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Lying on the bed, I was silent. The soft beeping of my heart monitor and lung support filled the room. Soft breaths could be heard as goodbyes were said and tears were spilt.

There were four of us together in the room, all of us praying that I would live another day, another hour, because none of us were ready to really say goodbye, just not quite yet.

I could feel my lungs aching, my nose clogging, and my heart pounding. I was hanging on by a thread that was about to snap at any moment, and I knew I wouldn't be able to see the girls again; I knew that I wouldn't be able to look out of the wide window from my hospital bed and see the rising sun one final time. I knew it, but they didn't.

I looked at their innocent and calm faces while they slept alongside my torture bed. My eyes watered with the memories that we had all experienced together. All those moments of laughter embedded into my life, making me wish for a chance of survival from this dying state. I would do anything to get up and laugh with them. My best friends. My sisters.

Suddenly, I could feel the expected pain as it started to get harder to breath, the beeping sounds became more and more frequent. My lungs were about to collapse, give out in my own body. I was starting to see double, and the pounding became louder, louder than my friends' cries for the nurses. The siren hit, and the incessant beeping was getting louder by the second. Little by little, my vision blurring until the point where I had to strain my eyes, just to barely make out the outlines of my friends' faces.

Cold tears slid down my cold cheeks and slipped over every jagged bump of my protruding bones. My hands were going numb and I was getting dizzier by the second. It was getting harder to breathe, and I could faintly see my skin going pale until my skin was practically paper white. The room was blurring, but it was starting to get brighter and brighter until the edges of my vision becoming white completely.

I only had a few more moments to say goodbye before it consumed me completely. I could feel myself being pulled to the entrance, away from where my friends were all standing. I didn't get to say goodbye and neither did they. There were a million and one untied, loose ends that I forgot to tie up, that I couldn't tie up. Before stepping into the entrance, I said to the girls the phrase that I had always lived by and reminded them of.

3rd P.O.V.

As she lay there raggedly gasping for breath, everyone held their breath as her last words were choked out before she went completely limp and the beeping stopped. Instead of the typical "goodbye" or "I love you, and don't you ever forget that".

She said a simple line that had played an important role in the girls' friendship and lives.

The three girls vowed that they would live by those words, just as their friend and sister had, for they would for try to make sure that they did. For their sister.

"Don't forgot mission 101... It must stay on your mind forever."

Mission 101 Heart CapturedWhere stories live. Discover now