Chapter 31 The end of the road for the movie queen (8)

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After Rong Si looked at Ye Xuange and laughed, she got out of the car, then walked around and opened the door for her. At the same time, she gentlemanly put her hand on the roof of the car to prevent her from hitting her head.

Seeing this, Rong Si took a deep look at the man in front of her, smiled and took the other hand he extended and walked out.

Jinbi Pavilion doesn't look like a Western restaurant. Would you like to invite her to have Chinese food?

Inexplicably, Rong Si's head was flooded with the words braised pork again. Imagine the current actor Ye Da's smile after eating a plate of braised pork. Rong Si shook unconsciously.

She felt that she still hadn't adjusted from her past state, so as soon as she sat down and looked at the waiter beside her, she blurted out and asked, "I wonder what signature dishes you have here? Do you have braised pork?"

She almost said that. Not biting his tongue, he pretended not to care and took a sip of water. He didn't want to look at Ye Xuange's expression at all, and he didn't notice the waiter's expression as if he had received some big news after he was stunned for a moment.

"Pfft..." Ye Xuange suppressed a laugh, put down the menu in his hand, and then looked at the waiter who was standing aside with excitement in his eyes, "Hello, we need this, this... well, you'd better give it to me again. The last plate of braised pork..."

The last three words he said were particularly magnetic, as if he had caught the famous movie queen's little-known hobby.

Hearing this, Rong Si rolled her eyes in her heart. Don't think you've lost weight. I don't remember how satisfied you were when you ate a whole plate of braised pork in one go. I'm not used to eating with a fat guy like you. , Really, whose little unknown hobby is it?

But even though she thought so, Rong Si was still a little uncontrollable and naturally added a piece of braised pork to Ye Xuange's bowl before it was served.

As soon as she put it in, Rong Si's hand became stiff.

She used to think that this time retracing wheel was a good thing. Although it was expensive, it could be used once in each world. She could use it no matter how many worlds there were in the future, so it was considered worthwhile. Who knew that this crap thing would have side effects? She couldn't escape the role of Ji Minlin. When she saw Ye Xuange, she unconsciously wanted to treat him the same way as before. She didn't know if it would be better to go home and sleep for a while.

Rong Si took back her hand as naturally as possible, "Ahem, eat more...cough..." Rong

Si, who originally thought Ye Xuange would make fun of her, looked up and saw Ye Xuange staring blankly at the color in the bowl. The meat is full of flavor and fat and thin, as if it is reminiscing about something.

Perhaps feeling Rong Si's gaze, he raised his head suddenly, then smiled faintly at her, then picked up the piece of meat and threw it into his mouth, swallowing it without even chewing it.

"Maybe Queen Rong Da doesn't know that I have always been a vegetarian and don't like eating meat, especially braised pork."

Upon hearing this, Rong Si frowned slightly, remembering that when she left before, Ye Xuan Ge was still confident that he would come to Yanjing to find her. Why did he become unhappy again after only a short while?

Because of the braised pork incident, Ye Xuange's mood never seemed to be very high. Rong Si's current status and personality did not allow her to take the initiative to talk to others, so the two of them basically stayed silent throughout the meal. It was silent, and neither of them touched the plate of braised pork with chopsticks.

After the meal was over, they also felt the flash of the paparazzi beside them, and then they exchanged understanding looks and got into the car and drove away.

The current Ye Xuange happened to be in the top position. He had just won the best actor, but his position was still unstable. He urgently needed the next film to prove his strength and improve his status.

Most of Rong Si's movies are for movies. Her movies, Rong Si's, must win awards and have high box office, so the necessary hype is indispensable, and now the most suitable point for hype is her and Ye Xuan. Song's suspected love affair.

Of course, strategy is also part of the reason.

After a hard-earned meal, Ye Xuange's favorability level only increased by 5 points. Now his favorability level is 25, neither high nor low. It can be regarded as a slightly familiar relationship with strangers.

As soon as Ye Xuange returned home, he suddenly began to rummage through the cabinet for no apparent reason, and then finally found a digital watch that had long been unresponsive in a small box at the bottom of the cabinet.

Ye Xuange fell on the bed and stared at the watch silently.

It was an old style, the body of the watch even had some cracks, and even the strap was broken. But even so, he still brought it to his lips and kissed it gently, just like when the girl left The kiss on his forehead was as gentle as before.

And what happened to him later flew through his mind like a fleeting horse.

Ji Minglin left, and he continued to maintain her life. He still ran every morning, ate in the cafeteria at noon, and went home alone at night to go to and from school.

It could be said that it was the first time he had tasted loneliness since he was born, but Ji Minlin had already left for Yanjing.

No matter how much he cries, no one will take out a red apple to comfort him, run with him in the morning, bring him milk, listen to him read the pinyin with those weird pronunciations, or hold his hand along the street after school. Walking home, even when he is wronged or wronged, standing up and smiling can solve everything.

This watch was the only link between the two of them, but it was still ruined by someone's stupidity. That person was a famous bad boy in the class, a bad boy like him, but different from him, He has many, many friends, and he plays very well with his friends in the class. When Qin Kefei apologized in class with red eyes, he had been trying to find a chance to tease him, but he saw this surface.

I don't know how many people he passed through, and I don't know how many people stepped on him. Everyone looked at him with a smile, including Qin Kefei, who kept smiling with his lips pursed. Everyone was admiring his embarrassment. When he finally grabbed the watch out of breath, it no longer lit up and the strap was torn off.

He felt very uncomfortable and wanted to cry, but he didn't want these annoying people to see him, so he ran to the small park near the school and howled. From then on, no matter how difficult or unacceptable he encountered, He never shed a tear again.

After that, he entered the third grade and learned how to write letters. He obtained the address from Ji Minglin's former teacher, wrote the first letter in his life and sent it. Unfortunately, he waited for half a month and no one replied. , and then the second and third letters, he wrote to her for a whole year, but unfortunately there was no news from the other party. No matter how stupid he was, he probably knew that the person had probably forgotten him. , who would have thought that the teacher made up the address casually because he was annoyed by him.

Around the end of elementary school, because his grandparents were picked up by other relatives, he also transferred to another school, and the name Ji Minlin seemed to be gradually buried in his memory over time, gradually falling into dust... Only he knew who he

was. From now on, I can't eat apples or braised pork. My two favorite things in the past can no longer be imported at all.

God knows what happened to him today? Not only did I eat that piece of meat, I didn't feel like I wanted to vomit at all.

Maybe it was because of Rong Si's familiar profile, the other party's natural movements, or something else, he didn't know.

After going to college, he recognized Qin Kefei almost at a glance. He approached her quietly, but never explained his feelings. He even allowed the other party to like him, and secretly encouraged the other party to go to Yanjing with him, but he was never right. If the other party makes any intimate move, when Yanjing strives to climb up and becomes famous, he will immediately leave her alone and let her fend for herself in a place like Yanjing. She has a strong self-esteem and will never leave her with nothing. If you go back, you will most likely fall, but what does that have to do with you!

He just didn't expect that the other party met a blind rich guy.


Ye Xuange held the watch tightly in his hand, closed his eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

Rong Si on the other side also returned home. She and Qiao Mo were supposed to live in this villa, but unfortunately Qiao Mo was still on the set on the mountain, so she had to come back alone.

As soon as she came back, she walked directly into a room in the innermost corner upstairs and turned on the light. Although she had been mentally prepared, she was still shocked.

Just because it is basically a showroom of Zhuo Feibai's personal belongings. The belts, ties, jackets, shoes, and even all the magazines and newspapers about him that have been used by him, and all the photos on the walls are posted on them. There were also the tableware, napkins, and even the red wine bottle that he had used a little bit around...

Taking another look, Rong Si felt a little scared. Apart from Zhuo Feibai's things, there was only one thing left in the room. Next is a sofa and a coffee table. On the coffee table are a bottle of red wine and a wine glass.

Countless days and nights, Rong Si often got drunk here because of Zhuo Feibai's love again and again, crying and sleeping on this sofa. This situation was relieved a lot after meeting Qiao Mo. Because she can hold each other for comfort and sleep peacefully.

Rong Si loved Zhuo Feibai more than anyone else.

Seeing the thoughts in the room, she was silent for a while. She would let everyone know this fact, and she would make it unforgettable and unforgettable!

Rong Si curled her lips, and then slowly closed the door. The room was dark for a moment, and she locked it casually. After all, it was not the time to expose it yet.

Then he opened his Weibo as usual, logged into his trumpet, and recorded everything today according to the original owner's habit, involving Zhuo Feibai as usual.

This small account was the first one the original owner applied for after meeting Zhuo Feibai, much earlier than her large account with tens of millions of fans.

Compared with the politeness and favor of the large one, the small one is more like a diary recording one's own life, with only words and no pictures, and every blog post is inseparable from Mr. Z, who has recorded eight full years of his life. In 2016, I gained a small number of fans, and people often commented on it. Unfortunately, Rong Si never read it or replied.

After writing the diary, Rong Si threw her phone aside and fell asleep after a while. Now she needed time to soothe the impact of the time-travel wheel.

After resting in the villa for a night, Rong Si, who had just returned to the mountain the next day and was actively engaged in filming, noticed something was wrong with the way the crew looked at her.

how? Did the scandal spread so quickly?

However, it is normal for her to have scandals with Rong Si, and everyone should be used to it, right? Why do you still look surprised or even frightened?

After thinking for a moment, Rong Si's frown suddenly relaxed. After much deliberation, she was afraid that it was only because of her and Ye Xuange's departure that something extraordinary happened between Qin Kefei and Qiao Mo.

You must know that according to the original plot, Zhuo Feibai is the domineering male protagonist with golden legs, and Qiao Mo is fighting with the heroine, silently by his side, even if he is in the clutches of the vicious female supporting character, he still treats the heroine What a loving supporting actor!

How could there not be a little ambiguity that would make one blush and make one's heart beat?

So where did it go last night?

As a result, before Rong Si asked, the girl named Xiaoyue, who had been robbed of the role of junior sister by Qin Kefei, sneaked over and recounted what happened last night in a more elaborate manner.

Rong Si could almost restore the truth of the incident by deleting and subtracting by herself.

It turned out that the male and female protagonists escaped last night, which caused the crew to call it a day early, and Qin Kefei's Zhuo Feibai, the president of a listed company, did not come to see her because he had to deal with some things, so she just followed the crew. We went to a small restaurant at the foot of the mountain and had some good food together.

There are many wild animals and fungi here on the mountainside, including local chickens, ducks, fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs raised by farmers at the foot of the mountain. It can be said that a group of people will have a lot of fun eating, especially when the director said that this The meal was credited to Rong Si, which she said before leaving, and everyone ate more happily.

But who would have thought that great joy can lead to sorrow. When they were about to eat, a group of people came down from the mountain. A group of people came in a menacing manner. They came to ask the restaurant owner for debts. The boss said that he would pay back part of it first, but he also shouted that he would not do it. It was so noisy. Even the store owner's three-year-old daughter was scared to tears.

Originally, it had nothing to do with the group of people who were eating. It would be fine if they just let the group of people make a fuss and leave. Who would have thought that Qin Kefei would rush out directly at this time and kill the crying little girl. He held her in his arms and accused those people of asking for debts. How could they scare children? He also said that they were just gangsters and there was no such thing as them asking for debts!

It's okay now. The group of people grabbed Qin Kefei and refused to let her go. They insisted that she stay and drink with her. After drinking these three glasses of wine, they left immediately.

That kind of thing is more like a big bowl than a cup. Qin Kefei would probably be drunk to death if she drank these three big bowls. Basically no one in the crew dared to stand up. In the end, Qiao Mo walked forward directly, Before the others could react, he drank the three bowls of wine in a few seconds. After being cheered by the group of people, he fell to the ground as soon as he walked out of the restaurant and has not woken up until now. Qin Kefei He was always in the room taking care of him.

Note that that is the room where Rong Si has been resting.

The two of them haven't come out yet, who knows what happened inside!

Hearing this, Rong Si turned her head and glanced at Xiaoyue, who could not hold back the gloating deep in her eyes. She saw the excitement in the other person's eyes slowly fade away, and slowly lowered his head. Then he turned to look at the room where he was resting. , and then walked over amidst everyone's hidden gazes.

As soon as she pushed the door open, her brows immediately furrowed. With such a strong smell of alcohol, she was afraid that she would not be able to keep the room and everything in it. It smelled disgusting.

She stood at the door and waited for the smell inside to dissipate, then frowned and walked in.

As soon as he entered, he saw two people lying on his bed. Qin Kefei, who had a blushing face, was lying where she had been sleeping. Her hand was held tightly by Qiao Mo and placed on top of her. On the chest, the little head is leaning on Qiao Mo's shoulder. It has to be said that although they are also siblings, Qiao Mo and Qin Kefei are so harmonious together, just like a couple in the entertainment industry. The struggling young couple helps each other and shows off their affection from time to time. Unlike with her, you can tell at a glance that the other person is the pretty boy you kept, or the kind of pretty boy who endures humiliation and bears the burden.

Rong Si was amused by the imagination in her mind. She raised the corner of her mouth slightly. She took two steps forward and reached out to pinch Qiao Mo's nose. When the other party woke up suddenly because he couldn't breathe, he opened his eyes. , and immediately saw the condescending Rong Si, smiling but not smiling, standing by the bed, looking at him with arms folded.

Anyway, he would see her every day when he woke up. Qiao Mo had already gotten used to it. He frowned subconsciously, and soon felt that something was wrong. He turned around suddenly, and then suddenly shook his head as if he had been stung by something. It bounced, not to mention, it bounced pretty high.

Rong Si raised her eyebrows.

Qin Kefei was not dead, so she was naturally awakened by this violent movement. When she opened her eyes, due to her posture, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Qiao Mo, and a surprise expression flashed across her face. , and then rushed towards Qiao Mo as if there was no one around.

Yo ho!

Rong Si whistled subconsciously in her heart.

"You finally woke up..."

Unfortunately, before the beauty who threw herself into his arms even touched the corner of his clothes, she was pushed to the bed in horror. At the same time, she glanced at Rong Si in panic.

It was also at this time that Qin Kefei saw Rong Si,  his eyes widened instantly, and he sat up quickly, "Sister Rong Si, please don't misunderstand me, Qiao Mo and I have nothing to do with each other. Last night, I couldn't see the difference, so I wanted to show off. If it weren't for Qiao Mo, something might have happened to me, and then there was no one to take care of him. I just came to take care of him. Nothing happened last night. I only went to bed because I was too sleepy. What really happened? It's never happened..."

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