35. The end of the road for the movie queen (12)

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Lying on the bed, Rong Si looked at the ceiling and sighed softly for a long time. No matter what, Qiao Mo would have to understand everything about Rong Si and Zhuo Feibai sooner or later. This is what he must know.

But again, if Qiao Mo can still accept and even truly love her after knowing all this, Rong Si doesn't mind starting a sister-brother relationship with him that is ten years apart, regardless of the shelf life. Mention, at least all her initial attempts were sincere.

Now it depends on Qiao Mo's performance...

Rong Si looked at the ceiling for a long time and finally closed her eyes again.

On the other hand, after Qiao Mo frantically ran out of Rong Si's villa, he walked on the road at the foot of the mountain. Only the cold and cold light of the street lamps accompanied him. The road ahead was so long and seemed to have no end, but he simply couldn't. I didn't know where I was going, I just kept walking with no intention of stopping...

My eyes were slightly blurry, and without paying attention, I stepped into a shallow pit. With just one stagger, Qiao Mo suddenly fell to the ground, and then he didn't stand up again. He just kept staring at the dark scene in front of him, until little bits of light gradually rose up on the horizon.

This night, the two people on this end were calm.

Qiao Mo's phone rang countless times, and at the end of the ring, he even turned it off without paying attention. After Rong Si's cell phone was broken and turned off by Qiao Mo, she ignored it at all. As a result, her door was banged hard the next day.

Qiao Mo?

He figured it out so quickly...

Rong Si raised her eyebrows, went downstairs and opened the door. Outside the door, her new manager, a young girl who had just joined the industry, almost burst into tears as soon as she saw her.

"Sister Rong...something happened..."

It was also at this time that Rong Si knew that the old material in the plot that led Rong Si to leave his country had actually been released during this time period.

#Rong Si Bao Xiao Xian Rou #

# Rong Si abortion #

# Rong Si running red light #

# Rong Si private life #

# Rong Si secretly determines the heroine #

# Rong Si black hands on new actresses #

and other topics are endless, but in one night, Rong Si alone occupied the top ten spots on the hot search list.

On Weibo and forums, countless people have turned negative, and fans have turned negative.

This is a series of reactions caused by the exposure of some information about Rong Si's abortion for Zhuo Feibai many years ago. Rong Si is like a big mountain, blocking the way of too many people, and countless people take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. , she spent a lot of money to make these things hot. Not only did she expose the nurturing relationship between her and Qiao Mo, but some time ago, she drove through a red light and ignored traffic rules for Qiao Mo, which also confused the public. After having people sort out the many scandals in the past, they opened posts one after another on various forums to popularize them, trying to portray her as a person who can do everything she wants.

The fact that the heroine was secretly selected at the awards ceremony is considered a tacit agreement in the industry. After all, this award is a pork prize. Whoever comes will get it. Now, the rumor has come directly from "industry insiders" that the originally scheduled heroine The protagonist should be Rong Si. Who knew that she ran a red light for the little girl she kept, which made the organizer furious, so they awarded it to an old actor with excellent acting qualifications. This Rong Si is still pretending to be in the role. Congratulations on Weibo, who of you doesn't know what's going on here?

Oh, by the way, everyone knows about the recently launched movie called "Beauty Jiang Hu", right? Rong Si is the heroine, but I heard she was having trouble with one of the new actresses? What's the reason? It's not just for a man. The actress is now having an affair with Young Master Zhuo. Of course Rong Si is jealous. Not long ago, the actress was admitted to the hospital because of an accident at Wia. It was rumored that it was Rong Si. Looking for someone to do it, you can imagine how vicious this woman's thoughts are!

It can be said that the person everyone is talking about is Rong Si now.

Other entertainment companies that were not dealing with Zhuo Yue also regarded this as an important lever to attack Zhuo Yue. Zhuo Feibai could not suppress it no matter how hard he suppressed it. He found that he could not compete with the power of those people behind him at all. , my cousin is out of the country now for Zheng Leng, unless he relies on the influence of other people in the family.

But the most important thing now is not how he and Rong Si will get through this difficulty now? Rong Si had an abortion for him. When did this happen? six years ago? Rong Si was only 23 years old at that time. He remembered that at that time, he had just chosen to end the relationship with Rong Si because of Nuwai. It turned out that she had made it clear to him first. He thought that the other party was also someone who could take things and let them go. Man, how come the issue of abortion is suddenly revealed?

what happened?

He desperately wanted to see Rong Si now. He wanted to see her and ask everything clearly.

So, Zhuo Feibai immediately rejected all calls, got in the car and went straight to Rong Si's home.

On the other side, Qiao Mo came to Zhuo Yue's downstairs in despair, but he didn't expect to be immediately surrounded by reporters who were swarming in.

"Qiao Mo, Qiao Mo, I heard that you and Rong Si have been in a nurturing relationship for a year, is that why she praises you so much?" "Have

you ever experienced any coercion from the other party? Has the other party been threatening you from a superior position? Are you the one who made you make such a wrong decision?"

"Qiao Mo, Qiao Mo, do you know the relationship between Rong Si and Zhuo Shao? I heard that Rong Si had an abortion for Zhuo Shao many years ago and is still infatuated with him. As Rong Si's pillow, do you know anything about this matter? Has the other party been deceiving you all along?" Qiao

Mo, who heard such a question, suddenly pulled him in disbelief and asked him this The reporter asked the question, "What are you talking about? What are you telling me? What is Mr. Zhuo? What abortion?"

Hearing him ask this, almost everyone present looked at this slightly immature person with pity. As a young man, it is very likely that this man is also living in Rong Si's deception. He might even think that Rong Si loves him so much. Who would have known that she was so high-spirited that she only had a crush on Zhuo Feibai. You must know that Rong Si's trumpet was dug out, and all the descriptions in it were about Zhuo Feibai. This Qiao Mo was regarded as a spare tire. , used as a substitute and doesn't know anything else. It's so stupid and pitiful!

When Qiao Mo saw the photos and various information leaked from the hospital, his already shaky determination collapsed completely.

He locked himself alone in the company's singing practice room. During this period, he answered a phone call. After hearing a few encouraging words from the other party, he said "Hello", then hung up the phone and continued to watch silently. The pale wall ahead.

Gentleman 123: Oh my God, I never expected that my goddess Rong Si would be such a person. The world is so chaotic!

The happiness of four-leaf clover: +1 for the chaos in your circle. This Rong Si looks unattainable. Who would have thought that she could be so debauched in private? How can she be a star? This is simply ***!

Looking for Time Chicken: No, it's really disgusting to be infected by Qiao Mo who doesn't understand anything!

The east is not bright but the west is bright: And my best actor Ye, wuwuwu, I feel sore...

sheijla: Hey, did you know that Rong Si's trumpet was taken out? It seems that she is only infatuated with Zhuo Shao. I think she is not as wanton as you say! It's all a scandal!

The happiness of four-leaf clover: Yes, the navy came too quickly. Who knows if the trumpet was written specifically for Zhuo Feibai, just to tease the man.

Miss Tangtang: No, don't you look at whose trumpet that is? Is Rong Si's okay? Of course her trumpet was about how infatuated she was, but could she also write about how many men she slept with today? I hope my Ye Xuange has not fallen into the clutches of this old woman.

ssdekl: I don't think so. Have you paid attention?

The stone lion at the door: Hey, I said you sailors, can you get out of here? Cancers like Rong Si should be eliminated from the entertainment industry!


Rong Si looked at all the comments on the Internet with a blank expression. It has to be said that there are too many sundry comments. Some people don't even understand anything, and they curse when they come up, as if Rong Si has slept with all the men in his family. Most of all, it comes from the disappointment of Rong Si's fans. There are countless people who have lost their followers on Weibo, saying that they saw her wrong. Now they feel sick when they see her. All their relationships over the years have gone to waste. Even Rong Si People on her own account only noticed that she used Qiao Mo as a substitute.

This is a carnival of black people, and it is also an epidemic of online violence.

Even the topic of Rong Si quitting the entertainment industry and apologizing to everyone was ranked among the top trending searches.

But Rong Si alone took almost all the heat today, all the things, and all the stars were making way for her, and she was even more gloating about her misfortune. Some were so stupid that even now they couldn't help but start to add insult to injury and start sarcastic. .

The young agent named Xu Hui next to Rong Si was already crying and hiccupping. Her previous joy at receiving Rong Si, the first sister, disappeared in an instant, and she even began to feel some regret in her heart. Get up, why did she take on such a hot potato? It's over, she's done, her career as an agent is completely over...

Rong Si clearly saw the meaning on her face.

"Okay, you can go back..."

"But, but, Sister Rong... what are we going to do?" "

I don't need to worry about you for now, I will take care of it."

"How are you..."

"It has nothing to do with you, you Just go back first!"


"Didn't you hear me telling you to leave?"


The little girl left, Rong Si frowned, and immediately called the system in her mind Come on, it can be said that her current state with black information flying all over the place is very detrimental to her strategy. She has not even made any moves on Ye Xuange's side. It can be said that the current situation is extremely passive. What does this mean? What does this mean about the system? The information given to her and the plot introduction given to her were all wrong. Just like this, it wanted to collect money from her before and even increased the tool fee for her. It was really shameless! 

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