[3] - Hidden Away

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♠️ ♦ Brooklyn's P.O.V ♦ ♠

The three of us stood in front of her grave silently before I heard Ariadne release a small and barely noticeable gasp.

Following her gaze, I saw the most mesmerising pair of sea blue eyes. It was almost as if I could get caught in them for days, months or even years. They seemed everlasting and never ending.

He was looking back at me with a smirk etched onto his gorgeous and chiseled face. He looked so sure of himself in his flannel red and blue shirt with jean capris that showed the brand of his boxers off, and for some absurd reason, I didn't feel disgusted at the sight of him; in fact, I felt quite intrigued.

He was standing with two other boys, both looking just as ruffled and smug as he did. Although the three boys were undeniably good looking, I couldn't help but feel like they were dangerous, like they would only bring trouble. And trouble was not something that we needed more of, not at all.

I looked over and saw each of the girls looking at one of the boys, each girl under the spell that each boy had set upon us. We were all caught in a web of captivation and beauty, and god knew that there was no helping us now.

Elody's attention was so captured by the boy with brown tousled hair and a strong chiseled chin. I wasn't entirely surprised by her choice in the three guys. I mean, boys with good jaw lines who wear v necks and jeans were always her type. No offense to her or anything, but her choice in guys or hookups was always quite predictable, very much to the point where it got quite boring. It was always just the same old same old. They were always attractive, there was no denying that, and the ones she chose always were some sweet eye candy. But it was always so predictable.

Ariadne, however, was as naive as a three year old, which is why I was so surprised when I saw that she was checking out, well more like staring because she was being so obvious about it, the guy seemed the most mysterious and dangerous. He wore a white v neck, a grey flannel shirt, dark jeans, black ray bans and a grey beanie on. There was no denying that his dressing sense was on point, and at least now, we knew that both his clothes and attitude screamed "Back off or I will mess you up bad."

I was the first one to break out of the trance I was in and speak up to the boys.

"Is there something you needed?" I asked them in the most bitchy and stuck up tone I could muster, giving them my traditional bitchy killer glare to along with it.

The arrogant one in front of me just smirked.

"Come to lunch with us, and then we'll see if there is anything else that we need". Of course, his two thugs just smirked back at us, and the mysterious one seemed to scare us all a little bit more. I mean, I even heard Ariadne let out a small whimper, hiding behind Elody who wasn't looking too happy at the moment.

Elody, deciding that she wasn't going to take any more shit from this guys, simply told them.

"Back off." Allow me to be polite and exclude all the more colorful and unpleasant words she used. This just made the guys chuckle in our faces, resulting in us getting pissed off at them.

Out of the my peripheral view I could see Elody's eye twitch ever so slightly, and that was always her tell when she was about to go in and kick someone's ass. I reached out my hand in a kind of "stop and calm down" motion to make sure that she won't do anything that she would regret.

I motioned to the girls to turn back around towards the grave and ignore the guys' irritating presence. I could tell that the arrogant one wanted to try and persuade us into going to lunch with them a bit more, but I ignored him.

We turned to look back at her grave. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that Elody was still fuming, so I gave Ariadne a look to tell her to calm her down, simply because I could never calm or comfort any of the girls. Elody was spitting out colorful curses, all in Italian which we couldn't understand at all.

It was always either Ariadne or her who did the comforting, that was their forte. No matter how hard I tried, I could never comfort anyone as well as they could.

I got up from the ground where the other two were sitting down by her grave, looking up at the series of endless graves that lay behind her's. I realized that so many people die, and it wasn't right of me to continue acting like her death would lead to my own. I was now the leader of our little group, and I had to support the other girls and stand by them like they do for me.

With determination running down my veins, I looked down at Elody and Ariadne and smiled, helping them up. We all turned around to where the guys had once stood. Except now, they were gone. We all smirked at the thought that we had successfully scared three buff guys off without even having to bust a few moves. We all made our way out of the graveyard with our heads held high, proud of what we had just done.

Except we didn't realized that the three boys were still there, hidden away from our sight, and tucked into the shadows where no one could see them.

Not even us.

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