Chapter 11 Substitute (Ten)

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For several days afterward, Rong Yi still stuck close to Jiang Chengming. He took her to various places, attended concerts, had coffee, and even brought her to a few small gatherings where she met some of his business partners and friends.

It could be said that almost everyone in the upper social circles now knew that Jiang Chengming, who had mourned his ex-girlfriend for three years without any female companionship, now had another woman by his side. What made it awkward for others was that this new woman bore an uncanny resemblance to his previous girlfriend, Lin Yirou. However, compared to Lin Yirou's elegance, this new woman seemed more lively. People often saw Jiang Chengming and her together, laughing happily.

This left others wondering whether to praise Jiang Chengming for being faithful or criticize him for being fickle. On one hand, he was still searching for a woman similar to Lin Yirou, indicating his faithfulness. On the other hand, considering Rong Yi as a substitute for Lin Yirou seemed somewhat heartless, especially since she appeared so blissfully unaware.

Rong Yi was not oblivious to the various expressions people cast her way—mockery, sympathy, or disdain. However, she smiled sincerely at almost everyone, seemingly unable to comprehend those expressions. She stood obediently by Jiang Chengming's side, watching him greet and introduce her to others, showing no signs of awkwardness or discomfort.

Her open and sincere attitude won the favor of many, even some who initially looked down on her. They gradually changed their opinions, appreciating her docility, understanding, and genuine treatment of others.

Rong Yi did sense the change in people's attitudes, but she didn't dwell on it. She found the way she interacted with Jiang Chengming a bit peculiar.

They were not exactly friends, nor did they behave like lovers. It seemed more like an ambiguous stage, where the natural progression of their relationship depended on Lin Yirou's absence. As long as Lin Yirou didn't return, it seemed inevitable that they would end up together.

However, Jiang Chengyi watched silently from the sidelines. Lin Yirou might soon remember her fiancé, and Jiang Chengming, anticipating this, waited patiently. But Rong Yi couldn't afford to wait.

And then, an opportunity presented itself.

Jiang Chengming had to go on a business trip out of town.

Listening to Jiang Chengming's assistant informing her of this over the phone, Rong Yi felt that her chance had come.

Quickly packing her bags and booking a flight online, she was about to leave when she heard a conversation outside.

It was a man and a woman talking.

She recognized the man's voice as Jiang Chengyi's, and the woman's voice was somewhat unfamiliar. However, she could easily guess that, faced with Jiang Chengyi's gentle tone, the woman could only be Lin Yirou.

If Rong Yi were the original owner, she might have confronted them directly, fueled by love and resentment. But she wasn't. She didn't have love or resentment, and there were more pressing matters. So, she quickly locked herself in the guest room, finding a discreet spot to observe.

"What? Do you have a pretty girl hidden at home, and that's why you didn't invite me in?" Lin Yirou teased.

"How could that be?" Jiang Chengyi replied.

"In that case, I'll have to go in and see for myself..."


Following this was Lin Yirou's playful laughter and Jiang Chengyi's gentle refusal. Eventually, the door opened, and Rong Yi glimpsed Lin Yirou's entrance. She instantly froze but managed to maintain a slight smile.

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