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Amara had been at her new school for about a month and she had settled in quite quickly. After the party all of her mates were teasing about her interaction with Liam Gallagher, as he was known to be very outgoing and sometimes an arsehole. Everyone but Amara could feel the jealousy radiate from Adam at any mention of Liam, especially after when Liam punched Adam in the nose and ever since they've been giving each other glares whenever they saw each other.

Amara walked through the school gates and saw her mates sitting on the benches around the corner of the school. She begun to walk over to them until she saw Liam leaning against one of the walls nearby by himself, looking aimlessly around.  The girl decided to go over to him and say hi since they were friends in a way. They spoke in form class and sometimes in the corridor, maybe even a text message every now and again. Besides, he was by himself and she felt bad.

"Wassup, chainsmoker?" Amara greeted. Liam didn't need to look up to realise it was Amara, he could tell by the estatic tone of her voice, but also the silly nickname she gave him.

"Alright." Liam greeted with a nod, standing up straight as she approached. "You're lookin' good, like always." He winked with a smirk.

"Oh shut up," Amara chuckled under her breath, playfully pushing his arm. They heard a couple of wolf whistles coming from the bench where her friends were.

"Oooo she's touchin' his arm, how brave!" Carl laughed, slapping Adam's arm, who refused to even look at Liam. His gaze was just on Amara, which gave her the creeps.

He had apologised a bunch of times for his actions towards her at the party, Amara forgave him despite Liam advising her not to as there's always a chance he'd do it again and no one would be there to help her.

Lara was giggling at the situation whilst Niamh was telling him to shut up. Adam rolled his eyes, "Yeah wonder what else she'll be touchin' next."

Lara's giggles died down and she kicked Adam's shins, "Shut up moody, go start an emo band or some shit."

Amelia couldn't help but cackle out loud.

"I should shove a bloody boot up his arse." Liam muttered in annoyance, shaking his eyes before ignoring them to focus on Amara.

"Part of me would tell you not to, but the other part of me would let you just to see how that would work." Amara smirked, watching Liam as he casually lit a fag on school grounds. "Are you allowed to be doin' that?"

Liam took a drag before blowing it out, "Scared we'll get told off?" He teased.

"I'm not scared, Gallagher." Amara replied almost instantly, poking his chest.

Liam smirked, god that smirk, it made her knees go weak, he took a step towards her, but she didn't move, "Alright then, Watson. Let's skip then."

Her brows raised unexpectedly, but she quickly hid it and shrugged, "Al- Alright then, trouble."

He chucked the fag on the ground, what a waste, putting his arm around her shoulders and walking away from the school. Whilst Amara wasn't paying attention, he turned his head and looked over at Adam, who was of course looking at them jealously. Liam smirked before looking down at Amara, his hand lightly squeezing her shoulder as they walked, most people had eyes on them two.


Amara and Liam went over to his house, but they walked the long way to pass the time, making her confused. "Should we really be going to your house to skip school?"

"Thought you weren't scared, Watson." Liam replied with a knowing grin as they went inside, greeted with a female voice.

"Liam? What are you doin' home already?" A woman came into the hallway, her hands on her hips.

The Junes | Liam Gallagher ° OASISWhere stories live. Discover now