she smiled, adjusted herself to a comfortable position, hugged Qiao Mo and fell asleep.

The disgust in Qiao Mo's eyes, who was looking above Rong Si's head, flashed away.

This woman could always destroy all his efforts and hard work with just one word or look. No matter what he did or how well he did it, Rong Si, Rong Si, this name was like a tight spell, tightly confining everything he had. , making it extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

So when, when will he be able to get rid of her completely!

Rong Si listened to the system prompting him that Qiao Mo's favorability dropped by 5 points. She didn't open her eyes. Instead, she put all her strength into it and slept soundly.

When the camera was turned on the next day, Qin Kefei had gotten up early in the morning and put on makeup and was waiting next to her. When she saw Rong Si coming out yawning, Qiao Mo who followed behind her had black eyes and looked like she hadn't had a good rest. He exclaimed uncontrollably, then covered his mouth and looked at the two of them in surprise. It turned out that this boy and Rong Si had this kind of relationship?

Seeing this, Rong Si glanced at her directly without caring. She ate something and started to put on makeup.

But Rong Si didn't care, but Qiao Mo couldn't care less. Seeing Qin Kefei's surprised expression, his face instantly turned green and white.

Nothing happened between the two of them at all, but no one present would think so. They just thought that he was a pretty boy who would sell his body for the sake of fame and position, and specialized in eating soft food.

In the future, it will even spread more and more widely. Even if he really becomes famous, he will never be able to escape the shadow of Rong Si.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mo's face turned gray and his head lowered.

At this moment, a steamed bun exuding a strong fragrance was suddenly handed to him.

"Well, do you want to eat it? It tastes very good, do you want to try it?"

Who else could the person who handed him the buns be if he wasn't Qin Kefei? The girl was wearing the goose-yellow clothes exclusive to her younger junior sister. She tilted her head and looked at herself with a smile, not even a hint of contempt in her eyes, only full of kindness and gentleness.

Qiao Mo's heart warmed, he took the bun and whispered thank you, and then he couldn't help but think of this woman's experience similar to his, and the sense of identification in his heart became even deeper.

After a while, the sound of the two talking and laughing reached Rong Si's ears. The moment she looked over, everyone around her almost held their breath at the same time, but no one. What I didn't expect was that she After just one glance, he looked away and continued to read the script at hand.

At the beginning, the main scenes of this movie were mainly about Ye Xuange. Before the tragedy of annihilation of the family happened, he was high-spirited and had a budding relationship with his junior sister.


Rong Si suddenly raised her eyebrows, Junior Sister? Emotions budding?

She looked up and saw Ye Xuange and Qin Kefei standing aside and already preparing for the next scene. The two had almost no communication. Ye Xuange's expression was indifferent, while Qin Kefei's eyes were filled with hatred. This is called a director sitting behind the camera. He immediately frowned and could only hope in his heart that the emotions of these two people would not be brought into the play.


"Stuck! Qin Kefei, please soften your expression!"

"Brother, are you going down the mountain again today?"

"Stuck! But Ye Xuange, please step aside!"


"Stuck! "


This is Qin Kefei's first scene. There is nothing wrong with Ye Xuange's performance. It can even be said that the performance is particularly good. It almost directly makes Qin Kefei look lackluster, because the tension even makes her I couldn't control my emotions well before, so forget it. From time to time, I would come out to block the camera. She was even more dedicated than Rong Si, the originally vicious female supporting role.

In fact, judging from the plot Rong Si received, she couldn't see what kind of hatred Ye Xuange had with Qin Kefei. Why did he hate her so much? Are you afraid that the other party will retaliate against you after taking over? Or is it because of something else?

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