Chapter 28 The end of the road for the movie queen (5)

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Time Rewind Wheel, as the name suggests, you can use this tool to go back to the past. The previous price was obviously 399 gold coins, but why did it increase by 100 gold coins for no reason. One look at Rong Si and she knew that her money-hungry nature would not change. She had been beaten by her before. Threatening that he would not be able to get money for favorability and plot introduction, he would just secretly increase the price of his tools.

She called out 417 several times in her mind, but the other party always pretended not to hear, and Rong Si was immediately speechless.

This system couldn't quarrel her, and now she started pretending to be dead. One of the pieces of information she learned from the plot was that when Ye Xuange was about to be replaced by Qiao Mo in the later stages of the plot, Qin Kefei watched With his desolate look, I originally thought of letting him go, but who knew that the other party wouldn't accept it at all and disappeared.

The conversation with Qin Kefei before disappearing was interesting.

Qin Kefei: "Okay, even if we were not lovers before, we are still from the same hometown, and we are even friends, right? Why do you have to keep targeting me like this? We don't have any hatred, right?"

Ye Xuange: "Really? ? Ha, I wonder if you remember Guanghua Primary School? Oh, by the way, my original name is not Ye Xuange, but Ye Yuan. Do you have any impression of this name?" "It's

you, it turns out to be you, I'm very... ..."

It's a pity that before Qin Kefei finished speaking, Ye Xuange had already left. No one knew where he went after that, but he was no longer in the entertainment industry. Many years later, some people still lamented his acting skills and laughed. He cursed and could play all the roles in comedy and drama. He is a rare actor in the entertainment industry with extremely high acting skills. It is a pity that he retired from the industry at the age of less than 30.

But it was just a pity. The entertainment industry was changing so fast that the actor Ye Xuange was quickly covered by new names one after another.

However, after Rong Si's eyes were attracted by the four words Guanghua Elementary School, she couldn't move away. Then she thought about using the time travel wheel to go back in time to learn about the old grievances between Qin Kefei and Ye Xuange, and even look for strategies. Ye Xuange's opportunity, after all, this is where the time-travel wheel played a role in the past. Going back to the past will not change the development of history, but it can affect people's memories today. But when she saw the price of 499, Rong Si Want to hit someone.

After calling 417 several times, the other party always pretended to be dead. Rong Si had no choice but to ask feebly in her heart, do you want to accept the credit?

Who knew that the system's sound would immediately start ringing in the next second.

"Accept. The host's current gold coin count is 248. You will enjoy the first purchase discount for your first item purchase. The time-travel wheel is priced at 499, 498 after discount, and the balance is 250. It will be paid off after a limit of one world."

Rong Si looked at the 250 . The three bright numbers made her head hurt with anger. Buy or not buy. The two options were still switching in front of her. She pressed buy without seeing or bothering.

The number of gold coins jumped from 248 to -250.

Before Rong Si could say anything, the vast sea suddenly changed in front of her. She felt like she was sitting in a speeding car, and the scenery outside the car changed rapidly.

When she came to her senses, she staggered forward uncontrollably. Then she looked up and found that her eyesight had also lowered. She turned to look at the glass on the street, only to see a ponytail printed on the glass. The braided little loli was blinking at her.

This is...


Rong Si called out subconsciously.

But I didn't want to get any response at all.

The next second, someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder, and then a little loli with twin tails who was about the same height as her and missing a front tooth looked at her with a smile, "Xiao Lin, you've been waiting for me for a long time. Right? It's all my fault for going to bed late in the morning. Let's go quickly. School will be in class soon!"

"School? Class?" Rong Si was completely stunned.

"Ah, Ji Minlin, Wang Pearl, why aren't you leaving? Are you going to be late?"

Hearing this name, Rong Si suddenly felt a little familiar.

Yes, Rong Si's original name was Ji Minglin, which was her father's surname. Unfortunately, her parents divorced and she took her mother's name, so she changed her name to Rong Si after her mother's surname.

So is her time going back as well?

Rong Si inexplicably ran forward with the other two friends. This was another Rong Si's past. She had no sense of involvement, so everything was unfamiliar.

But just when she was about to enter the school, Rong Si suddenly heard a noise coming from the wall on one side. The sound was so loud that she couldn't ignore it even if she wanted to.

Hearing this, she turned around and looked over, and heard -

"Hit him, beat him. Who told this damn fat guy to steal our things every day? He also scribbled on our Chinese books. That's so bad. He is a bad boy. Beat him." Him, beat him, make him a thief, shameless! He stole Xiaofei's bracelet, he must have stolen it, tell him to return it, bad boy..." The

words Xiaofei successfully stopped Rong Si. steps.

Then I looked at a group of first-grade kids, each carrying a small schoolbag, surrounding the school wall, watching the excitement and kicking others, but what fell at their feet was a round thing. He looks like a human being.

"Hit him, beat him. He stole my lunch last time. He stole all the braised pork that my mother worked so hard to make for me in one fell swoop. Fat guy, you're so greedy! "

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