[19] - Freak's Night

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♣ Ariadne's P.O.V. ♣

Hours, days, and weeks. All of those had passed since our last fight. Now, it was Halloween.

Everyone was clearly excited, and all the students were practically buzzing. All I could hear while walking down the corridors was costumes, costumes, and more costumes.

Halloween had always been a... special occasion. However, this was the second Halloween without her. On an annual basis, on Halloween night, we went through what we called the 'Freak's Night'. The main objective of the game was to literally scare the opponents. Since it was Halloween, we'd decided to keep it original by doing the game in a cemetery, ever since we'd been thirteen. Every single year, I'd been the first to completely freak out, usually by bursting into tears.

Then, after the game, we'd just do weird stuff in the cemetery, but different things every year. Last year, we'd pranced around the cemetery wearing white sheets and carrying lighted candles. That had sparked rumours of ghosts inhabiting the cemetery.

School itself was the same as always, except for the fact that Aaron and I were avoiding each other ever since I'd kneed him there.

Damon and I were slowly getting closer, bit by bit. It had been him who'd approached me, begging me to tell him why Elody was avoiding him. Ever since that fight in Brook's mansion, Elody had started avoiding Damon, as punishment for herself as to having forgotten about Tommy. Oh, and she was angry at him for some strange reason. Still, they hadn't talked, so Damon stuck with me. He always talked to me casually, as though I'd been his friend for a long time. At first, it had been uncomfortable, but by now, I'd gotten used to it

Considering Ian and Brooklyn never really got along, nothing's changed between them, except for the fact that Elody had slowly approached Ian. They were on close friends now, moving from strangers to weirdos to acquaintances to friends to close friends. Don't even ask about the 'weirdos' part.

Brook and Aaron? No. Brook had disliked all three of the guys, but she'd merely tolerated Ian the most because he'd chased after her. Aaron didn't even try, and Brook didn't want him to. Dark and mysterious was never really her type for neither friends nor boyfriends.

Currently, the bell that signalled the end of the day had rung, and I was organising my books in my locker with Damon at my side.

"So, Ari, doing anything special for tonight?" He asked. I'd finally found the reason why Elody was falling for him. He was sweet, in ways that only exist in gentlemen of fairy tales, like Prince Charming.

"Tradition." I said mysteriously, smiling warmly at him.

"I guess that means you don't want to tell me, huh?" He smirked. "Don't worry, I'm not going to pry it out of you."

"Why are you here, Damon?" I asked softly. "This is the first time you've ever walked me to my locker. Is there anything you'd like?"

"Elody." He said simply. "I want to have her back."

"That's going to be hard." I admitted. "You hurt her once when you punched that guy at Brook's party, and you kidnapped her at the worst time possible."

"Well, how was I supposed to know that she wasn't supposed to be out at that time? It's not like she told me." He sounded frustrated, tightening his grip on his bag.

"Patience is a virtue, Damon. I'll help you if you promise me one thing."

"Yes. Anything."

"You have to promise me never to hurt Elody ever again."

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