[37] - Disaster After Disaster

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♣ Ariadne's P.O.V. ♣

El and Brook were prepared, having been prepped by yours truly about the targets. As they were about to leave, I stopped them El, reaching my hand out and yanking her back by the wrist.

"Careful." I blurted out, unable to ignore my churning stomach as I felt nervousness trickle in. "I have a bad feeling about this." El ruffled my hair, giving me a smirk, and Brook simply nodded her head at me with a small grin.

"Don't worry, Ari. We're pros at this." El said confidently, pinching my cheeks and forcing my lips into a smile.

"Just think positive, Ari." Brook giggled as El left the room to get her motorbike ready. She leaned closer to me, whispering right in my ear. "Think about Aaron's love confession." With that, she left the room, leaving me as a blushing mess on the bed.

Brook had interrogated me before, and she held that very day over me to make me feel embarrassed again and again. She hadn't bothered asking El, both of us only knowing the bare minimum of what happened between El and Damon, but we both knew that El was comfortable enough with herself to hold secrets that she couldn't tell even us.

Unlike most days, today's mission was impromptu, meaning the weapons the two had were only the ones they used for training at home. Also, I was just sitting on my bed, not exactly sitting at the organization inside my usual room. Something was bound to go wrong.

Almost in auto-pilot, I left the security camera feed right where I could keep an eye on everything and set up the 3D map, planning every possible scenario in my mind. With my ear piece, I switched it on and called out to El and Brook. Instantly, they both answered, practically yelling over the roar of El's motorcycle engine.

"Almost there!" Brook called out. As soon as they arrived, they made their grand entrance, with the motorcycle and the dresses. Yes, I just said the dresses. This was one of the 'incognito but non-incognito missions', as I liked to call them. They were supposed to blend in with the crowd, not get noticed, and complete the mission in a party. Piece of cake, right?

As the techie of the group, I had my eyes on everything. With each and every security camera, I could see every last movement of any person in view. I could even see where either Brook or El was looking without too much effort, especially since I had a pretty darn advanced laptop.

Right now, I had my eyes glued to the screen, watching as the duo flickered in and out of the shadows. They were merging in and out of the crowd, taking a sip of champagne in one moment and chatting with someone in another. Whenever I even blinked, I lost track of them before catching sight of them again in a single moment. Since this had been my job since I'd been a child, I was used to just watching.

Our targets, Jonathon Lee and his partner in crime - also known as his wife - Bailey Lee, were casually sipping drinks as they chatted with one another in the garden outside, flirting casually with one another while hidden from everyone else. Brook and El had to sneak their way out to the garden that was restricted area for everyone but the owners - our targets -, but I knew that that wouldn't be a problem. As El said, they were pros at this.

Completely certain that they'd make it out of the house easily enough, I checked up on our targets, only freezing to realize that there were a pair of strangers standing right where our targets had just been. As soon as I noticed the glint of a sharp blade, I froze. Moonlight flickered off the blade that was glistening in the fresh blood of our targets.

The pair of murderers had their backs to the camera, but I jumped from camera to camera as I tried to get a glimpse of their faces. Surely it couldn't be someone from Black... Assassins from Black never beat us to our targets.

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