Chapter 7: Substitute (Part Six)

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"Let go of me...," she said.

With that, Rong Yi pushed hard, finally breaking free from the man who had held her tightly. Her face, whether from holding back tears or embarrassment, turned a rosy red, looking particularly charming.

"Thank you! Thank you for your help. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid..." Rong Yi didn't dare to look into the man's eyes. She glanced hastily and then bowed to him sincerely. "Thank you, thank you for your assistance. If not for you, I might..."

Thinking about the possible consequences she could have faced, Rong Yi shivered uncontrollably. She wiped away the tears that welled up in her eyes, raised her head, and thanked him again.

At this moment, Jiang Chengming could clearly see her face. The warmth in his heart gradually faded. At first glance, the girl in front of him did resemble Yi Rou, but upon closer inspection, there were many differences. Yi Rou had fairer skin, a slightly larger face, and lacked the mole at the end of her eyebrow.

With just one look, Jiang Chengming could discern the various distinctions between the girl in front of him and his missing fiancée. Considering Yi Rou's disappearance abroad, it was unlikely for her to suddenly appear in such a place, working as a waitress.

He chuckled. Seeing him smile, Rong Yi, for some reason, also smiled. A faint dimple appeared at the corner of her mouth, causing a slight stir in Jiang Chengming's heart.

Before he could say anything, he saw Rong Yi bite her lip and, somewhat reluctantly, spoke, "I... I have to go. I still have work. Thank you for your help. I'm sorry about earlier. If there's... if there's anything in the future..."

"Are you going back to work?" Jiang Chengming asked with a hint of amusement. Not to boast, but the identity of the CEO of Jiang Corporation was known to almost every woman. He wasn't interested, but if he wanted to, being a groom every night was possible. The woman in front of him didn't seem to know his identity, or was she pretending not to? If she was pretending, that would be interesting. Regardless, with a face like hers, he wouldn't give up on the idea of getting to know her.

"Although I made Donghua retreat with a few words, he may still hold a grudge. Perhaps he's lurking around here somewhere, waiting for you to clear your relationship with me. Once he's certain, he might retaliate. After all, that kick of yours..." Jiang Chengming chuckled.

At his words, Rong Yi's face first turned red, then, as if realizing something, it turned snow-white. If she was caught...

Thinking about it, she became somewhat anxious. She lightly wiped away the tears in her eyes and, lifting her head, thanked him again.

It was this lift of her head that allowed Jiang Chengming to clearly see her face. He found out the differences between her and his fiancée. Yes, Lin Yi Rou had disappeared abroad. How could she suddenly appear in such a place, working as a waitress?

He smiled gently. Seeing him smile, Rong Yi, for some reason, also smiled. A hint of a dimple appeared at the corner of her mouth, causing a slight stir in Jiang Chengming's heart.

However, before he could say anything, he watched as Rong Yi stomped her foot and ran away, turning her back on him.

He just managed to shout, "Hey!" People had already disappeared. Was this girl a rabbit? How could she run so fast?

Jiang Chengming chased to the turning point and, in annoyance, found that Rong Yi had no idea where she went. He felt a tightness in his chest, uncomfortable and helpless.

He had just confirmed that the girl he had seen earlier, with a face similar to Yi Rou's, was indeed her. By the way, he didn't even know her name yet.

Jiang Chengming somewhat helplessly looked at the dimly lit corridor in front of him. It was interesting, very interesting!

But as long as she was still within the glittering lights, he didn't believe that he couldn't find her tonight.

After Rong Yi went downstairs, she scoffed. Ask him for help? Why not in the next life?

Almost as soon as she went downstairs, she saw Su Lili pacing anxiously in the corridor. Strangely, people from several rooms next to her were poking their heads out, not knowing what they were looking at. As soon as Su Lili saw her, she immediately reached out and pulled her into the room.

"Oh my god, fortunately, fortunately, it's not you. Do you know? I heard that a waitress in the VIP area offended Donghua, that old pervert. I don't know what the outcome will be. Although I know I've greeted you before, I'm still anxious. Seeing you come down safely, I can finally put my heart at ease... As long as it's not you, it's good..."

"Um... that person is me."

"You still need... um... um..."

Listening to Rong Yi confessing so frankly, Su Lili was as if her throat had been pinched. All her words were stuck in her throat.

"Then... then... then what do you do now? Ah? No, you should leave quickly. If that old man catches you, it's not just about dying; it's about being crippled. Not to mention treating your brother's illness..."

"If I leave, what about you? He might be waiting for you... I saw someone outside just now..."

Just now, those several suspicious-looking people outside, who knows what they were planning?

"How is that possible? Wait, why are you still worried about me? Just you, if any other woman in the glittering lights was in your situation, she would have rushed over. But you're still hesitating here. Xiao Yi, your face is so thin!"

"Su Lili, stop talking. Let's go home. It should be fine now."

"I'll go. It's not urgent for me... "

"No, we must go!"

At these words, Su Lili frowned, looked around, and indeed saw several people pretending not to pay attention but secretly observing them. She instantly felt a tremor in her heart but remained calm as she looked at Rong Yi, "Did you come up with a solution?"

"While leaving, I thought of taking you away with me. Who knows if you'll be implicated? Those few outside probably have no good intentions. It's better to take you away first. Maybe this will give me and Jiang Chengming a chance for further development."

As they walked out, it turned out to be true. Several people seemed to have made up their minds. If this woman came out and headed straight for a taxi, they would immediately intercept her. If Jiang Shao came to pick her up, they would act as if nothing happened.

Rong Yi almost couldn't control herself. She glanced quickly at Su Lili, then pulled her hand, and they continued toward the taxi.

She was silently counting, "Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Just as she counted to three, the car horn sounded again

. Then all the people saw the car window of the black Bentley in the middle of the Glittering Lights opening directly, revealing Jiang Chengming's side face. If not him, who else?

Rong Yi could hardly control her widened eyes. Then she felt her arm tighten, and her whole person was pulled into a hard and slightly tobacco-scented embrace.

"Rong Rong, didn't I tell you I was waiting for you outside? Why did you come here? Didn't you see me just now? Hm?" Jiang Chengming gently pressed Rong Yi's small head against his chest, turned his head to Su Lili, and smiled slightly, "Hello, I'm Jiang Chengming. I'm Rong Rong's boyfriend. You're her friend, right? I'll take her away first..."

"I'm not..."

"Xiang Donghua is watching you," Jiang Chengming whispered in her ear, and Rong Yi followed his gaze, indeed seeing the old man who had been kicked by her sitting in another car, smiling at them. Rong Yi's body instantly stiffened, and she was taken into his car by Jiang Chengming.

He considerately fastened her seatbelt. Due to their proximity, his warm breath sprayed onto Rong Yi's ear. In an instant, her ears and the surrounding skin turned a thin layer of red.


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