[2] - Scarlett Phantoms

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"They've found us." Carl said, his voice a cautious whisper. Malcolm masked his shock with a calm front.

"How did they find out?" Malcolm asked keeping his voice leveled and strong. Carl was clearly not even trying to hide his expressions. His hands rubbed around his face and repeatedly grazed his hair that shone with sweat.

"I don't know! The SCARLETT's IT department was completely hacked. But it was no fool's play, obviously someone trained. Ex-military, we suspect. He left no traces and completely scanned and copied each and every document we had saved onto our computers." Carl explained, clearly showing distress in his report.

Malcolm slammed his hand down on his desk. His stringy black hair brushed at his eyelashes as he looked up to Carl. Carl inwardly flinched at this monstrous look that the CEO of SCARLETT obtained.

"Does this mean..."

"Unfortunately, yes. BLACK now knows every case we have worked on: every criminal we have eliminated, every agent we have hired, every secret we've kept." Carl said in a timid voice, fearing the upcoming reaction from Malcolm.

Malcolm released an uneven breath. "Give me the Hacker's code name. Anything he left behind. At least a message." He commanded. Carl immediately opened the file that he held. His eyes grazed through the data before scribbling something down on his handkerchief.

"BlaCkeYE" Malcolm whispered, reading off the handkerchief. He looked up to Carl and pointed at the drawer. "Bring me names of our contacted and online teams." Carl jogged to the drawer and pulled out a crimson red folder. Carl scanned through the papers and pulled out one. He politely laid it in front of Malcolm. Malcolm snatched them away from their original positions on the table into his hands. He read them in consideration. Typed on the paper were:


Malcolm shook his head. They all are just killers. Murderers, Malcolm thought.


Malcolm bit his lip in thought. 'Just assembled hackers. Not suitable for the mission.'


'They aren't trained enough. They had barely started two weeks ago.' Malcolm thought to his self, getting frustrated by the second.


Malcolm paused at this option.

"Carl get me more information on SCARLETT Phantoms and their members." Malcolm requested, his eyes never leaving the page. Carl laid the papers on Malcolm's impatient hand. Malcolm placed his recent papers aside, while his eyes devoured on the new information given to him.


MEMBER #1: Brooklyn Sparks
18 years old
Grey blue eyes
Dirty blond hair
Code name: Duchess Thunder
Current leader
Weapon of Choice: Gun

MEMBER #2: Amber Fay
18 years old
Brown eyes
Code Name: Silent Whisper
Weapon of Choice: Sniper

MEMBER #3: Ariadne Kaelin
17 years old
Violet eyes
Code Name: T0xic
Weapon of choice: Asus G75VW

MEMBER #4: Elody Raine Blayze
18 years old
Green eyes
Red hair
Code Name: DeadShot
Weapon of Choice: ALL

"Yes...yes!" Malcolm exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Carl! Come and look at this! They are perfect!"

"But sir?"

"Yes, Carl?"

"They are just a bunch of pretty girls!"

"Exactly my boy! They are unexpected and incredibly skilled. Brooklyn Sparks is the most physically fit person in the whole agency. Her leadership skills are undeniably the strongest! She has lead countless number of missions and succeeding them all. She, again, is the fastest and most flexible in the whole agency."

"Ariadne Kaelin is the best hacker and the most technologically advanced person in our agency. She can find any information. It's either online or in her brain. Her hacking record is 1.32 seconds. That speed is greater than most hackers across the globe! Her study analysis on products are thorough and precise, making her being able to reverse engineer any product given to her. A pure genius!"

"Elody Raine Blayze is the best trained assassin in the world. This is no exaggeration, Carl! Her skills and capabilities with each and every weapon are beyond the training abilities of anyone in recorded history. Her hand-to-hand combat aptitudes are unbeatable. Boxing, archery and shooting are all just games to her. Her handiness with daggers and knifes are clear-cut and indomitable. People fear to be on her bad side."

"Elody is Dead Shot. Code name given because she has never missed."

"Ariadne is T0xic. Code name given because she never disappointed."

"Brooklyn is Duchess Thunder. Code name given because she had never failed."

"Together they are SCARLETT Phantoms, the most invincible team ever joint." Malcolm bellowed dramatically and intensely. Carl listened in awe and veneration. He immediately stepped out of trance when Malcolm ended his oration. "Sir, they are due in training today at 6pm."

"6pm? I thought training starts at 4."

"Sir, they asked for delay because of their recent passing of their friend, Amber Fay. Today was her birthday. They are currently at the cemetery."

Malcolm's mood turned melancholy. Amber Fay had been a cheery addition to their agency, but a miserable subtraction. There hadn't been a single agent who didn't grieve for her.

"Carl, you are dismissed." Malcolm said, his voice barely over a whisper. Carl dutifully left the room. Malcolm was left in a dejected silence. He took in a jagged breath and calmed down.

"Scarlett Phantoms...our hope lies with you." Malcolm murmured.

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