Chapter 32 The end of the road for the actress (9)

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The dinner started at 8:30 in the evening, and it was 8:30 in the morning when Zhuo Feibai came to see Qin Kefei. Looking at the blue-black color in his eyes, Rong Si almost knew that the other party must have stayed up all night to finish work. Make time to take Qin Kefei to a charity dinner.

Zhuo Feibai always knew that Qin Kefei was going to take over.

Rong Si often came to this charity dinner organized by a famous domestic magazine, but this time she refused because she was filming a movie in the mountains.

The most important thing is that the dinner party will not have much effect on her now. If she comes, she will be tricked by others. Unlike when she was brought here by Zhuo Feibai, she had nothing to say to others, such as the editor-in-chief of a famous magazine, some producers, directors, seniors, etc. It must be said that this dinner brought together many people in the entertainment industry. Big names, knowing one or two of them may help you form a good relationship in the future. In a place like the entertainment industry, it is better to have many friends than many enemies. You will never reach the front line by working behind closed doors. This is the entertainment industry. truth.

No matter how aloof or disdainful you are of fame and fortune, as long as you want to climb up, these are all necessary.

Zhuo Feibai most likely wanted to take Qin Kefei out to get to know more people, but it was a pity that one person valued his self-esteem as high as the sky and looked at Zhuo Feibai with prejudice. As soon as the other party opened his mouth, he felt that he was basically insulting him. , and the other did not want to explain more, because he had lived a good life since childhood and was arrogant and conceited.

Oh, isn't this a real-life version of Pride and Prejudice?

In the fitting room, Rong Si had just put on a bright red floor-length skirt when she was amused by her own imagination.

But I still have to lament that the treatment of the heroine is so good. Zhuo Feibai thinks about her so much that he will still give her opportunities again and again in the future, allowing her to preserve her self-esteem and win. Career, love, and a happy marriage, he has become a real winner in life.

Then, Rong Si casually took off the hair tie on her head, and her long curly hair fell down. She fiddled with it twice and walked out of the fitting room. She saw Zhuo Feibai already sitting outside the fitting room with his arms folded. She fell asleep on the sofa, and she looked like she was still sleeping deeply.

As soon as Rong Si was about to step forward, she realized that the black high-heeled shoes under her feet made too loud a sound. She immediately took them off carefully and walked towards him barefoot.

Zhuo Feibai has always been a light sleeper, let alone outside. He has not been so careless as to sleep unconsciously in such a place.

So as soon as Rong Si came close to him, the scent of her body immediately spread into his nose. In a daze, Zhuo Feibai actually recalled this smell.

"Do you like this fragrance? Well, I will use it every day from now on!"

In the memory, Rong Si's face was still full of excitement and innocence.

Yes, naive. When Rong Si first met him, she looked so innocent and trusted him very much. It was nothing like Qin Kefei now, who always looked at him with suspicion and always felt that he was so This playboy seems to have no good intentions.

It's a pity that that kind of innocence is really too boring. He Zhuo Feibai has not received anything since he was a child, and he has received all kinds of care and attention he wants. He has been in love since he was 14 years old, and the women he met were so naive. There are eight out of ten of them. They are all extremely infatuated. Whether it is true or not, at least they seem to be very infatuated. They can do almost anything for him. Just like Rong Si before, they may still find it strange at first. , they were even touched, but as time went by, their love became boring because it was too static.

Just like his favorite chocolate when he was a child, it was so delicious, but after eating it for a week, he became so tired of it that he never wanted to see it again.

It also made him develop a culture where he would only taste a little bit of everything, just because he, Zhuo Feibai, had everything and lacked nothing!

Rong Si was always the smartest woman. Before his feelings were the most boring, she suddenly pulled away and completely changed into a more interesting person. She kept in touch with him and used his relationship to add to her own. His ability has led him to his current position.

After that, he maintained a close relationship with him, and he also lived a prosperous life, which made him feel that it was pretty good to have such a friend.

Zhuo Feibai felt the other party gently cover him with a blanket, then picked up his high heels and walked out carefully.

He then closed his half-opened eyes, suppressed the smile on his lips, and fell into a light sleep again.

Rong Si, who had already started styling, felt that Zhuo Feibai's favorability had only increased by two points, raised her eyebrows slightly, and didn't pay much attention.

The harder it is, the happier she is.

When Zhuo Feibai had rested enough and walked out of the room, he happened to see Rong Si sitting on the sofa outside, looking down at a magazine seriously.

The bright red dress, the wavy long hair draped over her shoulders, and the diamond earrings in her ears shone dazzlingly in the sun. Maybe she heard his footsteps, so she turned around and looked over, her eyes moved, and she smiled at the corner of her mouth. Zhuo Feibai was inexplicably frightened.

It just added three points of favorability to Rong Si, exactly 35.

Seeing this, the smile on Rong Si's face became brighter and more moving. She put down the magazine and walked two steps forward to Zhuo Feibai. She stretched out her hand to straighten his turned-up collar. The other party smiled and bent his arms. , Rong Si took advantage of her, and the two smiled at each other and walked out together. Their backs looked so well matched.

When it came to the charity dinner, almost as soon as she and Zhuo Feibai got out of the car and stepped on the red carpet, reporters immediately swarmed over because they remembered that Rong Si said she wouldn't come tonight, and all the media were already prepared. Well, other female celebrities have come to stir things up with their glamorous articles to gain a sense of presence. Who would have thought that Rong Si would come again? Wherever Rong Si is, she will definitely be the focus of the news, let alone the person she is holding. That person is Zhuo Feibai. There is no one inside or outside the circle who has not heard of the past of Zhuo Feibai and Rong Si. There are even CP bars between them to this day. It is true that this pair of people stand together, no matter it is In terms of appearance and current achievements, they are a perfect match.

The flash kept flashing, and Rong Si was already used to it. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the female star who had just left in front of her, her back completely exposed, and even a little resentment in her eyes. She looked back indifferently and dealt with it calmly. Here come the reporters who look particularly excited.

Answer the questions if you like them, and smile if you don't like them. Now she is fully qualified to be picky, and there will be no embarrassment.

The red carpet of this charity dinner was completely broadcast live online. On the other side of the crew, Qiao Mo turned on his mobile phone early and watched with 4G data, while Ye Xuange was completely immersed in his fighting scene.

And Qin Kefei didn't know what was going on with her. She used to like studying everyone's acting, but now she became a little absent-minded. Her fingers unconsciously touched her mobile phone, and then she felt like she was burned by something. As if arriving, he withdrew his hand.

Later, during the intermission of the set, she finally couldn't bear it and turned on her mobile phone, just in time to hear the reporter asking.

"I heard that Mr. Zhuo auctioned a pair of famous French designers' masterpieces some time ago. Is the heart of true love the same pair of diamond earrings on Sister Rong's ears? Doesn't it just confirm Mr. Zhuo's feelings towards Sister Rong? What?"

Maybe it was because the atmosphere of the previous Q&A was too harmonious, but a young boy smiled and directly asked about the relationship between Rong Si and Zhuo Feibai.

Hearing this, Rong Si was stunned for a moment. No wonder when she took out the pair of earrings from the jewelry box, the expressions of the group of people were a little subtle. It seemed that they were prepared for Qin Kefei!

After thinking this, she turned to look at Zhuo Feibai, but saw that he was also stunned. As for his relationship with Rong Si, he had told all the media several years ago not to ask or write. See I'm a newbie here, so I don't understand his taboos.

Feeling the look in Rong Si's eyes, he immediately looked back, but only saw the clear smile in the other person's eyes, as if to say, I know you are not here for me!

Looking at such eyes, Zhuo Feibai's face felt a little hot. Although he had seen this pair of earrings before, he thought they suited Qin Kefei, who was unruly, stubborn and lively.

Now if I pay careful attention, I find that wearing it on Rong Si's ears instantly neutralizes the original feeling of the earrings. Instead, it gives people a sense of pride and grandeur that is exclusive to her. Yes, compared to Qin Kefei, Earrings are more suitable for Rong Si, just because Qin Kefei's current temperament does not match the dazzling diamonds.

Forget it, give it to Rong Si. She put aside her work on the set to come to the charity dinner with him. He was going to give her a gift.

Seeing that the two people on the stage just smiled at each other and did not answer, the reporters in the audience were a little quiet. Even the dizzy novice was a little scared. You must know that Zhuo Feibai's words can completely put him in the journalism industry. Kill them all inside.

But who knows, the next second, Zhuo Feibai raised his hand with a smile, gently hooked a strand of Rong Si's hair behind her ear, exposing the earrings, and answered with a smile:

"Is it a gift between friends? Isn't it okay to give her a gift? She put down work to accompany me to the dinner, and I gave her a gift to compensate. This is normal. Well, the two of us have been delayed here for too long. Look at the two ladies over there. My nose is almost red, let them come over quickly, we will leave first!"

Zhuo Feibai did not respond directly to the reporter's words, but instead used the snake oil answer of a friend, which also made the reporters extremely excited. Okay, okay, there will be headlines tomorrow. Mr. Zhuo is not rejecting her, and his attitude is still very gentle. This Rong Si may marry into a wealthy family.

As soon as Qin Kefei on the other side saw the earrings in Rong Si's ears, she didn't know why, but she instantly felt as if something had stabbed her heart. What's going on? She, what happened to her? Originally, didn't she already know who Zhuo Feibai was? Why, why are you still a little sad? It was also at this time that it was time for her part.

As soon as she came on stage, looking at Ye Xuange standing in front of her, she was still in a trance.

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