[7] - A Death Wish

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♣ Ariadne's P.O.V. ♣

As Brook drove us to school, I was about to die. My limbs were about to fall off, and my muscles were screaming in agony. Every movement caused me pain, but staying still caused me even more pain. Basically, I moved like a robot, trying to move to rid the pain. In other words, it wasn't working.

"Ari, are you alright?" Brook asked in concern. "You seem to be in an awful lot of pain."

"Was it the workout yesterday? Come on, it wasn't that hard, was it?" El asked cheerfully. She actually looked a lot happier than she's been yesterday, which isn't really surprising. She's just always excited on the day after a furious workout.

"We're here!" Brook said as the school came in view. However, there was a slight difference. In our regular parking space, there was a black Ford Mustang, with the three boys casually standing next to it. I mean, seriously? Ian was leaning against the driver's car while both Aaron and Damon were practically sitting on the poor car.

Brook's knuckles whitened as she clenched the steering wheel. Thankfully, the students had been nice enough to leave another space right next to the Mustang empty, so Brook swerved right into the parking spot.

She stormed out, with El and I rushing out to calm her. Still, it was too late.

"Are you trying to declare war?" Brook demanded, walking right up to Ian. "If war's what you want, that's what you'll get. Remember, karma's a bitch." With that, she stormed into school, leaving us behind. She'd looked furious, considering her position she had worked hard for at the top was being threatened.

"So, ladies, care to help us around this beautiful day?" Damon asked, hopping off the car hood. "By the way, I didn't quite catch your name." That was definitely directed to me, but I ignored him, my muscles screaming in agony with every step.

"What's with her?" Ian asked, glancing at me every few seconds. My cheeks flushed. The attention was starting to get to me.

"We hit the gym yesterday, and she's not really an exercise person. The training was way too hard, so she claims her muscles are 'screaming in pain with every single movement'." El quotes, smiling at Damon. Weird...

All of a sudden, my feet lifted off the ground. My body groaned in agony as I was lifted off the ground. I just looked up to see Aaron carrying me. Without a single thought, I let out a shriek of pain, surprise, and embarrassment.

"Let go!" I cried out, trying to get my limbs to work with me, trying to kick him. "This is so embarrassing." I wailed, hiding my face in my hands.

"You're too slow. It's bothering me, so carrying you will definitely be easier." Aaron's voice was way too close for comfort, his breath practically on my face. Hiding my face, I stopped fighting him, my limbs much too tired to even bother anymore.

"Aw, you guys look so cute together." El squealed from my side. My hands were loosely down, and my eyes were closed. Still, I could feel a blush rising up my cheeks, burning its way onto my face.

"Come on, stranger. You have to at least tell me your name, for politesse." Aaron said mockingly, his body too close for comfort. Body heat was definitely something I wasn't used to or comfortable with. "If you don't tell me, I'll drop you." He said in a sing-song voice.

"Ariadne! My name's Ariadne!" I squeaked, my eyes flying open. Instinctively, without realizing the pain, I wrapped my arms around Aaron's neck, pulling myself closer to his face. The first thing I saw was Aaron's hazel eyes, staring down at me. At a closer view, I realized his eyes what seemed like shards of green, shining in his eyes. His breath was on my face, and my flushed cheeks only seemed to redden more.

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