Chapter 17: Substitute (Sixteen)

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Both of them almost simultaneously noticed the swaying Lin Yirou, and then Rong Yi immediately turned to look at Jiang Chengming beside her.

Seeing the complexity, heartache, and hesitation on his face, Rong Yi couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. She then turned her head to look at the almost collapsing Lin Yirou on the opposite side.

With a scoff, these Jiang brothers are really spoiled. The women they encountered before, including the previous Rong Yi and now Lin Yirou, made Rong Yi feel like the brothers' jerk scores were boosted with the help of these women.

People are always foolish. When love comes too easily and abundantly, they tend not to cherish it. The more choices they have, the less they will make heartfelt decisions.


Honestly, Rong Yi thought that in the original plot, not only the original protagonist and Jiang Chengming were scoundrels, but Lin Yirou and Jiang Chengming were also the same. In marriage, it was definitely Lin Yirou who suffered the most from their unequal relationship.

Girl, loving someone isn't supposed to be like this...

She sighed inwardly.

Seeing that Lin Yirou was looking at Jiang Chengming with deep affection and not paying attention to her, Rong Yi slowly let go of his hand. Sensing Rong Yi's movement, Jiang Chengming immediately lowered his head to look at her.

Seeing Rong Yi forcing a smile at him, "You guys talk, I can see that Yirou's expression doesn't look good. You take care of her first. I'll go back now. Remember to eat, okay? Oh, by the way, find a time to go home and change your clothes. Can't you smell it? You have a weird smell all over you... Well, I'll go now. Take care of yourself, take care of Yirou."

After saying this, Rong Yi took two steps back and then gave a faint smile to Lin Yirou before walking away.

Perhaps because of the hurried steps, she almost bumped into Qin Yi, who had just entered through the main gate.

After hearing Rong Yi's words, Lin Yirou was stunned for a moment. For a while, she didn't know what expression to make. She didn't expect Rong Yi to be so friendly to her, telling Chengming to take care of her and asking her to take care of herself. Compared to the way she talked to Jiang Chengming, it felt like Rong Yi treated him like a little wife. In contrast, she felt like an outsider, someone who couldn't fit in at all.

As Lin Yirou's heart was in a complex and inexplicable state, Rong Yi, after glancing at Qin Yi, smiled at him and walked away.

Perhaps because of the words Rong Yi said just now, Lin Yirou, who had been looking at her, even forgot about the pain in her hand for a while.

What's going on? Is she really crazy? Oh my, who let this lunatic roam freely without being sent to a mental hospital? If something happens, it will be a big problem!

"Don't... don't call the police... don't call the police, I beg you not to call the police. It's just that I didn't watch him for a moment. My son is usually very obedient. It's just that his mind is a bit unclear. I will definitely educate him well in the future. I will definitely educate him well. Don't call the police, don't call the police, I beg you..."

At this moment, a woman with many wrinkles suddenly rushed out, and Rong Yi noticed that she had arrived when she injured her hand, but she had been hiding and didn't come out. She only ran out when she heard Jiang Chengming say he was going to call the police.

Jiang Chengming remained unmoved by the woman's plea, and when he looked at the wound on Rong Yi's hand, he said, "Your son? He can harm people just because his head is unclear? Clearly, he's a lunatic. If something happens to others, can you afford the responsibility? After the police come, I suggest sending him to a mental hospital. Leaving a lunatic wandering around outside is not responsible. Even if you shed a few tears and say a few good words now, it won't solve the problem."

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