[24] - Feeling Good Until...

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♠ ♦ Brooklyn's P.O.V. ♠ ♦

Everything was different after that. It was almost as if everything had changed. Our aura had shifted. Everyone was suddenly cautious. Everyone was on edge. As if waiting for something like that to happen again. As if expecting it to happen again. Nothing was the same anymore. She had made sure of that.

Sometimes I ask myself how could she be so careless?

How could they always be so carefree?

How were they able to move on so quickly?

So well?

Almost as if it had happened years ago.

Instead of a few mere months ago.

Everything had changed. Nothing was as it used to be. Not like it was two weeks ago. Not like it was 5 months ago. Nothing was the same. We had changed. Our friends had changed. Our priorities had changed. But more importantly, our lives had moved on. And my friends had moved on with it. Leaving me behind. I feel as if I had lost them. All three of them. To three guys who we had just met less than half a year ago. And it was a horrible feeling. I couldn't believe how fast things had changed.

"Ms. Sparks?"

"Pardon me?"

"Can you answer the question?"

"Could you please repeat it?"

"Can you please explain to me your thoughts on any of the themes in the book?"

We were reading To Kill A Mockingbird in my Literature class, and right now we were doing the analyzing and discussing that comes with taking a book in your class.

"Good and Evil coexisting is something that may sound like a very foreign concept to a lot of the people in our society. We have labeled people as 'Good' or 'Cruel' based on the way that they look or speak or act.

Throughout our childhood we are taught to ignore or avoid the darkness that consumes half of mankind, and wrap our selves up in the blanket that is kindness. However what we do not realize is how naïve us humans can be. Some of us will look for the good in people, whilst others will only look for the bad.

Hatred and ignorance can consume us just as much as love and affection can. It only matters which feeling we decide to feed our thoughts and soul to. Both feelings are something that everyone will experience at least once throughout their lifetime. But for those who don't are labeled as either unlucky or blessed. I disagree; I think that feeling hatred and being judged by someone, experiencing some sort of evil balances it all out. You cannot live life only being treated nicely, and only feeling love. Because how can we know how love truly feels like if we haven't experienced hate? They are bound to coexist together forever. Just like Good and Evil are.

If we are not prepared to face the world that we live in after we become adults, then eventually we will be destroyed. Not being prepared for the outside world is what drove Jem to lose his faith in justice and humanity, and lead him down the path of disillusionment. Scout was able to maintain her faith, but it wouldn't be as strong as it was during her childhood.

Good and evil coexisting isn't something that we can prevent; instead it is only something that we can prepare ourselves for. So that we don't end up succumbing to letting ourselves lose faith in humanity. Because once we lose faith, then we lose all hope of making this world a better place. We all must learn how to appreciate the good qualities and understand the bad qualities that we find in the people that surround us. We must put in the effort to make sure that we see life through not just our perspective, but also that of those who love and surround us on a daily basis. 'You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-until you crawl into his skin and walk around in it' " I said my answer, slightly unsure and doubtful at first but then getting the hang of it halfway through and actually speaking my mind without fear or doubt clouding it.

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