39. The end of the road for the movie queen (16)

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Qin Kefei, who was slapped, stood at the door for a long time without being able to recover. What do you mean? What did the woman just say mean? What is the role of the junior sister that should have been hers? What do you mean by stealing her role?

She had only played the role of a junior sister before, and the only role she had was in "Beauty Jiang Hu"! What's the meaning? Originally that character was supposed to be that woman? How can it be? how can that be possible? Ming Ming, Ming Ming Zhuo Feibai...

Thinking of this, Qin Kefei's heart paused, yes, yes, people like Zhuo Feibai don't care whether there is an owner or not, he just wants to see what he likes. He grabbed it, and even when he greeted the crew before, he might not even know that the role of the junior sister had already been cast. Of course, even if he was cast, the other party would probably not care.

Therefore, her previous ability to get the role had nothing to do with her ability. No wonder when she went to audition in front of the director that day, the director's attitude was so slack. He didn't say she was bad or good. He just said it directly. It's all about you. No wonder the entire crew, except Qiao Mo, has been very unkind to her for so many days. Some of them even often glared at her. I see, that's it!

Qin Kefei put down her hand, turned to look in the direction where the woman left, and softly said sorry in her heart.

And she really messed up the next audition. Ellie's role was a domineering woman. She went into the audition with a frown on her face, but of course she couldn't do it.

Later, she heard that the role was finally won by the woman named Guan Yue, the woman she met that day. This comforted Qin Kefei a lot. Maybe this was another form of compensation. Bar!

After that, Qin Kefei continued to work on the set, but it was a pity that she was a woman who wanted a backstage but no backstage, a company but no company, and was not even a graduate of a professional school. At the end of the trial, she only got some passers-by, such as A, B, C, and D. The role is just like Ye Xuange's at the beginning. This is a big gap for Qin Kefei, who has played the important role of junior sister before. She is often wavering on the edge of giving up and continuing. Sometimes she even thinks about just going back to Zhuo Feibai. , especially when being ridiculed and excluded.

It's a pity that Zhuo Feibai is not only not with Rong Si, but there is also a young girl beside him. I heard that she just graduated from the film school. If you look closely, you can see a hint of Rong Si in the girl's eyebrows. Shadow comes.

Rong Si could see such a small detail, and so could Ye Xuange, but it was a pity that Zhuo Feibai didn't understand it himself.

And "Beauty Jianghu" was also completely wrapped up at this time. On the day of the wrapping banquet, Zhuo Feibai brought his little girlfriend over to support it.

It's a pity that there were too many people here, and Rong Si couldn't take care of him. Instead, she and Ye Xuange acted like newlyweds, following the director from table to table, toasting everywhere.

Zhuo Feibai was so angry at his brainwashing that he left the banquet with his little girlfriend without even finishing the drink.

Looking at his angry back, Rong Si drank the red wine in one gulp and smiled even more heartily.

When Zhuo Feibai left the banquet hall, he turned around and looked at his girlfriend who was trotting after him. He lowered his head and kissed her hard. Unfortunately, the moment their lips touched each other, what flashed through his mind was Rong Si's presence. That smiling face in the hospital.

"Both of us were inappropriate from the beginning..."

Her words came to join in the fun.

Zhuo Feibai hurriedly let go of the blushing girl. He was thinking about Rong Si or Rong Si. He took two steps back, his expression a bit shocked.

"Master Zhuo..."

The girl bit her lip shyly and took two steps forward. Zhuo Feibai also staggered back two steps, then quickly took out his wallet and took out a wad of money, "Here, you can take a taxi yourself. Go home, I have something urgent to do now, so I won't accompany you..."

"Hey, Mr. Zhuo!"

The girl ran two steps behind and saw Zhuo Feibai pulling open the car door as if his butt was on fire. He sat in, stepped on the accelerator, and disappeared after a while. The woman was left stamping her feet angrily, and finally had no choice but to take a taxi and leave.

On the other end, Zhuo Feibai kept holding the steering wheel tightly, his eyes fixed on the wide road in front of him, because it was already very late and the place was relatively remote. There was basically no car on the road, and only the street lights were still winding forward.

Zhuo Feibai drove the car until he was halfway up the mountain, then he suddenly stepped on the brakes, opened the door and walked out. The mountain breeze at night was very cold, and while it made him feel more awake, Rong Si in his mind also became more and more aware. Make it clear.

This could be considered his normal behavior these days. He didn't even know why, but he started thinking about Rong Si whenever he had free time. He always thought about Rong Si, thinking about all the things she had been with him in the past. Looking at the other party's performance on the screen, and thinking about what she said to him in the hospital that day, the more I thought about it, the more I thought about it, and even when I saw Ye Xuange filming with her, I sometimes felt a little agitated. Uncontrollably wanting to step forward to destroy.

As for the little girl named Lin Yu, he just swore that he had no intention of starting a relationship with her at first, but when he saw her eyes and smile that looked so much like Rong Si's, he drove the car directly. He stopped in front of her, and this was another love affair that the media later reported about him.

Zhuo Feibai stood in front of the railing halfway up the mountain and lit another cigarette for himself. It wasn't until his feet were filled with cigarette butts that he suddenly realized, could it be that he really fell in love with Rong Si?

Does he like Rong Si? He likes Rong Si! He likes Rong Si...

Zhuo Feibai suddenly felt a little ridiculous. It was impossible for them, absolutely impossible!

He laughed, then his smile faded, and he lit another cigarette. In a short time, he smoked the entire pack.

Rong Si, who was drunk here, was helped into the hotel room by Ye Xuange. She felt the other party put her down carefully, then covered her with the quilt. After waiting for a long time, the other party gently pressed a kiss on her forehead. , then got up and walked away.

Rong Si, who had her eyes closed, heard the sound of the door being closed, and then she slightly curled her lips.

The key target is Zhuo Feibai, whose favorability is 90.

It seems that the conversation I had earlier had an effect. In fact, people have a bit of a mean temperament. The more you stick to him, the less he cares. The more polite you stay away, he will naturally worry about gains and losses. Of course, one of these degrees still needs to be grasped.

For example, the current relationship between Rong Si and Zhuo Feibai is in a state of aloofness. Although they can see each other, they are still friends, but their attitude is polite and distant. It is not possible to say that they like her, but it is impossible to say that they don't like her.

Thinking of this, Rong Si opened her eyes. The information she had sent out before should now take effect.

As soon as Rong Si finished her thoughts, Zhuo Feibai's cell phone rang immediately.

"Master Zhuo, something happened..."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Feibai dropped half of the cigarette from his hand.

"What did you say!"

The news only started to ferment on the second day. As soon as Rong Si woke up and touched her phone, she saw the headlines flashing one after another.

Bonjour's stock plummeted, there was a huge problem in the capital chain, and it was suspected that it was about to go bankrupt!

Zhuo Feibai will kill himself if he does many unjust things, and his billionaire will eventually become a millionaire!

In just one night, the news that Bonjour went bankrupt and that Zhuo Feibai was about to become a pauper swept all the headlines and topped the hot search list.

The system had previously reported to her that the juniors from the Zhuo family's rival family had made all preparations, but they just didn't know when they would take action.

Today, her "Beauty" has just finished filming and is about to be released. And Beauty is Zhuo Yue's most important movie this year. It's a cruel move to start on the second day after finishing filming!

Rong Si smiled, stretched out her waist, and sat up.

You must know that every company basically owes huge amounts of money to major banks. At the same time, it uses the money to invest and make money, repay the money, borrow money, and make money to pay back the money. Almost every company has such a capital chain.

And now the people behind it, just like Zhuo's father in the plot, directly cut off Zhuo Yue's capital chain in the middle, and had already established a good relationship. They must ensure that Zhuo Feibai never gets a penny again, and at the same time find Zhuo Feibai. People are tampering with stocks, disrupting the stock market, and finding people behind them to fan the flames. We must make this matter bigger. Among other things, we must firmly grasp public opinion and make everyone who watches the news believe that Bonjour is going to collapse. Zhuo Feibai is going to collapse.

Different from the petty quarrel in the plot that only belonged to the family, Rong Si directly involved two important families in Yanjing. Now the Zhuo family may not have enough time to take care of themselves. Zhuo Feibai's company.

It can be said that the current Zhuo Feibai is one head and two big.

But no one connected this turmoil with the previous incident of Rong Si being hacked.

Some people will lament that this year Bonjour is really in trouble. Previously, the leading actress was hacked, and now the company is about to go bankrupt. It's unlucky, it's really unlucky!

Rong Si was watching the news, while Ye Xuange and others on the other side were also paying attention to these developments.

It's just that Ye Xuange has been from another entertainment company from the beginning. Not only does this incident not affect him, it can even make him go further. The only regret is that I don't know if the movie with Rong Si can be made. Released.

When Qin Kefei saw such news, her first reaction was to call Zhuo Feibai's cell phone, but unfortunately no one answered. When she went downstairs to Zhuo Yue's house, the guard refused to let her in at all.

Rong Si looked at the time here and saw that around ten o'clock, she also dialed Zhuo Feibai's cell phone.

After two rings, the other party answered.

"Rong Si..."

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