[6] - In Trouble

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♠ ♦ Brooklyn's P.O.V ♦ ♠

Hearing the bell that signalled the end of the school day was like listening to an angel sing. I hated those three new boys; I hated every single one of them. Each one was worse than the other, and of course, they had every single one of the girls drooling over them which made their egos grow to the size of Mount Everest. They walked around our school as if they owned it. Well, newsflash bitches, this school is ours. 

Elody and Ari could sense my frustration from a mile away, so both of them shot me sympathetic looks. But I knew that sympathy wouldn't get rid of the three idiots that had followed us around the school the entire god damned day

Groaning I hit my head on my locker and let out a sigh before releasing the hatred.

"I hate those boys with burning passion. I hate them so much that I want to put their faces on my punching bag and rip them to shreds."

"Hey, at least one of them isn't your lab partner for the rest of the year" Elody replied sassily.

"I actually think that they are quite funny, but a little bit scary" Ariadne sheepishly said as she ducked her head down, as if afraid of what we would say in response to her opinion. 

I just let out a loud laugh before slamming my locker door shut. "Of course you would think they are okay and not so vile, Ari, sweet Ari. You couldn't grow a mean bone in your body even if you tried."

Her face fell at that, and I instantly felt bad for hurting her feelings. I knew that El picked up on that as quick as lightning.

"Not that it's a bad thing, Ari, it's actually a really good thing because then that means that you are a really good person." 

She wasn't as convinced as we'd hoped she would be, but at least now she wasn't feeling as bad as she was before. She shook off the hurt like a pro and looked up at us with a smile.

"We have to go; otherwise, we are going to be late for training, and you know what happens when we're late for training." 

We all grimaced and winced at the last part of her sentence, beelining out the doors and to the parking lot. Except, we didn't make it to the car quick enough because we caught the attention of the most annoying people alive. Yep, you guessed it. Dipshit, Jackass and Emo were all standing in front of us, looking as cocky and smug as ever just because they knew that they were blocking our path.  

"What do you bitches want?" Elody spat out with an annoyed look on her face. This only made them smirk back us, which in turn only made me a lot angrier. 

"Oh, sweetheart you know that you love us and our presence." Dipshit, I mean Damon, replied with a cocky smirk. All there of us laughed at his preposterous words and let grins stay on our faces.  

Jackass, I mean Ian, whispered something that was supposed to be funny into Emo's ear, making him chuckle. Our attention was shot like a bullet to them, and I raised one eyebrow at Jackass. 

"Awww, the kittens are getting angry. What are you going to do, scratch us with your little claws? Oh, wait no, they are just going to stand there and look pretty because that is all little girls like you can do." Jackass jeered in our faces, Elody and I let out a growl and almost jumped at the boys. Sadly, we were interrupted by the ring of Ariadne's phone, but it wasn't any ringtone. It was the organisation's ringtone, and that meant we were in big trouble.

Without even uttering so much as a syllable, we ran into my car, and in less than two seconds, we were zooming towards the car park exit. The only problem was that the three idiot were in our way, so I did the most rational thing I could do, I swerved to the side of the boys, and then, when they were behind us, I sped towards the exit. Leaving a cloud of dust to envelope the three boys standing with an awestruck look on their face. 

"What do I do! Should I answer it or what?! If we don't answer, it will be even worse or us!" Ariadne was full on panicking in the backseat of the car, and the phone was still ringing, the sound resonating and bouncing off the walls.

"Answer it, but put it on speaker" Elody commanded her. "You need to calm down woman, before you freak Brook out and she crashes into a tree or something" Her end statement made me laugh a little, before I playfully smacked her arm. Then, Ari's conversation began with our trainer at the organisation.


"You girls are late, very very late. And you know what happens when you are late girls, you have used up all of your remaining chances. No more leeway for you girls." An intimidating voice boomed out the speakers.

"We are awfully sorry, sir, it won't happen again. I -"

"Save your excuses for someone who cares. You have two minutes to get to the training centre, or else it will be worse."

"Yes sir, again we are - "

"Two minutes."

 And then the phone cut, leaving us all shocked, Ariadne's face went ten times paler until she was as white as snow, and I mean white from olive toned Ari. All I was thinking of was how the hell I was supposed to make it in 2 minutes without breaking any laws or getting caught. Oh well, fuck it, I break the law everyday anyways so who cares.

I stepped on the gas pedal even harder and slid so that I was in between two lanes and had no cars in front of me. For the next minute and a half, I sped past 3 traffic lights and 10 pedestrian crossings, managing to get there with 20 seconds to spare we all ran as fast as we could into the building's changing rooms. Without even having our hair tied into ponytails, we got whisked away by our assistant manager, Ana or as we like to call her Mom, because all she does is act like a mother, and then we are sent into the training room to face our doom. 

And for the next 6 hours, all we do was kick, hack and shoot until would no longer move. In a way, it was relieving, but in another, Ari was dying. While El and I were pounding our stress out, Ari was dying, trying to do more than one push up at a time. Even after that, we trained for another hour and a half before we were allowed to go home. 

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