[29] - Smile On My Face

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Damon's P.O.V.

I let out a deep breath that I carried the whole car ride. Ahead of me held Elody talking animatedly to Ari and Brook. A smile lit her face while her bright green eyes shone in excitement. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, I just enjoyed watching her talk. Talk about the simplest things and how hard it was to read her. How hard it was to figure her out. That was part of the mission that was assigned to the 3 of us boys, but I just generally wanted to know. Wanted to know what made her happy, her sad, her angry and all that cheesy stuff.

But right now he had to do it. I had to ask her. Now or never. With another deep breath, I took off towards her. She noticed me quickly and waved me over. I gave her a smile and increased my walking speed to her.

"Hey Damon!" Elody chirped. Brook gave me a welcoming smile while Ari waved at me.

"Hey guys..." I started off. "Umm...Elody? Could I talk to you for a second? Alone?"
Brook and Ari shot Elody a look and stared long at her. Elody smiled big and nodded, teasingly shooing the other 2 girls away.

"Yeah? Whats up?" Elody asked. My fists in my pocket opened, moist from the sweat.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out..later today?" I asked. Elody thought about it for a minute or so.

"Yeah sure! So like a date..?" She asked.

Yes yes yes!

"Umm..like friends. Hanging out." I said instead. Oh god what was wrong with me! Elody's face look disappointed, but in a second's time she was back to normal.

"Oh ok then."

No no no!

"I'll see you at 6 then?" I asked nervously. I already messed this up from a suppose-to-be date to a friends hangout session.

"Yeah sure, 7. Where are we going?" Elody asked.

"It's a surprise." I said smugly ,winking at her. I might as well do something right!

"Fine, I'll see you at 6." She said. She went on to tiptoes and kissed my cheek. Then she spun on her heels and walked away to Brook and Ari who seemed like they were talking about something important. But all I could think about was the kiss. It was still a cheek kiss, but it was a development. An improvement.
I smiled to myself, the whole school day long. Ian and Aaron kept questioning me, but I stayed quiet. Counting the hours to 6.

•Elody's pov•
"So...he asked you out?" Brook asked while driving the car back home. Ari and Aaron were hanging out today. Lets just hope nothing as disasterous as last time.

"Not technically. He said it was like 2 friends hanging out." I said, biting my lip. Brook thought to herself, while I stared at her. I need an explanation!!

"It's probably a date. Maybe he was just nervous." Brook assured. I took a deep breath and sunk into the seat.

"Anyways! We have to get you ready!!" Brook said cheerily, trying to bring me to a happy state. A small smile lit my face. She knew how much I loved making myself up. Brook saw me smile and giggled to herself.

I let out a light laugh and let Brook drag me into the house. She led me to my room and opened my walk in closet. She brought her hands to her chin and contemplated deeply about my outfit. Eventually she pulled out 4 options she thought were the 'cutest'.

"Those are like what Ari would wear!" I complained, commenting on how plain they were.

"Yeah because they're cute!" Brook retorted, arms crossing her chest.

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