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Once Lara had finally woken up from her drunken slumber, and Molly had infact not died in the shower yet, they all exited their place and stepped inside the taxi, which was gonna take them to the venue where Oasis was playing. Like usual, they were bombarded with cameras again, but Molly flipped them off and swore shit at them. Amara was excited to go see Oasis, despite seeing them so many times already, but each gig gets better and better as it means that they're getting bigger and better.

Once the taxi dropped them off at their destination, there were people outside who were already lining up to get inside first or last minute ticket buyers. Either way they went round the back, where luckily no one saw them, and headed inside the side exit.

Amara spotted Liam, who was yelling at the sound crew about his mic like usual. He walked away from them and then spotted Amara, his appearance getting more calmer when she approached him.

"There you are, I missed ya'." He lightly reached for her arm, bringing her close to his body and sliding his hand down her chest and then rested at her hips.

"I saw you this mornin'." Amara giggled.

"Well, you look pretty like usual. You'd look better in nothin' at all again, like this mornin'."

Her cheeks flushed red at the thought of them both in the shower this morning, "Why am I not surprised that you said that?"

"'Cause I'm the ruler of rash decisions, aren't I babe?" He grinned and pecked her lips, his voice lowering down to a murmur, "And the thought of you and that Albarn in the papers were killin' me. Sorry for actin' like a twat this mornin'."

"You don't have to apologize, I get why you were annoyed." Amara replied lightly, "I don't even remember half of it."

"All I want is you, love." Liam whispered, his hand cupped her cheek before he pulled away, but still took her hand, "I wanna give you summat. For winnin' your award and also just cos I wanna spoil ya'." He winked and she felt butterflies in her stomach as he dragged her over to the side.

"You don't have to get me anythin' Liam."

"'Course I do. I hardly get you anythin', but I wanna." Liam insisted, and they somehow stumbled across a brand new, dark purple guitar. Amara remembered when she used to love the old cherry, red guitar that Lara gave her that day in the garage when they started the band, however when the Honey sisters were packing their stuff to move to their new shared flat, it got damaged. Amara hadn't played the guitar properly since.

The girl thought it looked beautiful, but her being oblivious, she didn't realise that it was hers until he held it in his arms and gave it to her. She let out an excited gasp, "Really? No way!"

"I saw it this mornin' in the window. Knew you needed one, thought of you when I saw it." Liam told her with a smirk, seeming eager for her to take it and play it as well. Amara found it cute.

As she held it in her hands, it was as if her fingers moved themselves. She played one of The Junes songs, 'Sickly Sweet', feeling all refreshed since it had been a while since she's played. Liam admired how she was in her own world as her fingers softly moved from chord to chord. When she finished, she looked up at him with a smile.

"Private show just for me. I feel spoilt myself." A proud smirk was on his face as he stood up and walked up to her, his hand on her lower back.

"Maybe if you perform well today you'll get another private show." Amara said gently, sending a wink in his direction.

"I always perform well. So I'm lookin' forward to that already." He murmured, leaning down and kissing her, their lips crashing into one another. It was a deep kiss, his tongue laced her bottom lip before entering. It only lasted a couple of seconds as they had to pull apart before getting carried away.

The Junes | Liam Gallagher ° OASISWhere stories live. Discover now