[27] - Stupid Decisions

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♠ ♦ Brooklyn's P.O.V. ♦ ♠

Alex was a nice guy, weird but nice.

Ari and El had clearly been excited over having a new person sit with us at lunch and wouldn't shut their bloody mouths from talking about him. It was quite irritating actually; scratch that, it was very irritating.

Everyone was super hyped up about everything, except I wasn't. My mind was wandering and I wasn't going to be the one to stop it. It was that time of year again, Cheer competitions always managed to take all of the energy out of me and this time I had to come up with a completely new routine. I had been so busy with everything that is happening that I had completely forgotten to choreograph a dance routine for the semi finals in two weeks.

I stood up suddenly before stalking off to the dance studio in the basement of the school. Nobody really knew about this room because when the dance teacher left and got married they got rid of the subject on a whole. So no one ever came down here, ever, so it was like my little sanctuary.

I plugged my phone into the sound system and changed into a pair of black and white sweats with a black tank top with a fancy back and an oversized floppy crop top that was around 8 sizes to big, with my trainers. I tied my hair up into a messy high ponytail that ended up going to the side of my head and began to warm up to the funky up beat songs on my phone.

After quickly doing a 10-minute warm up and stretching out all of my muscles I begin to listen to the songs and decide on which one I want to choreograph the routine to. As I listen to the song I slowly get an idea of what I want to do. So I pick up my phone and dial in Jackson and Marlene's numbers so that I could have a three-way call with them.

"Hey you guys!!" I say excitedly

"Oh crap you're choreographing aren't you??" Marlene says with a groan

"Yeah I am, and I need your help with the routine, because I want to emphasize the flyers and make them the sole focus of the routine. And obviously I can't do the move by myself." I explain my idea to them.

"Ok fine hun we'll be there in like 10 minutes 'kay?" Jackson cheerily responded.

"Okie I'll see you guys in ten!" I said before hanging up the phone and getting back to work.

Ten minutes later, I'm lying down on the floor panting and out of breath from all of the jumping and flipping that I'd done.

Just as I fall to the floor and hug it, Jackson and Marlene decide to walk in holding hands and laughing at each other.

"Come on hun we have work to do, you didn't tell us to come over here for no reason, did you?"

"Ughhhh I don't want to move though.... I'm tired," I say dragging out my words hoping that they will just let me stay here on the floor and do nothing.

"Nope, up you get now, it's your fault for leaving the entire dance routine until the very last minute. You're barely going to have enough time to teach your team the actual routine and then perfect it." Marlene says sounding annoyingly intelligent

"Ok fine, just stop sounding so annoyingly smart ok?" I said in a whiny tone because to be completely honest I really didn't give a shit if I sounded like Brittany right then and there.

A complete two hours and a reluctantly ditched lesson of music later, we had completely finished the routine and I had it fully in my head so that I could teach it to the girls today at practice. Marlene and Jackson kept trying to get me to spill some gossip about the school's population to them. And of course like always they won, but I can swear to you if they didn't attack when I was weak I would've kicked their asses to the other end of the country.

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