Chapter 6 Substitute (Part 5)

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"The concept of selling to one person and selling to a group is completely different! Xiao Si! You're different from me. I was foolish back then, just wanting to quickly break free from the control at home. In school, I found that senior I had a crush on, gave him my first time, and got pregnant because I didn't know anything at first. Later, I almost ruined my body. Those who followed me here are all low-class. Ha, those people outside, which one of them isn't a good husband and father? Here, hmm..."

"If you need so much money, doing this kind of thing is not a way out. It's just the beginning of a dead-end. What you need is a goal..."

Sulily's words echoed in Rong Yi's mind. After serving the people inside with the fruit plate, she leaned against the wall outside the private room.

Indeed, those struggling at the bottom of society often have the deepest insights into life.

Sulily's thoughts almost coincided with Rong Yi's. Instead of choosing to make Rong Yi do something similar to the plot, she had been warning her about the old pervert in the adjacent room. Rong Yi hadn't paid much attention to her words, and after only three days here, a complete plan had formed in her mind. After all, things that come to you easily can make people underestimate them.

On this day, a waiter in the VIP area urgently needed Rong Yi's help. Seeing Sulily wink at her, Rong Yi felt grateful and glanced at Sulily. Not long ago, Sulily treated a girl to a Ferrero Rocher, and she must have added something to it.

As Rong Yi went upstairs, she didn't go straight to Jiang Chengming but chose to enter the notorious private room of an infamous old pervert. This pervert spent at least twenty days a month indulging himself in luxury. Although he had some abilities to rise to his current position, he had been suppressed by his wife in his early years. Now, he indulged in all the temptations here, especially enjoying the innocent resistance of the waitresses. He had a preference for the pure and unyielding type, which was almost perverse.

Seeing Rong Yi being so sensible, the other waitresses showed her a pitiful look, even the male ones. After all, such a beautiful girl, once inside that old pervert's room, might not come out unharmed.

No one explicitly warned her, and some even had a look of anticipation.

During her three days here, Rong Yi mostly did the work of a waitress. However, in these three days, a complete plan had already formed in her mind. After all, things that come to you easily can make people underestimate them.

Today, Jiang Chengming was in the adjacent room discussing business. The timing was just right.

As expected, as soon as Rong Yi entered, the man, who was pregnant and as fat as a pig, stopped singing with the girl in his arms and fixed his eyes on Rong Yi as if he had seen his first love from his youth.

"Little girl, what's your name..."

The man's wrinkled hands covered Rong Yi's, and he smiled obscenely.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chengming had just concluded a land development deal with another company's boss, politely sent him away, dismissed everyone else, turned off the lights, and sat alone in the dark room, lost in thought. He didn't even know what he was thinking.

Just as he was about to check his phone for information that his subordinates had recently dug up, a commotion erupted next door.

The man's scolding and the girl's cries intertwined.

"Surnamed Rong, sixty-five years old, graduate of a prestigious domestic university, son-in-law of Yongxiang Jewelry. In his early years, he was a smiling tiger. It took him thirty years to grind his father-in-law and wife to death. Now, the majority of Yongxiang's shares are in his name. Even his seemingly powerful son needs to obey him. He's arrogant and unbridled, seemingly fearless, but in fact, he won't touch things and people he shouldn't touch. Especially in matters of lust, he's easily confused."

This information suddenly appeared in Jiang Chengming's mind. Today, the adjacent room was occupied by Xiang Donghua. Jiang Chengming knew this too, and now it seemed that he was probably pressuring some girl.

Jiang Chengming put his phone back in his pocket, feeling his mood turn sour. Xiang Donghua forcing someone didn't concern him, and he wasn't in the mood to play the hero. However, the screams were too harsh.

It was time to go back...

As Jiang Chengming thought this, he just pushed open the door when suddenly a pig-like wail came from next door. Almost simultaneously, the door was violently pulled open from inside, and then he saw a slender girl running out frantically. In her panic, she ran straight into his arms.

Jiang Chengming frowned, watching the girl, who was red-eyed and walked a bit strangely, rush toward him as Xiang Donghua followed with a menacing aura. He couldn't help but inwardly sneer. This fiery little girl seemed to be quite fierce. She probably kicked that old man so hard that he wouldn't recover for ten days.

But what did this have to do with him?

Without saying a word, Jiang Chengming pushed away the woman tightly clutching his clothes and prepared to move forward.

But unexpectedly, the girl in his arms refused to let go. She hugged his arm tightly, turned her head, and looked at Xiang Donghua with a threatening tone, "Don't come over. I... I've found my boyfriend. I originally wanted to find him just now. I just entered the wrong room. Now my boyfriend is here. If you come over again, he... he can knock you down with a punch! Do you... believe it?"

At these words, Xiang Donghua's steps froze. Boyfriend? Jiang Chengming? Who was this girl trying to fool? Didn't everyone know that Jiang Chengming was devoted to his missing fiancée?

Jiang Chengming, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow and, ignoring the woman holding onto him, cast a cold glance at Xiang Donghua. "I didn't expect it to be Chairman Xiang. I never thought my girlfriend, whom I've been waiting for so long, would go to your place. I didn't know Chairman Xiang's arm could reach so far. Are you interested in interfering in my affairs?"

"This... this..." Xiang Donghua was completely dumbfounded. Obviously, she was just an ordinary waitress. How did she end up with Jiang Chengming? It was unbelievable. How could Jiang Chengming have such a special liking for a waitress? Didn't he hear that he was single-mindedly devoted to his missing fiancée? Why did he secretly keep such a person?

This time, he had really kicked an iron plate...

"Misunderstanding... It's all a misunderstanding... Ah, if I had known that this young lady is your girlfriend, even if I had the courage, I wouldn't have dared to treat her like this. It's a misunderstanding, all a misunderstanding! Sorry, sorry!" Without saying anything more, the man quickly limped away.

Meanwhile, Rong Yi, who was pressed against Jiang Chengming's chest, listened to Jiang Chengming's increasingly rising favorability score, and a faint smile appeared on her lips. However, her voice was still muffled and low.

"You... quickly let go of me..."

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