Chapter 23 - Substitute (extra)

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  The moment he saw Rong Si's arm hanging down, Qin Yi who ran all the way here and didn't even breathe well even felt that his heartbeat suddenly stopped in this moment, all the sounds around him were also far away from him in this moment, he couldn't hear any sound, his head couldn't do any thinking, and even his movement also slowed down in this moment.

 Rong Si was unconscious, not knowing whether she was alive or dead, but he didn't even have the qualification to go forward, from the beginning he and she were on opposite sides, except for the previous accident, there was no more communication, even the other side, even he himself had always thought that the person he loved was Yi Rou, and this life would never change.

  He couldn't find any freedom to come forward.

  The ambulance came, even Yirou was wearing a wedding dress and squeezed up, but he could only drive the car and follow behind, he wanted to know the other party's situation in the end how is it? Wanted to know at the first time, although he might not quite understand where this sudden thought of his came from, but he just wanted to.

  When he arrived at the hospital, he then also followed by the side of the Jiang brothers to watch Rong Si being pushed into the operating theatre.

  The waiting time was extremely long, while he could only stare blankly at the red light of the operating theatre, he didn't know what he was thinking, but an absurd feeling inexplicably arose in his heart.

  Obviously, obviously not long ago that woman was still fighting with herself, how all of a sudden became such a bloodless look now? This woman, Rong Si, had always been the most vibrant and bright colour amongst the crowd, unlike Erio's gentleness, she was that bright. Even if he tossed himself, there was no way he could get angry at her, because she always had a way to make his anger disappear without a trace.

  So it will be fine, it definitely won't be!

  Thinking this way, Qin Yi suddenly felt that the current atmosphere was a little too depressing, Jiang Chengyi was still always there shedding tears, Jiang Chengming was looking at the blood on his hands and staring blankly, Yirou had also long since reddened her eyes, wearing a dust-stained wedding gown with her head hanging down, no one knew what she was really thinking about.

  It's so depressing, it's really depressing!

  So Qin Yi dropped a sentence to go out to buy a drink words ran to the hospital kiosk, leaning on one side of the smokeable area, smoke a cigarette, he was surprised to see his hands keep shivering, shivering to even a cigarette can not be lighted, so angry that he directly rubbed the cigarette, bought a drink and went back.

  Night soon fell, Jiang family brothers who did not have the intention to leave, even Yirou also just sat there, may be almost to the night, the temperature drops, she has been holding their arms shivering, just when Qin Yi thought about whether to take off his jacket to her draped, the doctor came out, said something Rong Si's blood type is relatively rare, now the blood stock quantity is insufficient, the family members are asked to donate a little blood out first! The blood type of the three men present was different from Rong Si's, except for Yirou, but before they could say anything, Yirou immediately rushed up and said that she had a lot of blood, and that she could draw as much as she wanted.

  The blood was also drawn, after the blood was drawn, Yi Rou just sat aside without saying anything, her face was a little pale, Qin Yi then handed her a bag of milk, listening to the other side whispered a thank you.

  The doctor there then came out again, the time was exactly 22:36 pm.

  The doctor shook his head at all of them, the group of people didn't say anything, only Erio covered her mouth and cried out.

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