Chapter 29 The end of the road for the movie queen (6)

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"Okay, thank you, teacher, for letting you worry about it. I will definitely educate my cousin well in the future. Please forgive me!"

Rong Si walked out of the first-grade teacher's office with a smile and looked downstairs as school was over. The army of primary school students who were released accurately saw a chubby back, a big schoolbag, and a slow and walking posture like a duck treading water. It would be difficult for Rong Si to ignore it.

She smiled and followed her. It was exactly noon now. Most of the students in the school would go home for dinner. A very few students would stay. Even if they did, most of them would be in the snack bars outside. I eat all kinds of fried noodles, spicy hotpot and other things, or else I stay in class and eat the lunch I brought.

The school also has a cafeteria, but unfortunately not many people go there. As a result, the cafeteria has always been in shabby condition. Only some places where teachers eat are clean and tidy. The cafeteria has not closed down until now, also because of the support of these teachers.

And the direction Ye Yuan is going now is not the direction of the canteen.

Rong Si followed him slowly, watching him take an iron plate from the side, and then took out an old five-cent bill from his pocket and handed it to the cooking aunt. Rong Si saw that The aunt sighed and put a large spoonful of cabbage and tofu on his plate. Seeing that the people next to him didn't see it, she hurriedly took a small spoonful of meat from the next door, "Let's go..." Upon seeing this

, Ye Yuan's eyes lit up. He got up, let alone leaving, he pulled the meat steak into his mouth with his hands on the spot, smiled happily at the aunt who was cooking, then went to prepare a plate of rice slowly, sat near the door, and happily Start eating.

Then Rong Si watched him add another plate of rice, and then another plate of rice, and finally burped with satisfaction in the cafeteria proprietress's dark face after eating three large plates of rice.

As long as you have a plate and buy vegetables, you can refill the rice in the cafeteria for free and without limit.

After Ye Yuan left, Rong Si heard the boss's wife scolding him, "...don't you want to do this anymore? Huh? Didn't I say hello to you, this little brat? Next time he comes, don't sell him food. , he eats three whole plates every time he eats, and I can't even buy rice for fifty cents, and you secretly stuff him with meat, but this is not your family's thing, so don't you feel bad..." The following

words, Rong Si He no longer wanted to hear it, but not far after she walked out, he saw Ye Yuan turn directly into a small pavilion behind the school. Seeing that there was no one around, he took out his book and read loudly. Come on, I really didn't learn anything in the first grade. I only had a few AOEs back and forth. But what made Rong Si feel tired was that the little fat guy had forgotten to read just a few pinyin. She listened. I felt exhausted even while sitting.

But she didn't expect that without noticing, the other party looked straight at her.

Just when Rong Si was thinking whether to hide or step forward, the little chubby boy shouted in surprise, "It's you, Sister Apple..."

Sister Apple?

Is your entire existence worse than an apple?

But even the children shouted out like this, so Rong Si could only follow and step forward, "Why are you here? I just saw you in the cafeteria, so I didn't dare to call you, and I saw you walking this way. Anyway, I have nothing to do at noon, so I came over to see you!"


Maybe because he thought that he was probably overheard by outsiders when he read the pinyin loudly just now, Ye Yuan blushed.

Seeing this, Rong Si smiled secretly in her heart, and then pretended not to care and sat next to his schoolbag, "I still have apples for you to eat today?"

Hearing this, the little fat man's eyes suddenly lit up, but maybe it was Thinking that it was not good for me to eat other people's food all the time, my attitude became a little awkward again.

"I...can I eat it?"

"Of course I can. I was so full at lunch that I couldn't eat it at all..."

With that said, Rong Si quickly took out the red apple she had brought with her in the morning from her schoolbag. , handed it to Ye Yuan with an encouraging look on his face.

Seeing this, Xiaopangdun immediately took the apple and quickly gnawed it clean.

After eating so much at noon, he could still eat such a big apple. This kid had a good appetite, but when he thought of the news she had found out from his class teacher before, he couldn't help but smile.

The head teacher's tone was also helpless and angry.

It is said that Ye Yuan actually should have entered school last year. At that time, he was also a very cute kid with a round head and round brain. He was very smart. He even ranked first in the class in the entrance exam.

Unfortunately, on the day of school, a family of three got into a car accident on the way to school. The car rolled over several times on the road. Ye's father and mother died on the spot. If Ye Yuan hadn't been hugged tightly by his mother, In his arms, I'm afraid he might have gone with him, but even if he survived, he still had several bruises on his body and was still concussed. His grandparents were also afraid that the child would have any sequelae, so they gave him some medicine.

It was also because of this medicine that Ye Yuan, who survived, grew as tall as an inflatable ball. After the medicine wore off, the child's appetite increased. He became hungry if he didn't eat so much every day. He was so hungry that his grandfather Grandma also felt sorry for him. She thought it was a good thing to be able to eat, and she didn't restrict him very much. As a result, he was raised to be as fat as he is now. And his parents borrowed hundreds of thousands in savings for business, and now that the money is gone, all the debts are on the shoulders of the two old people, and money is inevitably tight.

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